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On ‎4‎/‎29‎/‎2017 at 4:41 PM, Killax said:


@Centurio I really like the first list! Would be inclined to merge 1 of the Skullcrusher units for Bloodblessing Reasons :) 

The secondary list also looks really fine but I'd be inclined to not merge or assist it with Gore Pilgrims. I just don't see a real justification why you wouldn't just run with more Khorne Lords on Juggernauts (2) and Bloodsecrators (2+) plus a potential Bloodstoker. 

Gore Pilgrims is really a fine Battalion but in order to make Slaughterpriests 'truely sync up' I'd be inclined to go for massed infantry numbers. The moment I would go for an MSU approach Bloodsecrators to me seem like the better choice. The cost difference also isn't massive when we factor in the costs for the Battalions. 




The idea with my first list is to use the Skullcrushers to tie up units and get on objectives.  The priests will use blood sacrifice to try to make sure I can have the blood tithe to stop spells or heal the skullcrushers, AND dish out mortal wounds.  The lord and Valkia are there for some high rending to help finish off units tied up by the skullcrushers.  The reason I have 3 man units of skullcrushers is because 2 units of 3 will help use their battalion ability and it will be 2d3 instead of 1d6 which is lost with the first casualty.


The second list is just because I like skullcrushers.  After some thought... the Gorepilgrims is sort of shoehorned into this list.  I'm going to make some changes.



Edit:  1000th post!  Posts for the post god!


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I've been running a list similar to what's being discussed so figured I'd just share a few random messy thoughts with you all.

Gore Pilgrims: Bloodsecrator, 3 Slaughterpriests, 2x 10 Blood Warriors, 2x 10 Bloodreavers

Brass Stampede: Lord on Juggernaut, 6 Mighty Skullcrushers, 2x 3 Mighty Skullcrushers



Juggernauts work great for holding up enemy lines and causing a traffic jam.  They have a HUGE foot print, spread them to 1 inch apart per model and maximize area denial.  Use the Bloodreaver units for nothing more than area denial.  I often fill the gap between my front line and my secrator/priests with the bloodreaver units spread out in a large blob just to prevent enemies from moving there.  The brass stampede units can do a lot of work and are fast so I'll often use the bloodwarriors as nothing more than body-blockers keeping them at a 3+ save and sending them into units I'm not ready to send my juggernauts into yet.  The Juggernauts will go and clean up the riffraff chaff units in a quick sweep before then moving into kill whatever I'd been holding up with the blood warriors.  The Lord on Juggernaut is a BEAST if you give him -2 rend and an extra attack.  He will wipe units.  Keep brazen flesh on him to sit him at 2+ save and keep him within charging distance of your 6x unit of Juggernauts.

I can't state enough how important area denial is with this list.  Khorne lacks for table control and mobility (no teleporting etc) so this ability to just flood the zone with so much your enemies can't breath and can't drop where they want is a huge deal.  You need to deploy in layers, move up in layers, and slowly fan out as you tackle what's in front of you.

My list lacks for anti-large in that I have no wrathmongers and no big monsters in it.  Use that Lord on Juggernaut to handle what you can on this front or move the Slaughterpriests into positions where they can bloodboil big things down, again using bloodreavers to create a zone of denial.  Don't get hung up on your Bloodsecrator - he's important, yes, but don't let your protection of him cost you important moves that could win you the long game.

Bloodtithes are just horrible nasty surprises your opponent is going to hate you for using.  ALWAYS strive to use these in your enemies hero phase.  This is huge, as it disrupts their normal flow of how a game goes.  It's very difficult to plan around something working out of their normal phase.  The most usefull of these I have found is the ability to move as if it were the movement phase.  I can charge my Juggerlord into his lines and cause a lot of damage in my turn, and before he's able to counter-charge in his own turn to deal with me, I simple bloodtithe my Juggerlord back behind my main lines and out of reach.


