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Everything posted by HollowHills

  1. I feel like the tone you've taken here is pretty passive aggressive, but I'm still going to answer. As most rerolls have been removed and save stacking now exists mark of tzeentch is extremely powerful on several units, such as Varanguard and Archaon. There are a variety of StD lists doing extremely well on the UK tournament scene including winning the recent Facehammer GT at element games. Varanguard + Archaon in Hosts of the Everchosen, Despoilers with a focus on daemon princes or also including Archaon. I also personally believe there is mileage in Knights of the Empty Throne. You are regularly seeing StD going 5-0 or 4-1 at major events.
  2. Do they totally ditch the models or can you still get the model only packs?
  3. Realistically I feel like we pretty much know 40k up until Jan. AoS should get Maggotkin of Nurgle before the end of the year. For specialist games it's going to be Harrowdeep and the Kill Team box. I wouldn't expect any big preview until their Christmas announcements, but hopefully a proper reveal for what Nurgle is getting.
  4. If it is Fyreslayers vs Deepkin that would be cool. They have had a couple of run ins as part of the lore and both are (relatively) small ranges compared to many factions. That said, I would be a little surprised as I thought we were heading towards the united dwarf book with new models.
  5. I don't want to get my hopes up too much. I was sure Idoneth would get a 2nd edition tome, a hero on foot and some endless spells which never came to pass. Some may remember my famous "Idoneth endless spells" comment 😳. So I'm choosing to believe the image is actually lava going into a river, not the sea, and of course heralds the inevitable arrival of phase 3 Lumineth Realm Lords!
  6. Can you like... give us something hype? I wanna feel hype about AoS but everything seems kinda weirdly on the backburner. Please Mr. Fang.
  7. The WD update is amazing! StD now have access to some of the cheapest and best battleline in the game. Iron golems gives you 10 wounds for 75 points that can easily be on a 3 up rerolling 1s with a 6 up ward. They aren't going to kill anything, but you have other stuff in the list for that. Untamed beasts are snazzy for a cheap screen and the pre game move means you can throw out some objective pressure or redeploy your screen. Also the marks of chaos are some of the most powerful allegiance abilities in AoS 3 and they haven't been changed. StD are an A tier faction right now and just got better. As for the heavy units, obviously Varanguard are exceptional but I still think you can make an argument for knights and warriors. It might not be a top tier list, but knights have a good balance of damage and survivability and can be buffed nicely with marks. Nurgle marked warriors can be extremely durable if you're interested in more of an attrition list. I've seen a couple of decent lists in both StD and Tzeentch that use chaos chosen. Not really for their damage, but for the buff they provide. As for the lore I'm not massively up to date but my understanding is that chaos warriors are elite troops who have proven themselves and have better equipment, but are basically just random men and women who live in parts of the realms ruled by chaos. Cultists are rank and file soldiers / auxiliaries from different cities under chaos. Slaves to Darkness is a catch all term for any human civilisation that is under the rule of chaos. Whereas the individual God armies are more specific, like secret cults devoted to Tzeentch or a particular tribe from Aqshy that worships Khorne.
  8. As far as I know it's not for selling original models, but neither is it for recast / knock off models. An example would be listing a creature Caster demon model as a "daemon prince" under 40k. I felt it was worth raising as: 1) Many, many people choose to use some proxy models in their armies these days. Daemon prince being a very good example of this. 2) GW have not chosen to pursue or raise an issue with this previously, so this represents a change in stance. I think most of us would expect them to pursue a business selling models clearly labeled as for use in their games, but up to now they haven't done so for individuals.
  9. So news is going around that GW has started actively implementing their new IP policy. Individuals on Ebay are having listings taken now and warnings issued for using GW keywords on their auctions, any 3rd party models / files that mention that they could be used in GW games are also being shutdown. It looks like GW are using their increased financial success to return to their old and extremely aggressive pursuit of anything they don't like the look of. I wanted to create this thread to offer a warning to anyone who might be impacted and to discuss if this has impacted you personally.
  10. I had like 24 Morrsarr painted 😢. At least I also have 5 sharks that have been getting the job done for me. I'm tempting to convert at least 6 into Ishlaen, but I'm wondering if it's better to hold off until the new book and see where everything falls.
  11. I'm jealous of 40k having a massive rumour that's been proven correct. Meanwhile we worship whitefangs reacts like starved dogs.
  12. No models previewed 😑 Sounds like chaos spiders too, which is fine i guess but I wouldn't get excited GSG peeps.
  13. I like when the Idoneth are seen as a nameless horror from the depths. Like in the Sea Taketh story, to the humans it's like a nightmare they could never imagine that comes out of nowhere. Their local sea festival is tied to the Idoneth harvesting them, but they have no idea. Then the Idoneth launch a whole raid on the KO to get one treasure back, no one knows why it means so much to them but they don't forget or forgive. Meanwhile The Court of the Blind King makes them seem totally dull dark elves that happen to live with Nemo.
  14. Getting excited thinking of all the options, ready for GW to squash my excitement previewing warcry warbands of thunderstrike stormcast and gutrippa Orruks.
  15. I've always hoped that if they expand the Idoneth they go with the Lovecraftian cthullu elves vibe. If you've seen the art from the Idoneth cards it's great and really creepy looking. Being able to play my Idoneth in an eldritch city of horror might actually get me back into Underworlds.
  16. I wonder what the background fluff about Harrowdeep will be. Like the story of the city of Shadespire and the mountain etc.
  17. #WetforWhitefang My dad who works for Nintendo says you are full of it.
  18. GW hate Idoneth now, they are Teclis IRL. Facts.
  19. In all seriousness it's pretty cool setting for the new season. Weird that the Idoneth were part of Beastgrave rather than this setting though.
  20. It's bad right? I don't mean power level bad. I'm sure Stormguard spam is going to do a job. There might be a Vindictor spam build and possibly some meme lists with annihilators. But it's the most bland and inspired rules I've ever seen in either 40k or AoS.
  21. The in app army builder doesn't seem to be very good. It doesn't seem to understand "battleline if" and reinforcement. Otherwise the rules and stuff are fine, I'm not going to pay for it unless they just make all the rules included as part of the sub. I will happily pay money for access to rules if it's done fairly, I'm not willing to buy every book that comes out at £30 rrp just to be able to check my opponent's rules.
  22. Paying once to use the app, then having to buy battletomes on top to even use their rules in the app seems trash to me. I'll stick to the alternative.
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