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Everything posted by kenshin620

  1. I think if you want to run a unit of 6, on foot is a decent choice since you save 80pts (thats like a unit of centigors). A skirmishing unit of 3 might like the extra attacks a flight though. BUT I have very little to no experience with tzaangors! Thats just my gut feeling.
  2. Warscroll Builder doesn't really remove features. I can still select things like Khorne Bloodbound or Tzeentch Arcanites! I agree, there are so many things that rule in favor of RAI it would seem strange not to. 1. There are NO BENEFITS to god marks within BoC itself. 2. They made so much emphasis on Marks coming back to beasts in previews and mentioned giving a detachment to other armies both on warhammer community and social media. 3. In matched play, it is completely infeasible to fit in these battalions as allies even at 3000pts. Which is really odd since GW have been pushing for rules that are compatible with Matched Play these days (like Summoning) as opposed to 1.0. 4. BoC cannot be taken as allies anyways.
  3. I think you'll have to go with Allherd with an ungor spam list, otherwise you're going to have a nasty time with battleshock! Until the Herdstone kicks in.
  4. If thats the case then why is everyone bellyaching over Everchosen Battalions? GW specifically FAQed this and this The Nighthaunt example is a little on the odd side since there is no such thing as "Legions of Nagash" allegiance, but all the Souls War models can be taken in any of the legions as normal units. And Everchosen Battalions are [God Allegiance] Mortal Hero + [God Allegiance] Mortal Units. Many people loved using Plaguedtouched and Bloodmarked back in 1.0 for Nurgle and Khorne respectively.
  5. Technically in a BoC no, they can only take Slaves to Darkness as allies. Assuming the battalion stuff though is god allegiance ok, you can take BoC in tzeentch armies as long as you pay a battalion tax. But that means no BoC army, so no herdstone or spells or beast summoning and the other fixings!
  6. The problem is though is that there are no Battalions (currently) with 2 Allegiances. Currently the Warcrolls section says "this section includes Beasts of Chaos warscrolls, warscroll battalions, endless spells, and scenery warscrolls." RAW, all battalions are Beasts of Chaos only. If the Battalion said "This Battalion is both Beasts of Chaos and [God Allegiance]" then there would be a lot less confusion. But the only phrase is "Units from this battalion gain the [God Allegiance] Keyword. By no means am I saying they're not suppose to be used with God Allegiances. I am in the RAI camp, but we're all super nervous after Everchosen, Nigthhaunt, ahh heck even Clan Pestilens.
  7. Well it doesn't help the Preview week of of Beasts of Chaos specifically mentions "allying" (in a loose term) them to God armies (despite the problem of can't ally to Beasts of Chaos directly) and the FB page mentioned something about them not counting as allies but as full Marked units. So for the case of RAI they can be in god armies->the previews with the huge emphasis on the models being Marked. Remember there is essentially no benefit to BoC being marked within BoC other than the other battalion ability. For the case they can't -> Everchosen and Nighthaunt Battalions have been specifically pointed out, and also no one can technically ally with Beasts of Chaos. In the previews this is what was said Honestly this could have all been avoided if they went "ok Brayherd, Warherd, and Thunderscorn may take the [Chaos God] Keyword" rather than use the problematic FAQed to the chaos realms and back Battalion rules.
  8. Sadly fixed that for you. 3rd party Age of Sigmar bitz are basically nonexistent. Especially since many of these companies are focusing on 9th age proxies. Despite being pushed by gw as fantasy space marines, stormcast haven't convinced the bitz makers yet that theres a market.
  9. Well they can heal, but they need to use their battalion (1 wound on a 4+ per unit) or use the shaggoth spell.
  10. Yay I just saw the Warscroll update! You are a gentleman and a scholar!
  11. Well lets be real here, Azyr isn't exactly a shining example of "100% accurate". Unless it has been updated before the actual FAQ/Errata. I'm 99% sure RAI the god marked battalions are suppose to be able to be fielding in the God allegiances, it's just that the precedent thus far of "cross allegiance" battalions is "sorry thats an ally" (though BoC is also an anomaly since BoC themselves cannot be taken as allies). Especially since they specifically FAQ Nighthaunt battalions in Legions of Nagash. And the lack of actual official text in the BoC Battletome isn't helping! ?
  12. You'll have to wait to see if FW will get off their lazy behinds and update on which monsters will be Beasts of Chaos. They obviously can't do all Monsters of Chaos since some don't exactly fit like anything Skaven related. It would be kind of cool though if plague troggoths and ogors count, but I have my doubts. Don't you need 1 unit to be on the field normally per ambushing unit? So you'll need more units deployed in your territory.
