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Everything posted by HollowHills

  1. I think it's part of their current very aggressive business tactics. If you know something will stay in stock then you don't rush to buy it, but then after a couple of weeks maybe you decide not to go ahead with the purchase anyway. It's like how they give such short notices on releases, they don't want people to avoid buying a current release with the knowledge something else is coming up soon. By creating this limited supply culture with army box releases they can basically condition people into believing if they want something it has to be bought immediately.
  2. My main point was about stuff being overdesigned. Getting back to rumors my biggest fear for hysh elves is that they will have loads of extra tat on the models rather than being simple but elegant in a way that a lot of the older models are. I like deepkin, but painting them to a high standard was exhausting because of the sheer amount of cluttered small details.
  3. I don't get why people love sisters of Battle so much. The new models are the pinnacle of overdesigned. Fiddly to paint, fiddly to transport and while they look good as individual models they don't have a unified "pop" when all on the table. Personally I find all of GWs recent female sculpts a bit unappealing. You don't have much in the way of attractive female characters. They are all quite beefy and butch looking for lack of a better word. I much prefer sculpts like the daughters of Khaine or the other older elf ranges with long flowing hair etc.
  4. Lol. Also if the models are the same scale as aos (not a given) you will 100% get new cities of sigmar models.
  5. I would ban them for tournaments, because I run them and make the rules. For casual games people can do what they want as long as their opponent agrees. As it has always been since the dawn of time and as it shall always be. Anyway moot point. We get aos and old world warhammer so everyone wins.
  6. I would just continue to ban them locally and I'm sure most other TOs would do the same.
  7. We've just stamped out the last of the square base players in our local area (most have come onto rounds but still play). I hope this doesn't bring all that nonsense back.
  8. Hi all, Looking for some advice. I'm going into my last two games if an escalation league. I'm joint first place with 1 loss and 11 majors. My last two games are both against gloomspite (one squig list and one spider list) against opponents I would expect to beat. The battle plan is shifting objectives. My list is attached for reference. I'm thinking of going first if I get the choice of turn and summoning a big wood between the primary objective and a second objective. The goal would then to set up a defensive position and ride out the counter attack. 1) do you think this is a good strat? The risk of a squig charge and a double turn is fairly high, but I feel like it's worth it to get ahead on objectives. 2) If I attempt to summon the wood with the branchwych I have a 70% chance of success (assuming I position to avoid unbinds turn 1). If I cast throne with the wraith and then wood the chance is closer to 95%. Although I forgoe the chance of dryads. 3) option would be to drop durthu and take a TLA. This gives insurance if the spell fails, but is one less threat on the board. Thoughts? 2ktrees.pdf
  9. I don't think it's just about eels being good. The synergies designed to support other units such as thralls just don't work. Ranges are overally restrictive, buffs are often redundant, mechanics such as the res ability are too weak to have any benefit. I mean compare thralls at 130 to phoenix guard at 160. They have similar damage output (due to smaller bases on phoenix guard) but the phoenix guard are about 10x more durable. The idoneth book is terrible, one strong eel build has covered that up.
  10. The Gotrek audio book cast lists him as a chaos god.
  11. Wrong. Idoneth are in a similar, albeit slightly better, position to kharadron. In that they are a new model range which has a terrible army book. The eel spam build is the only viable way to play the army and that is mostly due to the inherent strength of their warscrolls rather than the army book. Thralls, Reavers, Sharks etc are dead units.
