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Narrative Pick-up Games


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I've noticed that a frequent topic of discussion is how difficult it is to get a narrative pick-up game because of the amount of planning and being on the same page required.  I'm working on a battleplan to aim to rectify that by using story-gaming principles to make a low-prep story oriented battleplan with a lot of replayability.

It's not 100% finished yet, but the basic idea is that there are a bunch of options for 'objectives' that are thematic objects to fight over, and 'motivations' that are the things your army wants to do to those objects.  So for example, if you have an objective that is the buildings in a village, an orruk army might want to burn them to the ground, while their opponent is trying to scout the village for supplies.  It's an easy way to have evocative, mismatched victory conditions that help tell a story.

The other important thing I'm focusing on with it is shifting the focus from tactical victory to storytelling.  First off, instead of having Victory Points, players have Victory Dice, so you can't really know if you're winning/losing until it's over.  Players also have a pool of Victory Dice that they can use to reward their opponent for cinematic gameplay, or to create their own objectives on the fly.

I haven't gotten to playtest it yet, but I'm planning on trying it out this weekend.  I'll come back and let you know how it goes.  If anybody else decides to try it out, I'd love to hear any feedback!


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I got to play a battle with this battleplan today.  It was fun despite us rolling up a fairly dull objective.  I will definitely have to rework "monument" into something slightly more interesting.  That said, we had a good time.  I took some pictures and wrote up a kind of battlereport thing.


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