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How long does a 2k game take roughly?

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So at the moment we're playing 1000 point games because we're still getting used to the rules. However, pretty soon we're gonna be wanting to ramp it up a bit. Trouble is, we're on a deadline of about three hours to get a game in. Is that enough time for a 2k game in people's experience?


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That should be ok. They can take longer than that, depending on how long you take to make decisions etc, but most tournaments allow 2.5-2.75 hours for a 2k game, including setting up and handing in results so 3 hours should be plenty. 

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In my experience the single factor that increases time in a game the most is understanding of the rules. When I didn't know the basic rules/unit rules at all, a 1000 point game would take close to 3 hours. Now I can complete 2000 point games in under 2 hours. 

If you and your opponent(s) are comfortable with the basic rules of the game and everybody knows their own army's rules, you should have no problems fitting a game into a 3-hour window with time to spare, including setup and teardown.

Best of luck!

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So at the moment we're playing 1000 point games because we're still getting used to the rules. However, pretty soon we're gonna be wanting to ramp it up a bit. Trouble is, we're on a deadline of about three hours to get a game in. Is that enough time for a 2k game in people's experience?

We regularly play 2000 in 90 minutes.

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Yeah. IF I'm playing with a player that knows the rules, I take around one hour for each 1000pts we are playing. If it's a player who couldn't be arsed to have looked his own rules prior to the match it can easily triple up, like a dispossessed player who asked about his army's rules when HE had the warscrolls.

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I would say goofing around and talking about other things also adds a lot of time.

Also having an outside player spectate the game and ask too many questions (really this is OK) or worse, start giving suggestions and telling you which rules are right/wrong.

If you are both cheerful, non-complainy and don't focus too long on decisions, and no Kunnin' Rukk game will be 2.5 hrs when you are still learning rules or between 90-120 mins if you both know the rules.

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Knowing the rules helps — for your own units especially, but also if you know your opponent's army.

Having movement trays for larger units (or only fielding smaller, elite, armies) helps.

Having batches of colour-coded dice that you already know the quantities of can help (Rather than counting out 40 dice, if you know you have exactly 40 blue dice). Having somewhere decent to roll them so that you don't get a bunch of cocked/lost dice helps.

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