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@Centurio I like the ideas! But this means that your Slaughterpriests will not have Bronzed Flesh? The issue I have with Blood Sacrifice is that 3" range. All other Prayers are nicely in that 16" range and I do not feel like a Slaughterpriest has much business being that close to our own units :) I agree with you that multiple D3 are better as single D6 but that D3 is lost once they drop below 3 aswell. One of the advantages of one big unit really to me remains how well a Slaughterpriest can bless it.
In regards with the second list, I do think that going mono Skullcrushers with Brass Stampede is a viable choice. Avalance of Brass is just really neat and the Skullcrushers certainly do seem usefull enough as is. At that point going small units only is even better. 

List and tips from @Jharen his list and tips look extremely solid to me. Using Blood Tithe points in your opponent's Hero phase is a legit choice.

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Regarding the usefulness of a 6 man unit of skullcrushers vs a 3 man there IS an advantage and this plays into playing to their large footprint.  If you charge 2x 3 Skullcrushers into 3 units of your opponent then each unit takes d3 mortal wounds.   A 6x skullcrusher unit will cause d6 to each of these units.  Thats multiple d6 mortal wounds on each unit as opposed to d3.  That's a big difference.  You can then use your 2x three man units to charge in on any flank openings causing an addition d3 to each unit.  In fact the more units you can get your 6x man unit into 1 inch of the more your brass stampede is going to pay off.  Brazen Flesh them up, charge them in, then retreat them in your next turn if need be to keep them from getting cleaned up, hold your enemy in place with either blood warriors or your other juggers (if they also had charged in).  Then set up for another charge into their bulk.  This works great against enemy units who have high saves where mortal wounds from your charges are going to better than simply sitting in for another round of combat and it can also just flatten smaller heroes in one charge.

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Yeah I think 6's are very usefull the moment we are talking about Unit specific buffs. It sounds simple and frankly it is but having more models affected by a particular buff will always work out better. It's completely true that the gain for going with 6 in one unit doesn't seem that relevant at first sight and un-buffed, though if we are running Slaughterpriest that just all changes.

When I look at the Blood Blessings in general I'd say there are different reasons to runn different blessings in general. Bronzed Flesh is amazing when your working with a 4+/3+ save, Fury becomes really good if your working with 4+ hitters and ignoring Battleshock tests just seems amazing if your working with units that have a -/6+ save, Bloodreavers to be precise ;) .

The same tactical depth applies to Command Traits and Artefacts also, it really all works out well if you know what you like to run and try to support that. Like before I feel a lot of our strenght comes in numbers and the moment you do like Brass Stampede and you do not mind the idea of at least painting up 12+ of these models than I'd embrace this type of force completely.

Talking about Brass Stampede also has me interested in picking it up as a possible third Khorne project, where the first will focus on our regular 32mm based infantry, the second will include more Skullreapers and experiment with The Goretide while the last most certainly would be a Brass Stampede focused horde. Because if you do run 7 of those units the force becomes one I'd fear from a competative perspective. The ammount of Mortal Wounds for such a force accumulates incredibly fast. Again though I'd then be inclined to leave it with a single Brass Stampede Battalion as my force, supported by Bloodsecrators and likely have a unit or two with 6 Bloodcrushers aswell. 

I'm always interested in more 2K lists! After having given it a good thought this will be the continueation of my initial Khorne Daemon project:

Allegiance: Khorne Allegiance
Points: 2000
Battalions: Murderhost
Setting: Competative 

Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury (Slaughterborn; The Crimson Crown) - Leader (General)
Bloodsecrator 120 - Leader
Bloodsecrator 120 - Leader
Bloodsecrator 120 - Leader

(Murderhost) 20
Blood Throne (The Crimson Crown) 120 - Leader
30 Bloodletters 300 - Battleline
30 Bloodletters 300 - Battleline
10 Bloodletters 100 - Battleline
10 Bloodletters 100 - Batteline
10 Bloodletters 100 - Battleline
5 Fleshhounds of Khorne 100
5 Fleshhounds of Khorne 100
5 Fleshhounds of Khorne 100

Total: 2000/2000

The idea is simple, Bloodletters en-masse with a cheap Monster to boot. The Bloodthirster is just there to be really scary and should be capable to carry his own weight. There is no additional movement available in the form of Command Abilities but with the maxed out Murderhost movement should not be a large issue.
In this case I picked the Blood Throne not so much because I like the model but simply because I had some points left and it allows for a larger footprint. Bloodsecrator attack generation + The Crimson Crown should allow for some very potent and dangerous areas of melee. 

