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Everything posted by HollowHills

  1. I don't think it's a great list, even talking non-competitive. You're units of Nemarti are too small for the Soulrender to be much use. He can only return slain models to an existing unit, that means the unit has to survive through a phase (possibly two phases as you can only return models on your turn) of combat. 10 wounds with a 5+ save won't survive a round of combat, even assuming they are at a 4+ save from the leviadon it's unlikely to be good enough. If you want to run Nemarti I would suggest two options: 1) Drop the battalion and run 20 thralls rather than 10. 2) Use a tidecaster general to reverse the tide instead of an akhelian king. Reavers are genuinely quite bad even in casual games, if you want to run them I'd suggest using them as screens and as part of a reverse tide army. Leviadon is also quite bad, but if you like the model he can do ok at a casual level. You also might want to think about including any kind of wizard just to have access to an unbind. Steed of tides can be a really helpful spell too. Just some small feedback as you said you aren't looking for anything competitive.
  2. Personally I think it would be cool if Tyrion kind of adopts the Idoneth, while Teclis has his new kids. It would make sense as Tyrion is blind, like many Idoneth, and was the one who spared them. Plus they are a much more martial culture than magical in many ways.
  3. Picked up 10 of these today. Don't really see myself starting nighthaunt and definitely not etb stormcast, but the value is fantastic.
  4. Sounds like a skip for me as a matched play gamer. Other than the new endless spells forbidden power was a bit ******. Personally I wish they wouldn't spend so much time on narrative products, but I know some people love these things.
  5. Maybe Teclis said to Tyrion he wanted to make some new elves and Tyrion told him to go ****** himself after all the other ****** he's done. That's why Tyrion isn't featured.
  6. They know, I don't think there is any chance of them telling sadly. NDA and all.
  7. I think it might be a dragon tail for Pointy elves.
  8. The campaign book could signal that GW are done with battletomes for awhile. Other than for the brand new army I mean. As far as I'm aware in 40k they stopped producing new codex after the first vigilus (other than the marines) and have just been doing campaign books. I hope not because I want a new idoneth book, but if all the factions get love in campaign books it wouldn't be the end of the world.
  9. Yeah, I agree. Unless the slaanesh corruption has some how been purged entirely. I think they will be allies. Ionrach Deepkin would definitely ally with them. Also recent deepkin lore makes them more friendly towards Tyrion and Teclis than before.
  10. Seraphon are in all the major lore events, even if only mentioned in passing. They've also had rule updates in each general's handbook. They are never getting squatted in a million years. In point the fact its been so long for them without a tome suggests GW wants to do more not less with the army.
  11. I think the range is going to be fairly large / pricey based on some comments an in the know friend passed on.
  12. Yeah I previously thought they hated Teclis based on the battletome lore. The new Idoneth novel makes it seem like they have a much more favourable view of Teclis and Tyrion than I previously thought though. It makes it sound like they still structure most of their laws and teaching on what Tyrion and Teclis showed them. Plus they still worship the old Asur pantheon. So in that sense the new elves are likely to speak the same language, worship the same gods and have similar academic philosophy. Either way it will be cool to understand how the new elves have overcome the flaws inherent to both Idoneth and DoK.
  13. I'd like it if Aelves were their own GA, I think it would make a lot of sense and be pretty cool. One big hope I have for this release is there is some kind of cool lore or interplay between these elves and the Idoneth. Afterall Teclis created both of them. Maybe a sub faction like the new KO one or cities where 1 in 4 units can be Idoneth or something.
  14. I liked lots of thiggs about WHFB lore, but the game was broken and the community beyond toxic. While there are some people who will say they enjoy both WHFB and aos, there have been so many salty WHFB players constantly trolling and wishing for the demise of aos for years now. So yes i want to see WHFB and its remnants die out from aos so I can enjoy the game we have. They are fairly common at tournaments. Not one of the most popular, but far from the least. I know quite a few people who have bought the army, but not as many who play them. There is always plenty of chatter in the idoneth fb groups.
