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Everything posted by Beliman

  1. You are not forced to put your units in the garrison. You chose to put them. But you are correct, if the Garrison has 15 slots, then a unit of 15 models can be put in. But if you have 14 slots (for whatever reason), then you can't (Source: Flying Trasnport rule). So doesn't matter, you can't kill your units using the slots in the our ships.
  2. Not sure if that's allowed because Garrisoning a building/ship means to remove the unit from the battlefield and assume that they are "in" the terrain or ship. If I'm 99% sure that a unit means all the models that are in that unit.
  3. IMO, it should be possible to kill your models. From Core Rules... that weren't written with the KO in mind btw (it seems that we are looking for an exploit here): "Sometimes there will not be enough room to set up all of the models from a unit. When this is the case, any models that cannot be set up are considered to have been slain".
  4. Not sure about that. It seems that it has 4 limbs.
  5. I thought exactly the same. But the Battle begins after the set-up (core rules: "Before the battle begins you must set up your army, choose your general, and use any pre-battle abilities."). You kill the Arkanaut before the battle begins but your units recieve their shares at start of the battle.
  6. Ouch, my bad. Si 20 arkanautas to run inside an Ironclad... It could be interesting. 14 arkanautas seems not really good... About the pistols, yep, I said the oposite /facepalm. My AutoC changed "can't" to "can" (not in english btw).
  7. IMO, 19 Arkanauts+Navigator should be better than 20arkanauts + Navigator. You have Fly High from the begining, and you don't lose Aether-gold. I don't know if 2 volleyguns+skyhooks are good enough for Fly High (pistols are 9", so you can just Fly High and shoot) even with aether-gold rerolls. Now, just some crazy options here: If you want to use the Ironclad to disembark arkanauts, why not remove Iron Sky Command for an Iron Sky Squadron? Give the Aether-gold from Urbaz to your Ironclad to kill priority targets and use the Frigates to redeploy arkanauts. Battleshockphase could be a problem for arkanauts, but you could split them in groups of 10 and use rerolls for being in objectives (or even aether-gold) to survive. Maybe remove the endrinmaster with dirigible suit for an endrinmaster (cheaper and can heal the ironclad) and an Admiral in the Ironclad (Reroll hit from the admiral and wounds with the Aether-gold), both heroes can pucnh some faces if the Ironclad is being charged. I've got a tournament too. I will try to play with a Zon list that could be fun. C&c welcome: Allegiance: Kharadron Overlords- Sky Port: Barak ZonLeadersEndrinmaster with Dirigible Suit (220)- General- Command Trait: Bearer of the Ironstar- Artefact: Aethersped HammerEndrinmaster with Endrinharness (100)Aetheric Navigator (100)- Artefact: Svaregg-Stein Illuminator FlarepistolBattleline10 x Arkanaut Company (90)- 1x Light Skyhooks6 x Skywardens (200) (OR 12 x Skywardens (400) with 1 Skyhook)- 1x Skyhooks6 x Skywardens (200)- 1x Skyhooks Units10 x Grundstok Thunderers (240)1 x Grundstok Gunhauler (150)- Main Gun: Drill Cannon- Great Endrinworks: Coalbeard's Collapsible Compartments1 x Grundstok Gunhauler (150)- Main Gun: Drill Cannon1 x Grundstok Gunhauler (150)- Main Gun: Drill CannonBehemothsArkanaut Frigate (250)BattalionsGrundstok Escort Wing (140)Total: 1990 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 105 Main strategy: 10 Thunderers on the Frigate (pew-pew), the Endrinmaster and Navigator in the Gunhauler with the compartments. 10 Arkanauts running to my objectives (if there is one in my deplayment zone or near it). Behind the Arkanauts, Gunhaulers+skywardens to counter-punch anyone. Basic explanation, nothign set on stone . Tactics: Split the whole army in three small death-stars: The frigate with 10 thunderers to remove slow units (4-6" movement). Gunhaulers to remove key targets (mages, and support heroes, looking for 5+ for mortals with rerolls from focus fire or even aehter-gold if needed). 12 skywardens for big punch (with aether-gold) or split them in two grups of 6 to abuse the Fly High (and beocme a bodyguards for my ships). Navigator to unbind and support the Frigate and the Endrinmaster to repair (and give more punch to the gunhauler, if needed). General flying around repairing, shooting and trying to survive. Arkanauts are there to bait enemy charges and capture my objective.
  8. The Iron Sky Squadron ability: ARKANAUT COMPANY units from this battalion can leave an ARKANAUT FRIGATE from the same battalion either before or after it has moved. In addition, roll 3D6 instead of 2D6 when making charge rolls for ARKANAUT COMPANY units from this battalion that left an ARKANAUT FRIGATE from the same battalion in the movement phase of the same turn. Can you disembark after Fly High? IMO, you can't because the Designer's Commentary Q: Some abilities allow you to remove a unit from the battlefield and set it up again, and say that this ‘counts as their move for the movement phase’ (or words to that effect). Do these units count as having made a move for the purposes of any other rules or abilities? A: No, it simply restricts them from making a move later on. Am I missing something? Or is just as it seems? We can't disembark afterFly High because it's just not a "move"? Can you still charge with the frigatte and then disembark (3" away from the enemy) and charge (because you are still in the charge phase) to another unite?
  9. Everybody knows that khemists are at the top of the magic phase!!!
  10. You already know the answer. We are talking about a product and a product can't "die", it is killed by the people that run's it (with everything known beforehand). Simple as that. Why go throw the End Times to blow the whole setting? Because Kirby direction. Why AoS with meme rules? Because Kirby direction again. And we all know what happened next. Kirby was kicked.
  11. I thing that we are talking about the same. Fantasy wasn't just another historical game with some magic. Even if the first book is just empire vs empire vs empire vs empire with some Chaos/ Orcs/ Vampires in the last page of the book, I would still want to see (for example) Dinos riding Dinos (even if any elf or a saurus couldn't ride any Cold Ones) in a Lustria campaign book. Don't get me wrong, Empire (even with the robo-horse and some steam tanks) and French dudes (with pegasus with "wings" that shouldn't fly) should be made like you said but let everything else be designed like it was before.
  12. IMO, you are going from white to black. And Fantasy was more about grey and I hope that they stay with that.
  13. Well, you never know when the next "Blizzard" will hit the market (umm that's not true, the next Blizzard is Riot, but whatever). But I was just talking about what I really would like to see. Btw, it's not about being popular, it's all about cycles. We have some RTS being developed at this moment (AoE being the main star), so we don't know what will happen in the future. Maybe Blizzard Activision will push a new Warcraft IV if Shadowlands/Overwatch 2 doesn't hit the mark (?)
  14. An Age of Sigmar RTS game that had the same approach of warcraft IV could be 10/10 game. Total war warhammer is a really good game (I bought the first one with all DLCs), but it's not my taste.
  15. IMO, we should look at the range to see where both loadouts can shine. The 18" rifles are really good vs units that can't charge after being shoot (units with 4-6" movement without movement shenanigans). The special weapons seems to be better to do damage (even without their inner buffs) and can try surive some charges with their fumigators.
  16. Can they split if they "flee" from a failed battleshock? I don't know if "counts as being slain" can trigger the split ability (it only requires to be "slain").
  17. I think it's in Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Core Rules (Updated 16/12/2019). Q: Some abilities allow you to remove a unit from the battlefield and set it up again, and say that this ‘counts as their move for the movement phase’ (or words to that effect). Do these units count as having made a move for the purposes of any other rules or abilities? A: No, it simply restricts them from making a move later on.
  18. Beliman

