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Everything posted by TheHarrower

  1. Not sure if anyone saw, but it looks like the rules for Skirmish are right in White Dwarf. So this most likely isn’t the big Kill Team-esque revamp that’s coming later this year. Sorry ya’ll. I thought when the December issue was showing Skirmish, this was it. Didn’t realize they reworked White Dwarf which is exciting in its own right. Can’t wait to see what they do with Skirmish.
  2. This is why I don’t share info. People can’t read and blow things out of proportion. I specifically said whether or not it’s the full blown skirmish, I wasn’t sure. I figured it was based on what was in the back of the December White Dwarf. I’ll just go back to keeping it to myself.
  3. OK. So this not being the big skirmish release makes sense. I know a revamped skirmish is coming next year and I thought this was way too soon from what I heard. I’m down for a rework. Looking forward to the new White Dwarf. Lots of cool stuff in there.
  4. Those timelines look off to me as well. I heard Moonclan, Slaanesh, Dark Oath, and then Tyrion Aelves. They have swapped around the order before though. I know for sure a new Skirmish is coming. It was in the back of the January White Dwarf. Whether or not it's the full redone AoS Skirmish based on Kill Team, I don't know. I'd kinda be surprised if it wasn't.
  5. What’s so difficult about it? It’s all about positioning and the game will play faster as a result. There will still be units that can shoot and cast spells and such.
  6. Ah, OK. That makes sense. You just need the 2018 GHB. It has all the latest points.
  7. So I've known about the new AoS skirmish for quite a while, but I didn't expect them to announce it so soon. From how it's been described to me, it's Kill Team plus, with the plus being more of a focus on campaign play. Honestly, I'm totally okay with this and it's the reason why I stopped developing Forgotten Heroes further. I've had grand plans for skirmish ever since I worked on Mordheim back in the day, but alas there is no point with GW doing an official release. I can't wait until it drops. Bare minimum to get involved with AoS Skirmish right now would be the core rules (which are free), warscrolls for the units (also free), and the Skirmish Rulebook which is like $10, and Forgotten Heroes. If you wanted to do Hinterlands, you'd have to add in the General's Handbook since it makes you calculate your own points based on existing costs. I'm not sure about AoS28. That doesn't have it's own ruleset, does it? I don't much about it admittedly.
  8. Hey all. I updated to version 1.1 up thread. Kinda a pain not having the first page and having to keep updating and removing files, but it is what it is and I'd rather not create a whole new thread for this. Good catch. Fixed Gors to 2 points. I agree that Bestigors are a bit low comparatively, but it's how the math works. Ideally everything should have a new points cost compared to how it works in Skirmish. For example, Bloodcrushers in Skirmish are extremely good for their point cost, but that's beyond what I wanted to do with this and soon it'll be moot (more on that later). Tzaangor max unit size was fixed and there were a couple other tweaks I made as well. Let me know if anything else looks off.
  9. Thanks! The updated version has abilities written for each Grand Alliance, notes on Battleshock, Cover, Summoning, Picking Targets, and how to Calculate Renown. There are some Campaign Rules I am still working on along with notes on creating a Warband. Not sure when I'll get back to those though. This is considered version 1.0 and it's listed on the contents/credits page. As I release subsequent versions I'll keep renumbering it.
  10. Sorry for such a long delay. Took a long time to get this redone for the AoS 2.0 format and a lot of points changed. Here's the new files with all the points incorporated from AoS 2.0 including the new General's Handbook. It also includes updates from all of the latest Battletomes up to Beasts of Chaos. If there are any issues in here, please let me know. Still working on a quick 2 page ruleset for Skirmish. Once I have that done I'll post it for feedback. AoS2_Forgotten_Heroes_v1.1.pdf
  11. I'm working on it. Have a lot going on with the new edition just dropping.
  12. Maybe because there are no more rules of one and prayers aren’t the same as spells? You want anti magic? Grab a unit of flesh hounds with Karanak for a 30” with a reroll unbound. Summon in the free unit of flesh hounds with Karanak for another unbind. Take a Lord of Khorne with the unbind from the flesh hounds or a slaughter priest. You’ll have at least one anyway. It’s not that bad guys.
  13. If you play strictly daemons, then yes it’s sad face time, however, Khorne mortals will be fine. It’s obviously what the push is going to be as daemons didn’t even get a mention in the faction focus article. It will take a bit for Khorne to come back around, but for now mortals will be where it’s at. I’m in Azyr everyday and I didn’t notice anything different. What changed?
  14. Yep. I saw that. Updated Skirmish and Path to Glory rules are being released with Malign Sorcery. I'd imagine points should be in there. I haven't done anymore work on this as I'm holding off until that drops. Which kinda stinks since I had a lot done for the campaign, but it'll be better with the new points anyway.
  15. Points are all done. I still need to do the intro page and then all of the additional stuff for the campaign. Had to get this done today though as the campaign starts next Saturday. Take a look and let me know if you spot any errors. Once I get text and such in there, I'll start numbering the versions. As far as an actual campaign goes, what would you guys like to see? I'd be interested to hear your ideas. More soon.
  16. Thanks. Got those corrected. Kinda embarrassing forgetting the Mighty Lord of Khorne considering that's the army I play. Looks like a lot of the points for Nurgle were off. I borrowed the Maggotkin Battletome and fixed those as well.
  17. The source files are .indd for InDesign. I'll see about sharing them down the road. I play Khorne, so I started with Chaos first. Points are done. The actual layout and such needs a bit of work, but I'll do all of that later on. I switched up the format a bit giving Heroes their own heading and putting an asterisk next to units that weren't in Skirmish before like in the General's Handbook. Also, factions are based on General's Handbook 2017 as well as the points. The cut off is 150 points or 30 renown. Anything higher didn't make the cut. Please check and let me know if there are any errors or units missing. AoS_Skirmish_Chaos_Units.pdf
  18. I use Photoshop, InDesign, and Acrobat DC. Sure! Feel free to translate it.
  19. @Mr. White, Thanks man. Much appreciated. That's the plan. I'll probably leave this page like this as it looks like it belongs with Shadespire. The rest of the doc I'll make look like the Skirmish rulebook.
  20. Hey all, I've been into Warhammer Skirmish since back when Mordheim was first released. I've been out of the fantasy side of Warhammer for quite a few years (I was miffed after the End Times). Recently some friends got me hooked on Age of Sigmar and my 12 year old daughter got interested in the game. I wanted to start her off with skirmish before I invest too much money. I have a lot of experience with Warhammer skirmish. I wrote a sizeable chunk of the Lustria supplement for Mordheim that was printed in Town Cryer back in the day and I worked with Games Workshop on a number of warbands. Anyway, enough of all that. I'm going to be running a skirmish league at my local Games Workshop and stumbled on this doc when searching for campaign ideas. I think Rafal Maj did an excellent job on this. Sad to see that he hasn't updated this in some time, but life gets in the way and all that. I'm going to be using his initial doc as a basis for my league and I'll be updating it and releasing what I put together. First thing I did was convert all of the Shadespire warbands to skirmish. With the models being released separately from the game components in a couple weeks I think it's a perfect time to add them to Skirmish. Image is attached. Let me know if there are any errors in here. Also, if someone could compile any errors/missing units from the original PDF that Rafal put together that would help a ton.
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