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AoS warscoll cards


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I wish Games Workshop would redesign their warscolls to fit in regular gaming cards like Warmachine and Dark Age use. I'm using the app so I don't have to carry any books around with me when I go to the local store to play, but it drains my battery pretty fast. Having the Warscolls and Battalions easily accessible as cards would be so much better. I'm writing all the info on index cards for the next game night, but would jump at the chance to buy a deck of cards for my armies.

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It would be very handy. That said, they did give us an app, and unlike War Room (PP's similar app) the AoS app doesn't put any units behind the paywall, just battalions and battleplans, which I think is actually pretty fair. Back when I was into WarmaHordes, I downloaded War Room, but balked at paying for unit stats, so it wasn't actually very useful for me. On the other hand, with the units free, I've found myself using AoS all the time, and have even paid for a couple of my favorite battalions.

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20 minutes ago, Auroch said:

On a french forum, the community worked on some cards too.

I made my own version of it to include pictures.

See below how it looks.

it is in french, but I can provide the codes to let you make your own.


Please do. 

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I always have the full warscrolls with me but I play with custom made cards, that have fluff cut out and everything colour coded. So I can lay out the cards on my side of the table and not miss anything. 

Hero phase? Oh that's orange. Movement related? Green. Spells yellow, etc etc 

It took a while geeking out with a ruler and pencil crayons, but it was worth it. I made a fun template so they are all the same and its how I want, instead of how GW did it.

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