  15. You always see posts claiming / speculating that KO or Idoneth sold badly and are unpopular. It's because they are the two armies, other than Stormcast (who no one can rightly claim as unpopular), which most represent Age of Sigmar as it is now compared to how WHFB used to be. They have the two most extreme designs which would never have fit in with the old game. Trolls and bitter WHFB players want to hate on these two armies for that very reason. However, if you look at how successful AoS has been over the past few years I doubt either of them sold badly. In fact they are both almost certainly more popular and profitable than several WHFB armies ever were.
  16. All your posts hate on AoS armies, just go play 9th Age. Loads of people like KO, they just suffered from terrible rules for quite a long time.
  17. So destruction vs order campaign book about the siege of azyr will probably follow the chaos vs death one.
  18. Unrelated to tomorrow or new releases I have a conspiracy theory about these two pics. I believe that one is the top end and one is the bottom end of an embaillor pain staff. What is an embaillor I hear you ask? It's an idoneth deepkin beast master who breaks the sea monsters that the akhelian ride. They are noted for using pain staves for this purpose. Here is my theory... 1) Embaillors are mentioned frequently in the idoneth battletome. 2) There is a short story "The Learning" specifically about Embaillors. 3) They also appear in the new Idoneth novel. 4) When the Idoneth came out they mentioned other models / designs for future. If you look at these rumour engine pics there are hints they could fit idoneth. The metal tassle attachments match those pictured on the thralls https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Namarti-Thralls-2018 and on the soulscryer https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Idoneth-Deepkin-Isharann-Soulscryer-2018. If you look at the second pic it could be a trident in shape with a tentacle design. The part that looks like a chain hanging off could be deep sea pearls. I believe the embaillor model design was completed ages ago and that's why we get so much detail about them in the written lore. I think it was specifically held to be a release as part of a box set like the other small heroes we see. As such I guess that in mid to late 2020 we will get a battle box with idoneth, a new embaillor hero, endless spells and a new battletome. Anyway this is probably ****** but was quite fun putting it together as a theory.
  19. If you look at the major releases for AoS over the last few years pretty much all of them have had trailers, hints and hype generated over a period of time before the actual reveal of the model range. It would be uncharacteristic of GW to buck that trend and announce a brand new army out the blue. So I think the best we can hope for is a trailer or hint of what the next big faction will be. That said if tomorrow, a ticketed event rather than a single preview seminar, contains nothing but SoB models we've all seen, an Underworlds warband and probably a single kit for Tau I will be disappointed.
  20. Yeah I agree. I had an issue with my cancellation where I requested it, cancelled the direct debit and then they started sending me debt letters. I had to escalate to GW themselves and surprise surprise it got resolved. I'm also suspicious of the fact you can sign up to join on the website, but have to manually email and get a manual response to cancel.
  21. I missed that. I'm finding it pretty hard to keep up with all the faqs and rule changes. I still don't think that summoning in a loc is going to be broken. There may be other restrictions that apply to the sub faction too. You might have to take a command trait or artefact that isn't that great.
  22. I don't think it's that easy to be honest. You / opponent have to cast 9 spells. That is likely going to take at least two battle rounds unless your opponent is also really casting heavy. Also unless the LoC gets a significant buff in combat then they aren't actually that scary to fight. They have very good casting, but adding one to your army means it can't know a lore spell. So it's only going to be shooting endless spells or warscroll spells. Lastly you also forgo being able to summon all other units. A lot of players would rather be able to summon some horrors onto an objective than get a LoC. Or do the old slaanesh trick of summoning a herald, who summons another herald and so on to get a back line objective.
  23. Well at least your not being a nerd about the semantically appropriate use of the word "tax". Was she the same as Allerielle? I vaguely remember the brettonians were accidently worshiping an elf goddess or something.
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