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Soul Grinder


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Monsters and other big creatures in general can be a hard sell, especially if they're not contributing buffs or other abilities. 

I would send the Soul Grinder after your opponents Hero's. Soften them up with shooting and then try to finish them off in combat. Other Monsters and 3-5 model elite units would also be likely targets. 

Hordes can overwhelm with attacks though and Monsters just dont have the offensive power to fight back usually. 

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6 hours ago, Popisdead said:

Is that a typo?  Cause 1 Soulgrinder at 12,000 points isn't probably going to do much.

He means that in 12000 points of models in his collection, the only one that he regrets is his Soul Grinder. 

Obviously playing all 12000 points at once isn't practical. 

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12 hours ago, Aspirant Snaeper said:

He means that in 12000 points of models in his collection, the only one that he regrets is his Soul Grinder. 

Obviously playing all 12000 points at once isn't practical. 

That's still my point.  If you have 12,000 points of models, why is only one a Soul Grinder?  Get two, run them in pairs.  

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3 hours ago, Popisdead said:

That's still my point.  If you have 12,000 points of models, why is only one a Soul Grinder?  Get two, run them in pairs.  

If I find one soul grinder to be ineffective, why in the world would I invest in 2? For 560 points, I'll spend 40 more points and run two bloodthirsters. My bloodthirsters have been extremely effective solo.

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9 minutes ago, Ravepig said:

If I find one soul grinder to be ineffective, why in the world would I invest in 2? For 560 points, I'll spend 40 more points and run two bloodthirsters. My bloodthirsters have been extremely effective solo.

Yes.  I got it the first time thanks.

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I find them quite interesting. With the 16 wounds and D6 damage attack they feel like they should be a combat machine, but arent. They are however very manouverable with the run and shoot ability, and so I think it is a bit of a waste to use it as a slow moving tank when it isn't really. I like it whenever your unit is either underestimated or overestimated, because if someone thinks it is rubbish then you can make good work out of picking out smaller units/heros, and if your opponent thinks it is a big scary monster you can leverage of that to play up its significance, while trying to win the game with the units that are your real stars.

The 4+ hit rolls are just quite hard to reliably work with, it can quite easily underwhelm one turn then put out great damage the next. I will say that running it in a Khorne army with a bloodsecrator and if possible a nearby wrathmonger really buffs it, as you are putting quite a few high damage attacks then, and it is a much better value proposition.

I suppose the issue is that at the current price they may or may not perform so you want it to really match your army design and approach, and with a situational unit like that it is tricky to take because of how random the damage output is. It can reliably get somewhere because it is fast, and it might do some damage with its shooting, but when it gets there you really don't know whether it is enough. I think taking 60 points off it makes it a bit too good value, and it becomes a very each pick to make at that price.

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In 8th I had a good amount of success running a pair of Soulgrinders.  Also in 7th edition 40k, a pair of them, (or 3) did really well for me (even without the Soulgrinder formation from Curse of the Wulfen).  Two also removes the issue of only hitting on a 4+.  

I haven't tried them yet but I would only take them in pairs if I did.  Years ago in a casual 40k discussion with a buddy we really came to the conclusion two tanks are three times better than one. 

It is why I originally asked about having just 1.  Seemed like "why bother" if you have 12,000 points to choose from.  

It would be like running 1 Beastmen chariot and saying "it doesn't perform" but running 1+ pairs of them with Khazrak becomes much better.  I did well with 3 Tuskagor Chariots and 3 Razorgor chariots in 8th ed.

Just,. try to look at things differently is all I'm saying.  This game can really surprise you with something people don't expect to counter a meta.

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3 hours ago, Popisdead said:

In 8th I had a good amount of success running a pair of Soulgrinders.  Also in 7th edition 40k, a pair of them, (or 3) did really well for me (even without the Soulgrinder formation from Curse of the Wulfen).  Two also removes the issue of only hitting on a 4+.  

I haven't tried them yet but I would only take them in pairs if I did.  Years ago in a casual 40k discussion with a buddy we really came to the conclusion two tanks are three times better than one. 

It is why I originally asked about having just 1.  Seemed like "why bother" if you have 12,000 points to choose from.  

It would be like running 1 Beastmen chariot and saying "it doesn't perform" but running 1+ pairs of them with Khazrak becomes much better.  I did well with 3 Tuskagor Chariots and 3 Razorgor chariots in 8th ed.

Just,. try to look at things differently is all I'm saying.  This game can really surprise you with something people don't expect to counter a meta.

That's a good perspective. My buddy who runs a Tzeentch army summoned a soul grinder with no effort and basically just used it to bulldoze enemy units with its 16 health. That was fun to watch.

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I was thinking it looked quite attractive in a khorne list. 

You can put the +1 to hit from slaughterpriest and that improves the shooting and combat hit roll. 

Bloodsecrator banner for +1 to all the combat attacks. 

Just feels like it adds a lot to the model.

Problem is a Bloodthirster isn't too many more points and you're trading off a bit of survivability for greater damage output and the quintisential khorne model which is a tough call. 

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I'd be hard pressed to pick between a Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage and a Soul Grinder. The BoIR has the potential to go nuclear with buffs, while the Soul Grinder seems kinda mid tier. 

For some of the legacy monsters though, it got stat'd fairly well, but I agree that like most basic monsters it really doesn't add anything to your army. You lose wounds, damage output, and increase in the amount of potential damage you can receive. Unless it's got a few neat tricks like most of the Bloodthirsters thankfully have, they can really bring your force down. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I used two Soulgrinders in a Host of Slaanesh last night.


WOW.  Mystic Shield, they can tank and they were able to drag down anything I faced.


I think what is good about them for me is they could keep up with the speed of the army or well vice versa.  So the pressure of them in the face and the dual shooting deal with heroes I needed gone.  


While I cannot compare them to a Bloodthirster of IR I don't think a pair has lost anything from when I used two in 8th with a pure slaanesh daemon list.

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I think I've mentioned this in previous threads, but I have had some luck with the Soul Grinder. It does one of two things acts as a heavy hitter for my Nurgle army (which lacks some hitting power) or it takes on an alpha strike from the opponent. It sucks when it gets killed, but usually its easy to see coming and you can take advantage of that with the rest of your army. I tend to park it between my GUO and a target so it can cast its spell through the Soul Grinder to help it heal wounds. I agree with those here who posted that it is over-costed. I agree. I'm going to keep running the thing. 

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I've used a Khorne Soulgrinder alongside the Gore Pilgrims and with the +1 to hit from one of the Slaughterpriests and the +1 attack from the Bloodsecrator he goes from average to good.

His claw is quite good fun vs heroes when you get two dice to choose.

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