    Barak Thryng

    Runelord on anvil of Doom seems nice (2 unbinds with 2+ bonus). There is something cool in using old compendium Duardins too. Don't know if It could be any good but a pair of Duardin Bolt Throwers with a Lord Ordinator could be fun: 4 attacks at 38" hitting on 2+ (maybe with rerolls from Grudges) and every 6+ to wound becomes damage 1D6 and -3 rend. Not good enough for tournaments but but could be fun.
  19. I had the same list on my mind for over a week. I have the same list with three variations:Your list (6/6/6, the number of the beast) or 12 skywardens and 6 Endrinriggers (to repait the mini-star Destroyer) or 12 and 6. TOO MANY OPTIONS!!!
  20. Wow, thanks a lot. I didn't catch that. Don't know if it's intended but it's disgusting...
  21. What's the trick for DD and Battleshock and Rend? I'm not used to play versus any Tzeentch player (yet) and I'm still learning how they play.
  22. Can you loot some bone/organ/skin parts from the Celennar after you hunt kill him? My settlement could craft some bone weapons from that horns XD
  23. Being out of the battlefield is not an issue. Gotrek's ability just says "you cannot use spells or abilities on this model that would allow you to set it up again". And garrisons allows you to set it up later. BUT it seems that it should be legal to put Gotrek in any garrison (scenary) because it's tagged as "Scenery rule" and not "Ability". Same with our ships, it's an "Special rule". To bad that we don't have a tool to give the Marine Keyword.
  24. Even with the Marine Keyword, he has an ability that just stops him from using any spells or abilities that "Set-up" him again after deployment (and he can only be set-up on the battlefield).
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