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Everything posted by HollowHills

  1. I agree that from a fan perspective Fyreslayers deserved more units to give them improved diversity. However, from a business perspective it may not be justifiable to release new units from a range which is unpopular and may continue to be so going forward. If the criteria for releases is that they will only happen if the whole range gets some new units, that might mean some just never get touched. It may be far easy to balance business with doing right by fans and agree that the minimum for all factions will be a new book, scenery and spells.
  2. People clearly do want that because otherwise they wouldn't be doing it.
  3. There is a named Keeper of Secrets called something the depraved in the Idoneth book. It is credited with discovering the idoneth and telling Archaon. Plus the masque is responsible for taking Volturnous's eye. So I think that would be a good named option.
  4. I do get why fyreslayers players are disappointed at no new normal units, but I do think that the new magma beast endless spell is one of the best made so far. The scenery piece is actually pretty cool as well in my view.
  5. A Zhaargrim Priest sounds like something that could be a real hero unit. Plus given GW want to give everyone endless spells and khorne just got them for priests... Fat gingers ahoy
  6. Whatever malerion and tyrion's elves end up looking like, I can guarantee it won't be aesthetically similar to 10 year or more old WHFB models. Aelves will probably get a combined tome and stick around for a bit, but they aren't going to be part of those armies. Malerion's in particular are more likely to be draconic shadow creatures than classic elves I suspect.
  7. It does look like something aelfish, but not idoneth. Idoneth details generally pop out the model and have a slight sharpish to the edges. Whereas this is indented design and very smooth.
  8. Agree, but I don't think Wysiwyg is a fun way to play if it stops you doing something which is easy for both players to understand, can be marked in your list and communicated before a game. Etb counting as meat ripper axes, skeles with swords counting as with spears etc. Its a nicer way to play. But different than if you said "my wrathmongers count as skullreapers" for instance.
  9. I'm 100% using my easy to build reavers as having meat ripper axes.
  10. If you have a warshrine you can take the priest that comes with it and put him on a 40mm base. He looks great as a slaughterpriest. If you want to use warshrine as well then either balance him on top (if you're not using him as a slaughterpriest) or put some etb bloodreavers on the shrine. I did this and it looked great (sad times I sold my old khorne).
  11. Hard to get that wholly within 8 of a stoker? Assume you can only have 7 per rank as a 32mm is slightly over an inch. So can you get 4 ranks of 7 plus 2 behind or in front wholly within 8?
  12. Regarding bloodwarriors. I don't think the issue is that bloodwarriors are bad, it's more that in the current meta there are a lot of cheaper units that can do the same thing better. LoN units like chainrasps and skeles, witch aelves, clan rats etc can have similar durability and attacks for less. Plus it seems like the stars have to align to get your blood warriors to their max potential. Wholly within 8 of wrathmongers, 16 of a bloodsecrator and charging with a battalion. Relatedly my issue with bloodreavers is they are built and pointed like a trash horde battleline unit, but they are on 32mm bases. Most units similar to reavers are on 25mm making it easier to buff them up and get them all in combat.
  13. Next two weeks of releases will probably be new CSM as most of the sculpts have been shown off now. From the stock advice that GW sent out it looks like raptors and cultists are not getting new kits. We can also safely assume there will be more vanguard space marines at somepoint this year. Last two warbands for Nightvault release in April and possibly one more book, spells and scenery release. Hopefully we get a nice diverse showing at adepticon.
  14. One word of warning about the warshrine. StD are highly likely to see a chaos undivided release and battletome. The warshrine warscroll could change dramatically.
  15. Getting anything useful wholly within 8 of a stoker seems pretty tough. It's probably the smallest buff range out of anything I can think of. My idoneth have a few wholly within 12 abilities that affect thralls (also on 32mm) and its really hard to keep stuff in range unless they are 10 man units. 32mm bases are larger than an inch so I'm thinking maybe at best you can get 20 models in if you have them ranked in 5s during set up and the stoker next to them. Good luck getting anything in range after one turn of moving or charging though. Chaos warshrine seems ridiculously good now, probably your most reliable way to get judgements and prayers off due to high wounds. The baseline prayer that lets you reroll all failed hits (no wholly within) is likely to be very effective. I reckon most lists will be running 2 battalions at 2k points. I suspect gore pilgrims plus one another. Having multiple artefacts is likely to benefit khorne over many armies due to the need to take multiple heroes. Consider as well that with gore tide you can happily have two heroes with unmodifiable saves if you so chose. If multiple battalions are likely to be used I don't see battleshock as a big issue. Bloodtithe generally encourages using small units with the exception of bloodreavers, bloodwarriors and skullcrushers. Skullcrushers with a banner now have a bravery of 8, which ought to be sufficient given they are 4 wound models with a 3 up. As such I think spending individual command points to prevent battleshock is likely to be more cost effective than paying the points for an exalted deathbringer.
  16. Glottkin gives them two wounds in a unit of 40 with a 5 up save vs no rend I think.
  17. I was thinking of having some dark skinned bloodreavers but I worry that might go badly with my white skinned bloodstoker.
  18. Mighty skullcrushers being as strong as they are is part of what is putting me off too. I had some before and they are just irritating models to paint from what I recall. I particularly dislike the legs being part of the juggernaut body which basically prevents easy sub assembly painting.
  19. I feel like a list that uses a big blob of skullcrushers with a slaughterpriest using bronzed flesh and a sorcerer Lord for reroll saves of 1 could be quite good. Add a stoker for plus 3 inch to move and charge with reroll all wounds... I can see that working at a tournament level.
  20. https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/AoS_Warscrolls/AoS_Skullreapers_EN.pdf
  21. The good news is all the new warscrolls are up on the GW New Zealand site. The bad news is... well it's more bad than good for warscroll changes.
  22. I wonder if you will be able to summon them back though. Or maybe there is a battalion or artefact to make them more reliable.
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