However because I like to mix it up for the hobby I'll also work on this together with my Khorne Bloodbound project:

Allegiance: Khorne Allegiance
Points: 2000
Battalions: The Goretide; Slaughterborn
Setting: Competative

(The Goretide) 40
Mighty Lord of Khorne (Desciple of Khorne; Mark of the Destroyer) - Leader (General)
Mighty Lord of Khorne 140 (Mark of the Destroyer) - Leader
Bloodsecrator 120 - Leader
Bloodsecrator 120 - Leader
Bloodstoker 80 - Leader

(Slaughterborn) 80 
Exalted Deathbringer Bloodbite Axe (Gorecleaver) - Leader
5 Skullreapers 140
5 Skullreapers 140
5 Skullreapers 140 
10 Blood Warriors 200
10 Blood Warriors 200
10 Blood Warriors 200

5 Wrathmongers 180
(The Goretide)

Total: 2000/2000

Another simple idea, bring a ton of guys ;) I kept it 'mono' The Goretide because there are allready a lot of points invested into obtaining these two Battalions. The cost is certainly worth it however and I feel very comfortable with running such a list because there is a MSU vibe going on that should work out quite well. 

In addition with 2 Mighty Lords of Khorne running around with Mark of the Destroyer and a unit of Wrathmonger slogging along there should be plentora of awnsers into Monsters. Ranged attacks can certainly dwindle this Goretide but we still have lot of good armour to work with and most importantly this force is quite fast. One of the prime reasons to run 2 Mighty Lords of Khorne is because I feel there is a lot of synergy going on with the Gorelord Command Ability and I also feel we 'require this' for this force in particular. 

All in all models arn't the issue, but I will certainly require my sweet time to paint up all those Khorne Bloodbound models. Daemons will be relatively quickly done by comparison. The Black + Khorne Red Zenithal skips a nice part and overall the Bloodletters arn't extensively detailed so I think the first 60 will be manageable. 
Obviously there is more as competative play but I like to focus on this first because I do not have a large meta to work with so it's very likely my first big games will be on a tournament near me in the future. Now it's time to hobby first!


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So I just knocked this together as a possible 2k expansion in the future. My 1k list is basically the Mortal bit but with five more Blood Warriors. Before you ask 'why not just go full daemons', I don't like daemons. I find them pretty boring to play from a narrative point of view. However, I need decent shooting, and the Skull Cannon is it.

Allegiance: Khorne

Blood Throne (120)
Valkia The Bloody (120)
Bloodsecrator (120)
- Artefact: The Brazen Rune 
Slaughterpriest (100)
- Bloodbathed Axe
- Blood Blessing: Bronzed Flesh
Slaughterpriest with Hackblade and Wrathhammer (100)
- General
- Trait: Disciple of Khorne 
- Artefact: Mark of the Destroyer 
- Blood Blessing: Bronzed Flesh

5 x Blood Warriors (100)
- Goreaxes
20 x Bloodreavers (140)
- Reaver Blades
20 x Bloodreavers (140)
- Reaver Blades

2 x Skull Cannons (360)
2 x Skull Cannons (360)
1 x Skull Cannons (180)

Gorethunder Cohort (60)
Gore Pilgrims (80)

Total: 1980/2000



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52 minutes ago, Dragonlover said:


5 Artillery, which is 1 too many for a 2k list if that's what you're going for. Going to have to keep the Bloodthrone way back to stop it getting shot off and the list is a little low on models for a Khorne army.

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52 minutes ago, Dragonlover said:

Oh ****** so it is. Maybe drop two Skull Cannons for more Blood Warriors?


Khorne is a Horde Army and the more bodies you can field the better you'll do. I'd recommend always trying to fit at least 60 Battleline Infantry in your lists divided into whichever way you choose and the staying power of Blood Warriors is certainly welcome. 

Check out my Battle Report here.

