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Everything posted by kenshin620

  1. Of course you'll have to make sure the enemy's chaos mammoth isn't closer to your own units! Might start getting chaotic if you ambushed.
  2. I'm going to assume for the command traits that it'll be like other chaos tables and have 3 "everyone can take" traits and 3 specific traits. Hopefully though they don't run into the SCE problem of the Generic Traits (or at least a few particular ones) are way better than the "forced" traits from the subfactions.
  3. Well the problem with the old despoiler rule is that many new AoS units lack standard bearers. This now gives them some extra punch against the newer armies, though now these guys will suffer against Oldhammer Cavalry/MSU (but I think thats a negligible nerf). But yea we already discussed a lot about the shaggoth. He'll probably stick to BoC allegiance or occasionally Slaanesh. On Bullgors, I think the MW will help make them less reliant on Rend buffs so you can give those to other units like Bestigors or even Warhounds.
  4. Might need to elaborate what you mean. As in does he have synergy? Well he is Archaon, he technically synergies with all chaos.
  5. I can see the Old Spice commercial now! ? Anyways though it is very interesting how this army may very well be the army with the most amount of Rend/Armor Debuffs Bestigors already have -1 Rend, then can get more via Shaggoth, then with the Herdstone means they'll completely negate 4+ armor saves. With Bray Shaman, there goes 3+ saves. Just don't fight Nighthaunt with that strategy!
  6. Under assumption that he can be slaanesh marked. Which I am assuming, be weird if he would get locked out of the 3 other gods.
  7. Well keep in mind he'll probably not be able to gain spells if not in a BoC army. He's still a wizard beast stick for sure, but I think Nurgle and Tzeentch will pass him up (nurgle really likes to have nurgle wizards, and tzeentch already has ogroid), and he can't go full khorne (obviously). Slaanesh might be the most interesting though as an alternative to the daemon prince/manticore sorcerer.
  8. I think faction splintering is "fine" as long as the army can stand on its own and given some more units and it makes thematic sense. Daughters of Khaine is a good example of doing it right. Army feels pretty substantial, plenty of good options. Can go full snake, no snake, lots of harpies, etc. I mean I would have also liked it if Assassins were also in.... Beastclaw Raiders, not so much. Hampered by low model count, must still abide by BEHEMOTH limits, no wizards, reliance on a number of finecast kits from 6th edition, can't take foot ogors. Though there are some that are case by case, in my opinion. On one hand, friggin Skaven need to get together (heck they already have 2 out of 5 allegiances that are "proper", only 3 more to go and they have a combined Battletome!). On the other, I think Bonesplitterz is alright on its own, but they could use an update. Like a Savage Warboss on Wyvern. Plus it seems that Moonclan will be on its own, unless they also eat Gitmobs. The only thing I'm very curious about DO though is whether or not marks are going to be a thing. On one hand marauders are a big part of many chaos god lists (more specifically nurgle since acolytes and bloodreavers exist). On the other hand, both Darkoath minis we have are Markless. I suppose maybe BOC is a testbed on having an army that can be either Undivided OR Marked without feeling gimped, aka current slaves to darkness.
  9. Well your friend is probably going to need lots of bodies. Thats really the only thing Fyreslayers do right now.
  10. Other highlights Shaggoths have their own Lore Bullgors have horn attacks Centigors have more attacks Tzaangor Enlightened gain a point drop when on foot (seriously that was a massive oversight) No idea. On one hand I would like to have them be battleline but then again there are so many battleline options now for BoC depending on your general so I'm not sure if that will be necessary. They might be good cheap filler though to have more ambushing brayherds.
  11. New Preview time! https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/09/12/12th-sept-beasts-of-chaos-preview-old-beasts-new-tricksgw-homepage-post-2/ For the lazy
  12. I dunno if it really benefits giving Skaven Marks. Pestilens have an excuse since they're all about plagues, everyone else not so much. Ah heck theres people who want Dark Oath to NOT have marks, which is slightly hinted at since both Dark Oath models cannot be Marked.
  13. Well judging from people are saying, GHB Allegiances might be in the camp of "likely to get their own book in some fashion eventually". Since Skaven have 2 already (one battletome albeit early, and one GHB) they seem ripe for one. I'd say the only faction that is in possible danger is old High Elves, made a whole topic about it. They are the only faction (not counting the unfortunate squatting of TK and Bretonnia) without any related AOS battletome or GHB allegiance and no repacks. In fact just trying to make a Swifthawks Agent army is near impossible with official GW since most models aren't even sold.
  14. Supposedly according to a FB post, BOC God Marked Battalions break the rules for allies. So it is a tentative Yes. Meanwhile Everchosen battalions are still crying.....
  15. If Shaggoths can be slaanesh, they'll make interesting Depravity Point banks, especially if they do not increase in points (they could though since they're now wizards. 160pts for a 10 wound wizard thats a combat beast is a little cheap, given the orgoid is 180).
  16. Bloodtsokers can whip any khorne unit (not just mortals) and give them +3" to run/charge and reroll to wound rolls of 1. Priests can give a variety of buffs such as +1 armor or +1 To Hit. Very few khorne armies don't take them, if not multiple.
  17. Waaaaaa? Well that is kind of unexpected. assuming it's true. Well time to pair Bullgors with some slaughterpriests and bloodstokers! So wheres the FAQ to fix Everchosen Battalions!?! ?
  18. Which is funny because unless you somehow only use the bare minimum and the battalion costs are tiny, theres no way you can fit a God Marked Battalion in as an ally in Matched Play. I suppose they were thinking of Narrative/Open play where theres no such point limits (though I think you still have to follow the 1 per 3 rule).
  19. The Battalion itself is NOT Khorne though. It is Beasts of Chaos. Legions of Nagash - Night Haunt is another example
  20. Too bad this isn't AOS 1.0 though so you can't stuff these guys into one of the other armies since it'll be so many points in allies.
  21. Yea thats what I meant, so far the khorne one is interesting. SCE stormhosts run into a problem that many of their battalions are not exactly great so they often can't get another artifact beyond the compulsory. And then theres their command trait problem. So many SCE players forgo stormhosts, unless you're running Hammers of Sigmar. Of course BOC have the advantage of much cheaper units so their battalions probably by default are cheaper.
  22. Also I assume that unlike Stormcast, choosing a Greatfray won't be as bad if theres some decent battalions. And if there isn't a Command Trait that is almost auto include....
  23. Now we're getting into the meat and potatoes. I copy pasta todays preview images here.
  24. Yea zombie parts (and maybe even FEC stuff) are a good way to make nurgle "plague zombies".
  25. I just hope they fix the weird dichotomy between the Herdstone and Ambushing. Granted apparently the Herdstone will now help with summoning and has some sort of range increasing armor melting thing.
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