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Hello everybody!


I came here via the Garagehammer podcast and even though I technically don't play Age of Sigmar yet (painting my Silver Tower minis right now), I already bought a couple of books and am pondering which army I should collect.

Right now I'm torn between giving in to my nature as a goody two shoes and get myself an Order army of some kind, or maybe take the Dark Souls games, which I love, as an inspiration to collect an army of assorted Undead. Or maybe I should wait for a bit longer, and hope that some new Aelves will be released soonish, it feels like they should be announced any day now. I also would just love to see the Tzaangors from Silver Tower to be turned into a whole army of their own right, but that may be just a forlorn dream.

As you might be able to see, I am easily excited by just about anything, so we will see how this goes.

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I am really enjoying the undead, myself. They are definitely a bit anemic, with only one Battletome, but they have a lot of promise. Flesh Eaters are a lot of fun, and I'm also enjoying building up a collection of skeletons, ghosts, and vampires.

I doubt the tzaangors will end up being their own faction, but I'm pretty sure the Tzeentch Arcanites will be an army of their own... eventually.

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I don't hold any hopes for Tzaangors. If they ended up being just one unit in a bigger Arcanites army, that might be good enough for me, but I'm not going to wait for that.

My biggest "problem" with undead right now is that I don't really have an idea how to make them my own, so to speak. Like, with Stormcast Eternals I know how I would paint them and already have a name for "my" Stormhost and some background story and descriptions and whatnot. With undead, I have some ideas what colors to use and how to hopefully paint them in a way that I could use different colors for the various types of undead but still make them look like a cohesive army on the table. But in the end they would simply be undead, nothing "special" about them. I still have some time to think more about it, maybe inspiration will come eventually.

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A couple of suggestions:

1) Each of the mortarchs has their own forces, so you could do Neferata and the vampires and skeletons she has serving her, or Mannfred, or Arkhan.

2) The Deathrattle kingdoms are now semi-independent states - lots of room there for customization.

3) The Flesh Eater Courts have a lot of personality, each court being strongly influenced by the style of the ghoul king at its head.

4) Shyish is a big place and there's lots of room for cool stuff based on various weird locations.

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Now you've got me thinking (which is a good thing). I suppose it should be easy enough to undeadify minis from the other factions by swapping out some bits and using appropriate colors. I already have some ideas, I think. Only problem with that is that it would be more effort than just taking things out of a box, and right now I am eager to start playing. But in that case, maybe Undead aren't ideal anyway because I would expect to need lots of zombies and skeletons to get an appropriate army. So maybe I'll just start out with Stormcast Eternals for now and once I have a playable collection of those I can start some more ambitious projects.

Anyway, thanks for the suggestions.

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