In that game, I had 20 'reavers, 10 Blood Warriors, 10 Khorne-marked Warriors and 30 Bloodletters and they, along with Skulltaker and a few Blood Boils from a Slaughterpriest pulled the weight and did most of the damage. I think the only other units to do damage were my Bloodcrushers and it was insignificant. 

Buffed hordes of troops is the bread and butter, that way your list isn't hinged on whether your Skullcannons can have a good day of shooting or not. Take the pressure off of them so they can focus on hitting your opponents hero's. 

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Some notes on my recent battle: 

Murderhost units should be deployed last ideally. Set them up on the part of the board closest to threatening your Bloodsecrator (you do have a Bloodsecrator, right?). This is less of a concern if you're running mostly Murderhost and able to make additional movement every hero phase. 

Skulltaker is a tank in disguise. Rerolling saves saw him absorb almost 18 attacks from a Hell Pit Abomination and come out unscathed. His damage output is nothing to scoff at either. My game this weekend with him had him earning back his points two-fold and I'm keen to run him again and see if he can keep it up. (120 points of Rat Ogors were vaporized in a single combat phase, same with a 100 point Warlock Engineer. Skulltaker is 100. 

Bloodcrushers might be unspoken heroes. Stat-wise, Skullcrushers win, but I have yet to build mine so I'll continue to use Bloodcrushers for now. In my recent game, they took a lot of damage and died, but I can't help but wonder what larger effect that had. They blocked the two easiest ways to get to my army and forced my opponent to attack them. This left plenty of time for my nastier Mortal Battleline to catch up and charge in first instead. Considering my Wrathmongers and both Deathbringers did almost nothing in the game, I have to wonder if the 'crushers did end up making a positive contribution. I'll run the same list again to test it. 

Gore Pilgrims really is an awesome battalion. Dooo eet. But I don't think you need to have 3 Slaughterpriests. 30" is a huge bubble with two of them, so try it out. Also remember that your slaughterpriests only have to be around the Bloodsecrator when it opens, not all game like I thought! 

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5 hours ago, Aspirant Snaeper said:

Some notes on my recent battle: 

Murderhost units should be deployed last ideally. Set them up on the part of the board closest to threatening your Bloodsecrator (you do have a Bloodsecrator, right?). This is less of a concern if you're running mostly Murderhost and able to make additional movement every hero phase. 

Skulltaker is a tank in disguise. Rerolling saves saw him absorb almost 18 attacks from a Hell Pit Abomination and come out unscathed. His damage output is nothing to scoff at either. My game this weekend with him had him earning back his points two-fold and I'm keen to run him again and see if he can keep it up. (120 points of Rat Ogors were vaporized in a single combat phase, same with a 100 point Warlock Engineer. Skulltaker is 100. 

Bloodcrushers might be unspoken heroes. Stat-wise, Skullcrushers win, but I have yet to build mine so I'll continue to use Bloodcrushers for now. In my recent game, they took a lot of damage and died, but I can't help but wonder what larger effect that had. They blocked the two easiest ways to get to my army and forced my opponent to attack them. This left plenty of time for my nastier Mortal Battleline to catch up and charge in first instead. Considering my Wrathmongers and both Deathbringers did almost nothing in the game, I have to wonder if the 'crushers did end up making a positive contribution. I'll run the same list again to test it. 

Gore Pilgrims really is an awesome battalion. Dooo eet. But I don't think you need to have 3 Slaughterpriests. 30" is a huge bubble with two of them, so try it out. Also remember that your slaughterpriests only have to be around the Bloodsecrator when it opens, not all game like I thought! 

Hello, quick question.

When you open the portal of skills for Bloodsecrator. Is it open all game then until killed or moved? I thought it was only open to your next hero phase where you would re-open it.

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I see this misunderstanding a lot.  @Aspirant Snaeper is mistaken here.  The Portal of Skulls is open until your next hero phase.  This means that when running the Gore Pilgrims battalion you must have the slaughterpriest(s) within 8 inches in each hero phase to gain the bonus when you open the portal of skulls.  In short - you cannot move them away if you wish to continue to gain the increased range each turn.

