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Which Battletomes are likely to be re-issued?


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Going with the current way of how the battletomes are looking at how the current Disciples of Tzeentch and the announcement for Stormcast are set up. We might be looking at:

Free Cities - Humans, Duardin, Aelf combination, though it might be a bit to much as there are way to many subfactions to get that all done in 1 go.. So might see another one for roaming factions?

I think the Chaos gods will look at 1 each including the Skaven

Seraphon is a strong singular faction within Order so I guess they will just get a solo update

Death might be looking at 3 battletomes with the Mortarchs as their directions

Destruction might well be in the same section with Orruks, Grots and Ogors


Only odd one here is Fyreslayers as a small faction.. I can't really place them

And Everchosen, but such factions (also Deathlords) could just be kept stand alone to get the Grand Alliances as a whole up for armylists

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2 hours ago, StealthKnightSteg said:

Free Cities - Humans, Duardin, Aelf combination, though it might be a bit to much as there are way to many subfactions to get that all done in 1 go.. So might see another one for roaming factions?


Free Cities and then People of the Realms / Survivors of the Wastes?

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I could see them releasing battletomes based on race, so Humans, Elves, Duardian, etc. with the factions seperated but 'united'.

Having said that, with so many subfactions im not sure how they'd manage potential model releases for the assumed DoT style battletomes, especially for things like Aelves. 





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2 hours ago, GreenMarine said:

I wasn't really asking "What battletomes are coming up" but more "which ones will get re-released with new relics / disciplines of magic." To bring them up to date with the other armies.

Honestly, I expect only stormcast. 

I just can't see them giving the same treatment to the non poster boys. I wouldn't expect FEC or Seraphon to get an updated battletome until the army gets a rework either in battletome duardin or battletome demon space lizards or whatever seraphon will be in

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3 hours ago, TerrorPenguin said:

Honestly, I expect only stormcast. 

I just can't see them giving the same treatment to the non poster boys. I wouldn't expect FEC or Seraphon to get an updated battletome until the army gets a rework either in battletome duardin or battletome demon space lizards or whatever seraphon will be in

Stormcast are getting new units which would have been accompanied by a battletome (like extremis). So given how the mood of the player base and GW are flowing, they have probably decided to redo the tome and beef it out.

So I don't think stormcast would have got this now at all if they weren't also getting another 5 or 6 warscrolls of units.

I think that could apply to any army in a similar situation - if they're about to get a new minitome and some warscrolls.

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