  12. Didn't they say that this year and it was quite ****** in the end?
  13. until
    Brighton UK 30th November Dice Saloon Unit 6, Longley Industrial Estate New England Street. Brighton, East Sussex. BN1 4GY https://www.dicesaloon.com/events/age-of-sigmar-samaritans-charity-random-doubles-tournament?fbclid=IwAR19b1OvjJm6ds3dQJoXGt4CMC0iEPEzBpgUzUYW_u4MvrmbeMpNPqD17O8 This is an Age of Sigmar random doubles tournament with a three game guarantee to be held at the Dice Saloon venue. Tickets are bought individually and you will be assigned a team mate on the day. The theme is making connections and getting people talking. That means names for each time will be picked out of a hat and you'll spend the day working together as a motley crew of implausible allies. The event is in support of the wonderful Samaritans charity and each ticket sends £7 to help them with the work they do. Please see https://www.samaritans.org/ for more info. All you need to do is bring at least 1k of models that makes a self contained army list. You can choose to bring more than this and generate your list in conjunction with your partner on the day. As long as each player has a standard 1k army list ready to go by the time the first game starts then it's all good. Event Order 10:00 - Pairs are drawn and lists generated. 10:30 - 12:30 Game One 12:30 - 13:00 Lunch 13:30 - 15:30 Game Two 15:30 - 17:30 Game Three 17:45 Winners and wrap up Scoring A major victory is worth 3 points, a minor victor is worth 2 points, a draw is worth 1 point and a loss earns no points. Having a fully painted 1k half earns 1 point for your team at the start of the day. Each 500 points of models destroyed in a game earns you 1 point for your team. Prizes There will be no store credit as ticket costs are going towards the use of the space and to Samaritans . Each winning team will receive a small prize as recognition of their achievement. The prizes are: 1st place overall, best painted individual model, wackiest team and wooden spoon. Army Building Each General should command a single thousand point force constructed as per the requirements for a vanguard in the General's Handbook 2019. i.e. 2 Battlelines, 200 points of allies. Players may not change artefacts, command abilities, spells, prayers and similar bonuses after the start of the first game. General Rules Rules for Coalition of Death will be used with modifications, further updates nearer the time. Scenery rules from the GH19 will be in effect. If at any time your team or your opponents’ team has no models left on the table with no additional units to set up after the game begins, the game is over immediately. Armies cannot double up on allegiance abilities, for example if a team contains two Tzeentch players they must share a pool of destiny dice. Each player (not team) generates a command point at the start of their turn. Please Note: Refunds can only be issued on tickets up to 14 days before the event. Back
  14. Event Title: Brighton, UK Charity Tournament Event Author: HollowHills Calendar: Events UK Event Date: 11/30/2019 10:00 AM to 11/30/2019 06:00 PM Brighton UK 30th November Dice Saloon Unit 6, Longley Industrial Estate New England Street. Brighton, East Sussex. BN1 4GY https://www.dicesaloon.com/events/age-of-sigmar-samaritans-charity-random-doubles-tournament?fbclid=IwAR19b1OvjJm6ds3dQJoXGt4CMC0iEPEzBpgUzUYW_u4MvrmbeMpNPqD17O8 This is an Age of Sigmar random doubles tournament with a three game guarantee to be held at the Dice Saloon venue. Tickets are bought individually and you will be assigned a team mate on the day. The theme is making connections and getting people talking. That means names for each time will be picked out of a hat and you'll spend the day working together as a motley crew of implausible allies. The event is in support of the wonderful Samaritans charity and each ticket sends £7 to help them with the work they do. Please see https://www.samaritans.org/ for more info. All you need to do is bring at least 1k of models that makes a self contained army list. You can choose to bring more than this and generate your list in conjunction with your partner on the day. As long as each player has a standard 1k army list ready to go by the time the first game starts then it's all good. Event Order 10:00 - Pairs are drawn and lists generated. 