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Yeah you can really pick and choose as much as you like. Competative play is also divided into different levels and 2 Slaughterpriest will work out just fine enough if you don't intend to go hardcore. In regards to the Bloodsecrator, yeah that guy still has to move from time to time :) Which is one of the reasons as to why the ability didn't change in it's functionality.

In general I don't understand how there is so much confusion generated around the Bloodsecrator. Wording is simple but it's like @Jharen said before, a lot of players seem to read too much into rules. Just keep it to what is there, if something isn't mentioned specifically it just isn't there. Very little reason to assume otherwise.

One of the reasons as to why I believe these confusions show up is because of how some come from the Warhammer Fantasy background. On a weekly basis we can read the question 'Are Artefacts Unique' or 'Are Blood Blessings Unique' or does X or Y work out differently as worded. In all cases so far the awnsers to that are mostly no, it works as is stated, with the largest example of this not being the case when you preform a more "as if it was phase X". As mentioned elsewhere I think we will eventually require a rulesset that refers to 'phases' and 'moves' (within phases), as this would prefent this confusion aswell.

@Dragonlover Is there any reason as to why you feel you actually "need decent shooting"? As with all respect to you and your plan I don't feel Khorne Armies where ever known for that or ever will be known for that. There certainly is a ranged possability with Khorne but it's largely there for support... Which has been the case for WFB and 40K Khorne for years aswell...

If you really do want to blast your opponents apart from range I don't think Blades of Khorne offers you what Desciples of Tzeentch can do at range. Which is not to say either is better as the other but 90% of our strategies still are Melee combat based.


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@Killax is dead on with 2 slaughterpriest being enough.  I run 3 in my list lately but I do this because I have a lack of options in my list for dealing with large nasty stuff...and I like the theme of priests chanting warriors into battle under a portal of skulls!  I have no wrathmongers and no monsters in that list because I'm shelving them for the time to see what I can do without them.  I can say if you're lacking for option on dishing out fast hard damage to critical targets, take the 3rd, he's cheap and will be handy.  If you are running wrathmongers, a unit of more than one Khorgorath, or some manner of monster, then you can do just fine with two priests.

On the topic of the Portal of Skulls ability and the slaughterpriests being in range of it.  I think people just havent realized Portal of Skulls resets every hero phase because quite frankly we never needed to know that previously.  Bloodsecrator was sort of a set and forget type of ability, everyone just assumed you'd always open portal of skulls so we just got stuck in this mindset of 'once its on - it's always on'.  When the book came out I made a point to check each ability and each stat I used during my first game with it just to be sure I didn't overlook any subtle changes or miss and subtle interactions between new stuff.  I strongly suggest everyone not familiar with the book do this to help catch all the weird new interactions between abilities.

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One of my regular opponents has a block of handgunners with a general. And a cannon. I tend to get shredded before I get to him. However, he only has 20 handgunners, so if I can pick one off that'll weaken him, then I can focus on the general.

And yes, MSU is the perfect counter. I can't play MSU, it's so counter to my natural style that I don't even enjoy writing the lists for it. Therefore, I looked for ranged options as the next best thing. At 1000 I'm just resigned to having units deleted, but 2000 points gives me flexibility.


EDIT: It could just be I'm used to playing Daemonkin in 40k, where while it's all about axes to the face, Marines can still shoot reasonably effectively.

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@Dragonlover sounds like a though choice or match up there. Though I do think we have several ways to manage without MSU, with Slaughterpriests and big block units aswell. Depending on what you have I'd say there are several ways to handle ranged heavy oppossing forces.

Slaughterpriests and Bronzed Flesh likely are our catch alls but if you do want to severely outnumber your opponent (which is still a very legit choice) considering Bloodreavers with Brazen Fury is also a solid plan in my eyes.

The other alternative is quite obvious and that's being fast enough to press the advantage with Melee Combat. Examples here would be Murderhost (also really easily playable at 1K), The Goretide or Brass Stampede. Defeat isn't certain but being blown out of the water can be prefented. Threat saturation remains key. 