  13. Yea thats my thoughts too, seems Desolation will be the go to battalion for brayherds and warherds, especially if you're ambushing. Though one must remember the bonus only applies to enemy territory. Be careful of alpha strikes into your own or neutral territory! Then the battalion does nothing except for extra cp and artifact.
  14. While I'm sure the DO update will contain plenty of new models, they're not going to retire the marauders. In fact I don't think they have ever replaced a plastic kit for the entirety of AoS. Gotta save money somewhere!
  15. No no no, the summoning itself is fine and dandy without CP. But one of the biggest draws to Allherd is their unique command ability that generates a new summoning point. So one one hand you'll be starved of CP, but if you play your cards right thats an extra 2-4 summoning points which can be the difference in being able to summon a chimera or something. That said you could ignore that if you roll good on herdstone sacrifices and just use Allherd for the better battleshock tests and the horde rending weapon.
  16. I think Allherd is a little trickier to use assuming you want to go all out on summoning so you'll need to save CP. But if you're going mostly Brayherd then I think its good. Though Darkwalkers seem so cool to make your opponent to never feel safe, especially if its say a mixed Order list/Greywater that is relying on its Ironweld artillery.
  17. Yea I imagine modern god specific gors would be more dynamic, not that the old ones don't look good. They still look pretty great after all these years! Googling pestigor conversions, it seems you can make a pretty decent ones by attaching gor heads and weapons onto plaguebearers.
  18. Which is pretty crazy given how Evocators are 5 for 200, so 40pts each. Theres no way one one extra attack and reroll hits against 2 GA is worth 40 extra points. And even if you go "well maybe the Incantor is worth more" to lower the points allocation of the evocators, it still looks terrible. If the Evocators are worth 60pts each, then the incantor man is 180pts.... No matter how its sliced, this warband seems like "buff you model variety" territory, especially since plenty of people have 3 ez build evocators. (Unless this particular rule writer is making a subliminal message that Knight Incantors/Evocators are under priced) Meanwhile the Nighthaunt Warband is far more reasonable, in fact their wizard technically is their cheapest native wizard! And not to mention the Leader is actually a very unique hero, shes not a carbon copy of an existing unit.
  19. Another example is Nighthaunt. You can take all the Souls Wars Nighthaunt models in Legions of Nagash. However if you try to use a Battalion from Battletome Nighthaunt, even if all units within said Battalion can be used in Legions of Nagash, they must eat into ally points (aka can't really take in a average 2k Matched Play game). Some LoN players who wanted to run Chainguard got really cheesed at that. Especially because most LoN battalions kind of...suck. UNLESS the BoC implication is "This Battalion is both Beasts of Chaos AND [God Allegiance]". But it didn't seem too obvious. Not sure if its AOS since its Bloodbowl, but the Nurgle Bloodbowl team has "Pestigors"...but they're really ugly almost bloated looking things. Not really ferocious looking, as compared to Tzaangors. But BB is technically a different universe.
  20. Heres the art of their warband. Man I swear it looks like they're suppose to crash into a game of 40k Kill Team!
  21. The Tzeentch Shadespire Warband looks pretty cool looking, it seems to be an Arcanite Wizard, a Horror, an Acolyte, and a Tzaangor, NO IDEA how the heck thats going to work for AoS though! Thats like what 4 separate units?
  22. So the Darkoath (assuming DO anyways) are also getting a Shadespire Warband. I mean no one other faction are unarmored barbarian humans.
  23. SUPPOSEDLY there is some sort of "rule breaker" text that allows the God Battalions to not count towards allies. Said text doesn't seem to actually be in the book, so it could be in a FAQ/Errata. Kind of like what happened to Space Wolves, but Space Wolves they flat out said they goofed up. They haven't been as official on this on the Warhammer Community site, we've been using the facebook page/stream content.
  24. Well it depends, what kind of list you wanna bring? An ambush heavy Darkwalkers? Smashy face rushdown? War of attrition with the herdstone? Most of the units in the book are quite viable so far, could be anything from a firebase of ungor raiders to fast centigors who can keep up with the thunderscorn. Maybe even toss in a chimera in case you need something that can fly.
  25. In a similar vein to Reaper Bones, theres also the sheer amount of Board Game Miniatures, many from kickstarters. While still not as detailed as War Game Miniatures, many boardgames have really ramped up the quality ever since the KS insanity from the 2011-2012 era (along with a lot of head aches of course because as it turns out no one had experience with international manufacturing, supply chain, and project management!). I'd say many of them are pretty passable for wargames, such as miniatures from CMON, Monolith, FFG, and more. It helps that 28-32mm is a very common scale for these figures (though the range can be from 25mm to 35mm). In fact the Zombicide Black Plague Deadeye Archers were so popular at being a cheap but decent quality undead/skeleton archers that they quickly sold out everywhere (I think they are now OOP).
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