10:30 - 12:30 Game One 12:30 - 13:00 Lunch 13:30 - 15:30 Game Two 15:30 - 17:30 Game Three 17:45 Winners and wrap up Scoring A major victory is worth 3 points, a minor victor is worth 2 points, a draw is worth 1 point and a loss earns no points. Having a fully painted 1k half earns 1 point for your team at the start of the day. Each 500 points of models destroyed in a game earns you 1 point for your team. Prizes There will be no store credit as ticket costs are going towards the use of the space and to Samaritans . Each winning team will receive a small prize as recognition of their achievement. The prizes are: 1st place overall, best painted individual model, wackiest team and wooden spoon. Army Building Each General should command a single thousand point force constructed as per the requirements for a vanguard in the General's Handbook 2019. i.e. 2 Battlelines, 200 points of allies. Players may not change artefacts, command abilities, spells, prayers and similar bonuses after the start of the first game. General Rules Rules for Coalition of Death will be used with modifications, further updates nearer the time. Scenery rules from the GH19 will be in effect. If at any time your team or your opponents’ team has no models left on the table with no additional units to set up after the game begins, the game is over immediately. Armies cannot double up on allegiance abilities, for example if a team contains two Tzeentch players they must share a pool of destiny dice. Each player (not team) generates a command point at the start of their turn. Please Note: Refunds can only be issued on tickets up to 14 days before the event. Back Brighton, UK Charity Tournament
  15. Couldn't agree more to be honest. It's pretty silly to have an issue with the Fimir lore. I mean what do you think those slaaneshi beastmen are going to do when they beat Daughter's of Khaine? Do you think chaos mauraders draw the line at indescriminate murder? "Oh yes I will torment you and kill you in the name of the dark gods, but don't worry I won't touch you in the bad place". GW need to get over their squeemishness about anything vaguely sexual. That said I doubt the removal of the FW stuff has anything to do with their lore. They'd been selling the models for years.
  16. Most armies have access to some kind of deepstrike. Some can do it with any units, such as idoneth, stormcast or beasts.
  17. Anyone else watch The Honest Wargamer review of the Ogor Mawtribes battletome? I was a bit underwhelmed by the battletome but feel even worse about it now. Doesn't seem like there is anything in the army that is going to allow them to be competitive in the current environment. I also read through the ossiarch Bonereapers battletome and it's mad to see the difference in rules.
  18. The fact that the battletome is coming now does make me wonder if there will be a multipart kit. You would have thought the chance to sell a load of multipart new chaos units would be when their new book is launching. I suspect we may get the SC set released as separate boxes, but the same models, at somepoint in 2020. So hope you like monopose.
  19. As the creator of the thread, and I've said this before, I was being deliberately provocative to stoke debate. That said for me personally a hideously overpowered army would be if bonereapers had a 60% win rate plus a reasonably high meta representation. The only army that I see as being overpowered to an unreasonable extent at the moment would be slaanesh. So as long as OBR aren't as good or nearly as good as slaanesh they will probably be OK.
  20. Lol its not far off. Decent value in those boxes for those who want to start either.
  21. I find it a bit annoying. As the scenery doesn't cost any points but does give you an advantage, small or great, you have to take it. If you play a lot of games at home or have a car it's fine. Taking a box of scenery onto public transport to the store esch week isn't so great. I hope that if they keep it up they go for more stuff like the khorne altar or fyreslayers shrine. Relatively small, single piece that can be easily transported.
  22. Do you guys think a tyrant is even necessary? I mean I don't think he's bad, but given ogres will have bravery 8 or higher in combat and are 4 wound models I'm not sure how usefuk his command ability is. I wonder if you're better off banking the cp and saving it for inspiring presence. Otherwise the tyrant doesn't offer much utility. I was thinking a frostlord might be better, you get a prayer, a mount trait, a better charge and the beastclaw mortal wound trait. Plus speed and more damage. Something like... Bloodgullet Frostlord on stonehorn general Butcher Slaughtermaster Gluttons and ironguts Maybe a battalion so you can give the frostlord ethereal? Thoughts?
  23. Yes 100%. The sad thing is it has encouraged me to purchase less from my local store (which only offers a 10% discount) and buy more from the big online shops. The fact that the UK economy is ****** but they have significantly increased prices across the board is pretty ******. It seems to be like since they've got a bigger part of the market share again they've taken the chance to boost prices.
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