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Khorne monsters

Kaleb Daark

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Going by keywords

Mortal : Manticore, scyla, warshrine (it doesn't have the monster keyword but hits like one )

Daemon : Bloodthirsters x 3, soul grinder, Daemon prince, exhalted greater daemon (forgeworld) Skarbrand.

No key word: Gigantic chaos spawn, skaarac, khorgoraths.

Archaon (big model) is in a few.

Fairly certain that's all of them, all have the Khorne keyword but for list building purposes or buff purposes that's the breakdown

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The manticore profile looks great, but often doesn't deliver due to lack of rend. 

Khorne works well with it when within range of a bloodsecrator, due to the many weapon options he gains +4 attacks for being within range if you take the Daemon blade and Lance,

You'll want to whip him with the stoker and also give himself +1 to hit if he is general, but there is better generals around, so when he gets into combat he kills what ever he charges, as he doesn't do well being tied up, (like the knights)

If you run him in the bloodmarked warband and allow a fellow hero to kill something first he again gains +4 attacks,  that's +8 total within range of a bloodsecrator, 

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Thanks all.

So, I have 9 khorgoraths and destined for march a skaarac bloodborne.  I'm probably going to do some head swaps on the Khorgorath as Ive never really been able to make out what the hell is going on with the face on the thing.

Hopefully you can all see the look and feel I want this to have. :)

I have a chimera which I could put a rider on and call khorne lord on manticore.

Now, I was thinking a warshrine which I have going on as a project, again an immensly heavily converted centauroid beast, it's a pity was cant mark skin wolves as they'd be ideal for the feel of this army.

What I'm trying to stay away from is the goto (and yes I know with good reason..) khorne recipes, after all I was the bloke that went to throne of skulls with a mono khorne mounted army in 8th ed!

I'd have a bloodsecrator  and skullgrinder if I can try to work out how they'd fit in to the theme of it all.  I'd again have to convert the soulgrinder as I think it's a pig aweful model!

feel free to add to the mix :)


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