Due to how you did include Valkia but didn't include a 3rd Slaughterpriest I'd be inclined to run one instead of Valkia for the ranged purposes. Other than that I'd combine that with Brass Stampede if you don't like running Daemons. If your not opposed to mono-Skullcrushers going for the full Brass Stampede effect also seems like an extremely legit choice. Though I don't think it's the most fun to paint up 22+ Juggernauts honestly. 

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I'm having to run off what I own and currently don't have the third Slaughterpriest. Nor can I run most of the other Battalions, gotta get some Skullreapers and a box of Blood Warriors then I should be good to go for everything except the Stampede.

That's the main reason I'm running the Gore Pilgrims: I've got two lots of the core set, Gorechosen, Valkia and the WD freebie to work with, so at 1000 it's the easiest thing to do. Dark Feast is nice at 500 btw, if you ever find yourself playing a game that small.


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If this means you havn't got 4-5 Skullcannons yet I'd still suggest investing into more troops. Khorne armies can become quite expensive due to the model quantity the competative side of Khorne Armies really like to have from you but I do feel it's well worth the money.

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Valkia can make short work of targets if you get her up there, so she should do if that's what you have to work with.  Her weakness really comes in the way of her wound count being so low.  She's rather difficult to kill at her base save of 3+, so throwing bronze flesh on her will get you to a 2+.  Toss killing frenzy on her too in order to secure more hits out of her attacks and then move her from terrain to terrain if possible to keep her at a 1+ save (yes 1's fail but this will help vs rend).

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Cheers for the advice guys, btw. I'm kinda coming back to the game because of the new book, so I am kinda rusty.

I'm possibly playing him tonight, I'll report back if I do. He's also packing a Stormcast guy that gives him rerolls on his 2+ to hit today, just for the hell of it.


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Small post for: Starters of Khorne armies!

Certainly pick up the Gorechosen game, maby even twice.

There are a few very simple reasons for it:

The tokens that are provided for you really allow you to keep easy track of wounds and even who the General of your force is. Khorne armies especially with Blades of Khorne Battalions often show up with a multitude of the same model, in fact it's one of the competative options to do so.
So these tokens are ideal to use. The tokens with Star, Skull, Axe or Khorne symbol allow you to easily keep track of where your General is. 

Next to that there is the cards. I personally like to use the Iniative cards, which come with the same Star, Skull, Axe or Khorne symbol as a way to keep track of your Blood Tithe points. Unfortunatly the set does come with only 4 of each so you might want to consider picking up the box twice.

Lastly and most importantly, the models, all Heroes in Gorechosen really have a great use now! Due to Blood Blessings Slaughterpriests easily carry their own 100 point weight and most certainly become scary with Gore Pilgrims. Aspiring Deathbringers always had a great Command Ability but the use for it drastically improved due to how we can activate it without him being the General with a single Blood Tithe point. Exalted Deathrbingers are drastically improved with the several Battalions and a requirement for Slaughterborn. Then the Skullgrinder is a very good addition for possible Bloodforged players.

Here are the links to those models:
Aspiring Deathbringer: https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/AoS_Warscrolls/aos-warscroll-aspiringdeathbringer-goreaxe-en.pdf
Exalted Deathbringer: https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/AoS_Warscrolls/aos-warscroll-exalteddeathbringer-en.pdf
Slaughterpriest: https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/AoS_Warscrolls/aos-warscroll-slaughterpriest-en.pdf
Skullgrinder: https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/AoS_Warscrolls/aos-warscroll-skullgrinder-en.pdf

So all in all I'm certain I'll pick up my second copy of Gorechosen soon.


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I think the Aspiring Deathbringer is still one of the best Generals you can take in the book. 80 points with Violent Urgency, Inspiring Presence or Slaughter Incarnate and Mark of the Destroyer lead to a cheap but incredibly effective hero. 

The Gore Tide makes the Mighty Lord of Khorne a monster, but thats 120 points for the Battalion on top of 40 more points for the Hero. 

I would always run him with Bloodreavers because thats who he improves the most anyways and their volume of attacks will mesh well with his volume of attacks. 

@Jaehaerys Indeed I was mistaken. 

