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Hello from Sacramento


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Hello TGA community. My name is Brian and I have a plastic addiction. 

So a bit about me. I've been playing table top miniature games since I drove to the store in '88 and bought Battletech. I've dabbled in many miniature games over the years. The D&D miniature skirmish game using Ral Parthia miniatures is my fondest memory.  I'm probably one of the few that really enjoyed End Times. What a great series with ever escalating rules and epic, desperate and hopeless battle. My first Fantasy army was purchased in 2003, it was the Bretonian Army box. I followed that up a year later with the Orc and Goblin army box (which to this day sets on my shelf unbuilt). Like many I didn't feel the need to buy more so I branched out into 40k and other game systems. Then with end times I was sucked back in. I now have an extensive death army which I continue to grow. Currently I'm building a Tzeentch demon army based on the fantastic Silver Tower box set and the slaves to darkness starter.

Im usually playing at the GW in Sacramento.

...and yes that is my Michael Jackson Zombie with a green stuffed jacket. I won't win any awards but I do love the hobby. 

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Hey Brian, I found this post by searching "Sacramento," in the search bar. I live in Marysville an hour north of you, but often travel to Sacramento. Where do you normally play games? I'm wanting to start building a good AOS scene in the greater Sacramento area, but can't seem to get anything going.

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I'm also in the Sacramento Area, am still painting my first AOS army, been mostly 40k till now.  I would love to find some folks to play with, I have played a few games of 40k at the local GW but my schedule doesn't really allow me to play games earlier than 8pm and they close at like 6 so it is really rare I can play there, and I have always found Great Escape hit or miss for pickup games, though i could meet there on the weekends later at night.  I usually just play at my house or a friends when I do get to play. 

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