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2 questions about khorne bloodbound


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First question - Do khorne bloodbound armies play differently than ironjaws?

I am still filling out my first army of ironjaws, but I have this WD slaughterpriest with no one to support.  Looking at the khorne bloodbound units, they seem fairly similar to the ironjaws as a melee-centric aggressive army.

Second question - Are there warscrolls of units that contain both the bloodbound and demons of khorne?

Admittedly, I don't have chaos' grand alliance book nor the khorne bloodbound battletomb.  But it would be an interesting theme to have an army picking from all khorne's minions.

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Yep they are do play differently to Ironjaws especially if you go Bloodreaver heavy.

Pure Bloodbound are just mortals however it's perfectly acceptable to mix them with Khorne Daemon unit. The only thing is the command abilities tend to only affect Mortal Khorne units. The Bloodsecrator banner effects any Khorne units so they still possess some (good) synergy.  

Have a look at the sections on the APP if you can download it's free and it'll give you a flavour of what they're like 

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On September 26, 2016 at 3:41 PM, Wolden Spoons said:

Play style may be similar to Iron Jawz for you. Run forward, go through or bounce off. If that sounds like Iron Jawz then you may want to tweak to general chaos. Slaughterpriests can still be used and will still be good.

This does sound similar - though I am still a novice so I could be wrong.  It seems the variation comes in the subtleties - bloodbound negate magic and buff for extra attacks while the ironjaws get movement tricks and buff to hit rolls.  Plus the bloodbound seem to run more leaders, or at least have more available.


Also, thanks Ollie for the tip on the app.  It is a nice way to scout out potential purchases.

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Not sure if this applies to the Ironjawz but another part of Khorne's fightiness is in 'thorns' damage, or additional damage they dish out by being attacked or dying.  At least 3 units have this flavour.  Khorne cares not from whence the blood flows.

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1 hour ago, BrAiKo said:

Not sure if this applies to the Ironjawz but another part of Khorne's fightiness is in 'thorns' damage, or additional damage they dish out by being attacked or dying.  At least 3 units have this flavour.  Khorne cares not from whence the blood flows.

Someone plays diablo. 

Agreed, I stack my battleline quite heavily as of this ability, typically 30 bloodwarriors with 2 bloodsecrator banners giving them on the charge a respectable 8 or 10 attacks

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They are good as they force your opponent to make difficult decisions as to activation order. You can quite happily pick a different unit to go before the Blood Warriors knowing that you'll still get fair value out of them via the pile in then die mechanic. If you take a big block of them, slap on mystic shield and 2 Bloodsecrators, then they will make a mess out of most opponents.

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17 minutes ago, Ollie Grimwood said:

It is a bit surprising that Bloodwarriors seem to do better when attacked than when attacking. I found them to be quite a difficult unit to understand how to use to best effect (and still haven't fully got it). Wrathmongers are hilarious as well. 

Remove from the front. Remove the unit champion with goreglaive last, or when battle shock might remove him.

If you're equipping them with the gore fist don't forget that + to save via spells or terrain also counts towards the mortal wound proc. 

So it's possible to get that to proc off of a 4+ fairly easy if you are running a wizard 

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You're misreading the proc - any saves mean you have to roll a separate dice (not a save roll), if that dice is a 6 (pretty much unmodifiable), then you do the mortal wound. However, cover and mystic shield would increase the number of chances you get to proc it.

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