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White Khorne Bloodbound


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So I saw this :4XL.jpg

And I decided that I was going to paint my Khorne Bloodbound (all I have so far is the White Dwarf Slaughterpriest and the Gorechosen models) all in white, possibly with a Stormtrooper or enamel-like shine. Does anyone have any other examples of something like this or advice?

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Think it's really good what they've done but it's very mono-tone to the point the skulls and flesh blend in with the armour, having the trim/banding the same colour just emphasises it. 

I think they way they've achieved the armour is simply a Sepia wash over a Corax White undercoat, possibly with a thinned Agrax wash over the centre panels to push the depth.

Gloss finish is pretty straight forward, there are a few brush on acrylic gloss varnishes you can use ('Ard Coat, Vallejo Model or Vallejo Metal) which would give that hard enamel appearance.


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I think that kind of scheme would look very effective for a whole army. You should definitely try this on a whole unit to check out the effect.

I've seen other painters use quite a minimal palette with some gloss paint and blood splatter to add contrast - it does work, and I imagine that it can be a fairly quick method for army painting.

Look up third eye nuke on the tale of painters blog - it's a similar style and might give you some inspiration.

Be sure to post up some photos once you make a start on your project!


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On 10/17/2016 at 11:29 AM, elfhead said:

check out this tutorial http://leskouzes.blogspot.nl/2016/06/tuto-blood-warriors.html

they also have a very unusual color scheme. Make sure you use different recipes for stuff like skulls that are also white, so it stands out. I'd also suggest using another color, black maybe, to add some contrast and keep Things interesting 

I"m thinking of going with gold as the second color. I have acces to Solid Gold and Blighted Gold (P3 paints). My Stormcast are already black and silver, similar to the one side of that Bloodbound model in the tutorial.

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