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Sylvaneth or Nurgle?


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I have been playing for about 6 months and I have a little more than 1000pts of Nurgle. I own the Nurgle SC box, Orghotts and a unit of Blightkings. Along with them I have a SC box of Slaves of Darkness which I use with the Nurgle Keyword. 

Now, I have been heavily considering starting Sylvaneth. There is a holiday box left of Sylvaneth and it looks like a good starting point. I'm not very excited about buying/painting a bunch of Woods but I think I can deal. I've really liked what I've seen of their play style, but sort of nervous of painting them. 

Ive been very indecisive in whether to continue Nurgle for now or Start with Sylvaneth.

Please share with me your thoughts! 

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My advice for new players when deciding to continue expanding the current army or beginning a new one, I have to ask what the status of your current opponents is.

If you have a local opponent, I'd keep expanding to 2000 or 2500 points to match what other players may want to get to as well. Definitely expand into Slaves to Darkness (I personally think of the four chaos gods Nurgle is pretty strong, but will be on the bottom of the release pile for them). Maybe expand to make it a Plague-Army (So Clan Pestilens), or a whole Chaos Faction Army

If you have someone in mind you can coax into playing, or may want to another available to get others interested in the game, start the second army. Definitely get it up to the matching 1000 points so you can have a fair(-ish) game.

I get the feeling that games are your thing, but if they aren't, paint what you want. Heck, make a diseased tree theme to compliment your Nurgle forces. Outside of serious tournament playing, nobody should mind.

As for Sylvaneth, they can have a number of painting options since trees look very different depending on season and climate, so there's plenty of places to go for painting theme. If your opponent is going to be very strict about using a Sylvaneth Wildwood, you should find another or be stuck with building that set. If not, head to a hobby store. You can buy a bit of foamcore, cut it into a normal forest sized shape, paint it green, hit it with green flock, and glue some trees to the top. There are probably some good hobby videos online and they are much better at making good terrain than me (If you are into this hobby, building terrain is a good art to get into)

Happy Gaming!

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5 hours ago, MacDuff said:

Since the narrative is so strong between these two armies, having both is a great way to lure new players in. Besides, trees are really quick to paint when you need a break from rot.

This was my thinking when I started adding to the nurgle stuff.  I matched the basing to the basing on my Sylvaneth. It's also nice having two armies if you ever want to try and introduce new players to the game. Maybe try and match the power level of the Sylvaneth to your existing nurgle force? 

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13 hours ago, nenasap said:

Ive been very indecisive in whether to continue Nurgle for now or Start with Sylvaneth.

Please share with me your thoughts! 

Personally I have four 1000pt+ armies at this point. I kept adding to my first army (dwarfs, now 3,500pt) for a long time just to expand my options. That's great fun. It allows me to be a little creative and field unexpected armies against regular opponents. 

But to be honest, I've never played more games than recently. I have a couple of friends not willing to make the leap just yet. But having them to play against and all kinds of different match-ups is amazing fun. Brings some friends into the hobby, adds variation in modelling and painting and got me so excited that I'm in the proces of ordering/assembling my next 1000pt army. 

But I would say do what feels right. Get something small you would want to add and see if you enjoy modelling/painting it. If so go for the big box and soldier through painting the woods ;)

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I am weirdly in the same position, except I am pre-collection. I really like the Nurgle Knights, but really dislike most of their daemon models - the fly things in the Start Collecting pack are totally not my thing at all. I think this is because I always found Typhus one of my favourite 40k models when I was into the hobby about a a decade ago. 

Sylvaneth seem great, but I am worried the model range is a bit small and that I'd have to spend a bunch of money/time on making some Wyldwoods to get the most out of them. 

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If you really enjoy playing. i say finish out your nurgle  to 2k/2.5k so you can enjoy some bigger games, and have options.

however, if it's the hobby painting aspects that are difficult for you, then i'd ask if your board of painting nurgle??? If so get the tree folks and see if you enjoy that. 

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I ended up going for Nurgle - bought myself a Lord of Plagues and a box of Chaos Warriors that I am painting a nice pale, ill green. Starting out small, but I think my idea is to go for a 1k warband, fielding primarily knights. I don't really like a lot of the Nurgle daemons, but I like the colour scheme, and the Blight Knights are probably some of the best miniatures in Sigmar IMO.

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On 12/31/2016 at 0:13 PM, DynamicCalories said:

I ended up going for Nurgle - bought myself a Lord of Plagues and a box of Chaos Warriors that I am painting a nice pale, ill green. Starting out small, but I think my idea is to go for a 1k warband, fielding primarily knights. I don't really like a lot of the Nurgle daemons, but I like the colour scheme, and the Blight Knights are probably some of the best miniatures in Sigmar IMO.

Very cool. Don't forget to share some pics. And maybe joining 1K project if that's your goal. 

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