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Anti-shooting Spoiler Chaos Army


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I've heard this idea mooted in a few different places now, and there is something really appealing about it. Its not that it would win an event, but that it may deny that privilege to some of the spammiest worst offending lists in AOS right now. I think that is something I would enjoy. 

Its the 3 verminlord deceivers and 90 plague bearers list. Probably with cunning deceiver trait on top just to make the point very clear. 

My question, and reason for posting, is in 2k there remains 140 points unspent when totting this up. What goes in there and works for 140 points. Morghur? Deathmaster Snitch? (He'd have to deploy normally)

Interested to hear the community's thoughts. 



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Herald of Nurgle to give the reroll 1's for the PBs.  Just march in a way to try to affect everyone if possible?

Plague Priest, you may be able to hide him behind enough stuff to not get shot, then he can help the PBs do some wounds?

Slaughterpriest, may end up a target but that's a unit of shooting not working on your other stuff.  If not, he has the chance to force one of their units closer to your slow PBs?

Save the 140 and summon in a PB unit if one of yours goes down?  If you only keep 100 for Reinforcements, then you'd have 40 points for a Triumph that you will probably forget to use anyway. >.>

It does seem like a bit much to go for anti shooting, but I think the look on your opponent's face when  he rolls up with a gunline could be kinda cute.


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take wulfric and 40 marauders and park up on his back row turn two - kill gunline.

Or take compendium chaos lord or two and pull in whatever Slaves to Darkness unit you've got in reserve on any edge you want on a roll of 4 up.  knights or marauder horsemen should be pretty good for this sort of shenanigan.

In anyone whines about compendium then just remember sayl is a compendium character.

or just rock up with chaos dwarf artillery or hellcannons and target said artillery gubbins.  I will never understand when Sayl players get the hump when I pack away nice and just land dreadquake and  hellcannons and rockets on the table every time I see him.

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