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On 5/1/2017 at 1:36 AM, Killax said:

@Centurio I like the ideas! But this means that your Slaughterpriests will not have Bronzed Flesh? The issue I have with Blood Sacrifice is that 3" range.  @Jharen

The reason I use blood sacrifice is to have all 3 slaughterpriests do it to the bloodreavers on turn 1.  This should generate 2-3 blood tithe plus possibly 1 more if the unit is destroyed from battleshock.

With this pool of points I can stop an enemy spell, move a unit in their hero phase to get in position for a charge, or heal several skullcrushers if they take damage from missiles on turn 1.  Mostly I like getting the points ready to stop infernal gateway or maybe Sayl's teleport power.  As the game continues, I've had the priests wound themselves to build up points for a Blood Rain.  I pulled this off successfully a couple of times.


I haven't played this army much though and I am going to experiment with your and Jharen's advice.


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1 hour ago, Aspirant Snaeper said:

I think the Aspiring Deathbringer is still one of the best Generals you can take in the book. 80 points with Violent Urgency, Inspiring Presence or Slaughter Incarnate and Mark of the Destroyer lead to a cheap but incredibly effective hero. 

The Gore Tide makes the Mighty Lord of Khorne a monster, but thats 120 points for the Battalion on top of 40 more points for the Hero. 

I would always run him with Bloodreavers because thats who he improves the most anyways and their volume of attacks will mesh well with his volume of attacks. 

@Jaehaerys Indeed I was mistaken. 

I certainly like him for lower point games. I don't think he's the best General for 1K or 2K games. He's certainly cheap and effective but the footprint (when you meassure from bases) for the Mighty Lord of Khorne is still a nice inch advantage. 

In regards to The Goretide not thaking a Mighty Lord of Khorne means I would completely skip on the Battalion. Simply because Aqshy's Bane is amazing and really The Goretide isn't 120 points. It's an additional 40 on Slaughterborn's 80 and both these Battalions are allready great by themselves but still net you two additional Artefacts. Well worth it if you'd roughly put the cost of an Artefact around 30-40 points.

For infantry Units I do think Bloodreavers, Bloodletters, Blood Warriors and Skullreapers are all equally legit. Slaughterborn Battalion makes Blood Warriors and Skullreapers fantastic. Remember, they are not only charging, they are also making one attack. If it's one attack you can make, you want a quality attack that Bloodreavers can't provide.

Before the BoK book I wasn't too sold on Blood Warriors but now I certainly am. We have countercharges, movement buffs and melee buffs available in massive quantities. 

51 minutes ago, Centurio said:

The reason I use blood sacrifice is to have all 3 slaughterpriests do it to the bloodreavers on turn 1.  This should generate 2-3 blood tithe plus possibly 1 more if the unit is destroyed from battleshock.

With this pool of points I can stop an enemy spell, move a unit in their hero phase to get in position for a charge, or heal several skullcrushers if they take damage from missiles on turn 1.  Mostly I like getting the points ready to stop infernal gateway or maybe Sayl's teleport power.  As the game continues, I've had the priests wound themselves to build up points for a Blood Rain.  I pulled this off successfully a couple of times.


I haven't played this army much though and I am going to experiment with your and Jharen's advice.


To me healing is like the last point on my mind, because it's the last station you get to in terms of removing models.
Blood Tithe points will always be generated. What will not always be around are those Slaughterpriests. While I do like the idea of generating Blood Tithe points I severly dislike the idea for doing it myself, again because the Slaughterpriest has to be within 3" of that unit. Ergo, destroying my own units is not my hobby nor do I want to put my time and effort into that.

- Stopping enemy spells shouldn't be much of your concern ever, running 3 Slaughterpriest also means you can effectively cover the field with Unbinding options. Especially considering that most of the Prayers of the Slaughterpriest cover 16".
- Moving into position is nice but if you do destroy your own units in the process not much is actually gained. All you do is reduce the threat saturation for your opponent. He now can ignore the Bloodreavers.
- Healing is also nice but Bronzed Flesh and Brazen Fury also prevent damage in the first place, again to me this is more important.

Looking forward to your experiments! For me Sayl is never an issue because we objectively like seeing things comming our way. However even there Bronzed Flesh pulls more than it's weight and as before, Blood Tithe points will be regenerated anyway.


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