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Skullreapers or Wrathmongers


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I'm working on updating my old Hordes of Chaos armies piece by piece, and I'm currently working on Blood bound. I've just bought a box of reapers/mongers and I'm wondering what to build them as from a gaming perspective. The rest of my list is mostly footslogging with warriors, Blood warriors, bloodletters, reavers and a whole bunch of characters (one of each for AoS, plus all the older metals), but there's some knights and flesh hounds in there too. Which version would make the best addition from a synergy point of view?


Any advice gratefully received!

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First you get as many Wrathmongers as you feel you need to have an answer to beefy character and buffed up units, then you can grab some Skullreapers if you want. If your meta is heavy on hordes and gunlines you won't think the world of the Wrathmongers but against elites there's nothing else in-faction that compares to them.

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2 hours ago, Arkiham said:

Skullreapers best against hordes & wrathmongers best against elite units.

Absolutely! I run both in units of 5 (which I always think how much more devastating they would be in units of 10!).  I love both these units because of fluff and rules.  The 3 wounds is huge so they have some staying power.  Last game I played against sigmarines and my wrathmongers dispatched two of my opponents leaders with ease ( I mean 20 attacks sliced up like butter).  In another game against sylvaneth they did awesome against the sylvaneth  treelords because, as they died, my opponent was forced to attach themselves.  It was sacrificial but....hey it's Khorne.

I see wrathmongers run in two ways : 1) keep the, behind your large units for the buffs the give. ( always be mindful/ careful about that 3" bonus attack) and 2) monster/leader slayers.  In this they are peerless, once engaged they will dish out tons of attacks and even if one of them dies then your opponent gets t attack them self.

I am newer to running to skullreapers but they are very synergistic with the bloodstoker.  Skullreaper rules give them reroll to-hits of 1,  and then add the bloodstokers re-roll to wounds of 1 and you can really pile it on.  Any chance you get to re-roll is amazing.  

Overall these are super fun units to although it takes a lot of practice to master (admittedly not their yet).

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I am currently planning on running
1 unit of Skullreapers
3 units of wrathmongers in the bloodstorm formation

The -1 to hit all 3 units in shooting is a good start.

The 8 inch bubble of immune to battleshock for Khorne units is huge if you want your bloodreavers to have a chance to stay on the table vs shooting in games when you don't get first turn.

Add in the extra attack they get for each roll of 6 and it is super tempting.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I've recently finished painting a unit of each and for me, they complement each other so well. Get a unit of both! :D If you have to choose one, I think it really depends on the meta of your gaming group but I'd probably go for wrathmongers as they can help to deal with the big threats.

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