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Next Start Collecting/Battleforce Boxes?

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I just finished my Ironjawz Battle Force the other day and began to think of the next set of Start Collecting and Battle Force boxes Games Workshop can start producing for Age of Sigmar. They have proven to be incredibly successful and a great way for new players to get into the hobby. As of now, we have: 

Stormcast Eternals
Skaven Pestilens
Flesh-Eater Courts
Skeleton Horde
Slaves to Darkness
Khorne Bloodbound
Deamons of Khone
Daemons of Nurgle
Daemons of Tzeentch

And for Battle Force:

Stormcast Eternals
Khorne Bloodbound
Beastclaw Raiders (Icewind Assault technically counts)

Swifthawk Agents (Spire of Dawn)
Skaven (Spire of Dawn)

A good variety, but clearly more races could use them. If I am not mistaken, the only other AOS armies that have not received a box set are the Everchosen (which is just the Varangard), Bonesplitterz, and the Fyreslayers. I can only imagine what or if the Kharadron Overlords will receive one as well. I believe GW has a great opportunity to expand on these and give each subfaction, including the lesser generic ones they won't touch for a while like Greenskinz and Slaves to Darkness, at least one or both of these bundles for anyone to start.

I personally would like to see Fyreslayers receive one, especially with the new points coming out in GH2, but I feel they would be better suited for a Battle Force.

What do you guys think?

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There isn't one for Arcanites yet. 10 Tzaangor, 10 acolytes, 3 skyfires and a magister would make a great set. Rotbringers would be good too, maybe Maggoth Lord and two units of Blight Kings. 

I'd also like to see the concept expanded to include older factions on new bases.

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I think EVERY army that has a battletome should receive a Start Collecting! box and Battleforce. And I really think it's in Games Workshop interest to do so. That's a great starting step that some struggle to make but this kind of incentive would really help. The other way there will be some factions less chosen by people. Let's say I like Fyreslayers but on the other hand Beastclaw Raiders are also cool. When I can have much more BCR for the same $ than Fyreslayers I'd pick the first. I think there are more people thinking that way. In months and years -> less Fyreslayer players -> less support for them -> less future buyers, because they are afraid of entering a dead army.

One reason I'm not going to 40k is it's lack of diversity among players. 30% or so are Space Marines. Boring. They get the most updates, new models. Special treatment.

So even I really, really like Kharadron Overlords models I will wait for a Battleforce or Icewind Assault kind of box (Start Collecting! at very least). If it doesn't happen sadly I won't own that army.

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54 minutes ago, Veterannoob said:

I'm really expecting that Fyreslayers box by June but unsure if battle force so they can get Magmabomb in or start collecting with vulkites, hearthguard and battle smith or possibly Grimwrath.

I'd really love it if they got some new minis if and when they get the Stormcast treatment. The range is pretty slim right now, and there's very little they could stick in a Start Collecting! without just upping it to a Battleforce, like you say.

Some mini-Magmadroth heavy cavalry in a sort of size/scale as Gore Gruntaz would be amazing. Three of them, 10 Vulkite Berzerkers and an on-foot hero would be pretty cool. I'd settle for the box you described though, or even just a price cut for the Vulkite Berzekers. £35 RRP for 10 battleline minis is just crazy talk.

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FEC does also have a "Battleforce" box (similar to the BCR Icewind Assault; I forget the exact name but it has the name of some count...)

I would expect boxes for KO and Tzeentch Acolytes to come a while after the factions have been released, once the hype has died down a bit - it makes sense for GW to only sell at full price initially, with the enthusiasts (myself included for DoT) more than happy to spend their money...


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