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Everything posted by Acid_Nine

  1. for some of the problems I had with parts of soul wars, this is a terrible blow to the background. We need more authors like him who give a ****** about background material, and I can only hope that the split was a friendly one...
  2. That sounds like the single worst fluff decision anyone could make.
  3. Wow that is a long hiatus! welcome back, and I hope your games are pretty good! and I agree, That is the biggest hang-up I have with this faction so far. MAYBE they will show more, cause heck we don't even have terrain right now unless you count the mooooving mountains. Still, I am probably going to just consume everything GW will throw out me, but it would be nice to have a bit more.
  4. I don’t know? If they could take command traits or relics, maybe... but it doesn’t feel like an army with an unnamed fighter hero, mounted or not. Who knows, maybe the stone mage is the one that pulls double duty in that it can fight and cast spells?
  5. Gee, I dunno. Maybe there is a bloody good reason for it. kinda strange how we cannot talk about the news that’s affecting the entire AOS range but what can ya do. anyways, how about them Lumineth? Any rumblings about pre orders coming yet?
  6. Yea, and the irony is that we in the lumineth thread want one more hero in the form of a mounted lord or loremaster. In one thread we want more heroes, in the other we have too many.
  7. Alright, finished up what I was hoping to be my final pillar, but I don’t know how happy I am with it. I tried to make the edge on the left smooth but it just turned out to look ‘melted’ to me, something which I didn’t like. I don’t know how I feel about it, but I am kinda getting sick of building these things. Still, want to see what you guys think. also started to work on blocks again, but I had to throw three castings out because I used the improper concrete ratio. Turns out you need around 7 ounces to every 2 ounces water, not 6 ounces.
  8. I am just afraid GW will reach a boiling point with this. They never lower prices because of shareholders from what I was told, so if they just keep raising and raising the price to the point people with middling income can’t afford them, then they would probably see a bunch of losses...
  9. Man that price increase was expected, but it’s only for the bigger showcase models and terrain it looks like? And elite units, which is bloody perfect... ah well, i hope my 500 bucks I saved up for the lumineth will be enough for a 1k army.
  10. That price increase does not bode well... ****** A, it’s already hard enough to pick up units for me.
  11. yeaaaa, It's bad enough they had Volturnous fight against Gordrakk (or have him as a mid weight at any rate) but we had the Eidolon entered in the same class as the other gods, which as an idoneth player I can say he is nowhere near that level.
  12. you know, I don;t know if we have overhyped this army or not, but can we appreciate we made almost 90 pages before the army even launched? I haven't felt this kind of excitement since the Idoneth and Kharadrons!
  13. Hey guys, got a simple question for ya. I have had sigmar's head sitting in my to do pile for almost a year now but I have no clue how the heck I want to paint it. There are so manu different ideas that I just cannot chose. Anyone have any advice or tips on what they did? please share what color scheme you did, and why?
  14. Finally got the gold paints I wanted for the statue and floor, and painted my statue for teclis’s grand temple. Hopefully it will look good! Also making one final saphery pillar, but this time I filled the corners with a baking soda and super glue compound to make it look a bit more natural (hopefully) but got the picture of teclis next to the old pillar anyways. Only costs me about 3 bucks of superglue to make these things so it’s good to practice! Going to probably do the floor symbol in gold, but i’m Going to try the Auric armor layer over bronze to see how much I like it. now if only Walmart can restock so I can have more granite grey...
  15. ooooooor it could be a drop of water symbolizing the river? please?
  16. Yea, I figured this current release is all we get, so I was thinking of ways to make my own character, and I already thought about a stand in for Eltharion or a stone mage. I completely forgot about a stand in for the Alarith Spirit, though! that is a pretty good idea, I'll just have to think of a way to make it look like it would make sense. My local gaming group is good with stand ins, but they usually have to look like the model or be similar enough for the opponent to tell the difference. But, your examples have given me a few ideas. I could see myself going two different ways with that. both ideas feature either the Tauralion or the Griffon captain. I will try and be patient, but it doesn't hurt to have back up plans, right? Edit: the AoS deathmatch thing went up, but I wonder if the writer behind it fudged the numbers for Eltharion to win these duals, or if he really is that good of a duelist?
  17. I think this force has way too many Heroes (ironic, considering the lamentation in the Lumineth board...) While I would love to have a stone mage in my army, I don't see which leader would be the best either. The one that leaps out to me the most is the High Sentinel with adding an extra attack, but he is not exactly the best in Close combat. The Steedmaster looks to be pretty competent in combat with a good strength, is fast, and can attack up to 2 inches which makes him a lot tougher than other units based on forcing activation to get to him. The stone mage looks to be really good too, if you can get them in the right position, but I don't think it's good leader material. The hammers have a short movement but pretty good attack range of 2", which will certainly help survivability. The wardens have an insane movement speed and range, even if they have a low strength. The archers are nice, and the dawn riders could be good provided you stay on the ground. I dunno how I feel about this, I guess I'd have to play them.
  18. So I'm on the hunt for models that could represent what I imagined would be my character for Lumineth, but I'm running into a stone wall. If we do not get a swordmage (which is looking more and more likely, but I sill have hope) then I am looking to create my own hero of a stone mage. Problem is, What I have in mind of a hero standing on a meditation stone doesn't really fit in with what I have in mind. The only models I could see working are third party ones, such as the Last sword Dragon Guard Patrol (https://lastsword.com/en/producto/dragonguard-patrol/) or the Highborn Elf Prince from Avatars of War (https://en.avatars-of-war.com/collections/elves/products/highborn-elf-commander) Should I just wait and see? or do you guys think there is something I'm missing. I want to have a lord kinda modeled after marcus aurelius in terms of spirit, but I have no clue what model would fit the bill.
  19. You know, I thought of something sad... how awesome would it have been if we had the eldritch council models as well as the dragon prince? I would have loved to have these guys fighting alongside the army as part of the Lumineth, and would have filled out the roster quite handily! but, GW decided it shouldn't be...
  20. Are you planning g on putting it up on shape ways? I would absolutely pay for these.
  21. Aaaaaaand finished the latest pillar, will make just one more before I go crazy. Still, really happy with how this one turned out. Also finally settled on the floor symbol. I will just cut out a pice of card stock or cardboard and glue it to the floor, making it a lot cleaner than the tracing.
  22. Thank you on both fronts! the design of the pillars is from Miscast Terrain https://miscastterrain.itch.io/elven-waystone, with some modifications of the rune thanks to my Graphic designer of a father changing the symbols. Also did the saphery one, but may redo that one to be like this pillar.
  23. Guys, I cannot believe that nobody noticed that they teased a new unit today, right under our noses!
  24. The final thing about Malekith made me quite happy... especially the footnote. Old Maly must have heard this guy talking ****** about him, and stabbed him in person or something involving using shadows to stab him. Don’t mess around with WFB Bdsm elf hitler.
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