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Orruk project - lore and tech question


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Hi all,

This is the project i am working on:
I am gathering stuff to build a feral looking Big Waaagh! list with a few kitbashes. I want to get some Boarboys on fenrisian wolves and Brutes on thunderwolves as Gore-gruntas and replace the 3 missing Brutes with the Morgoks Krushas warband to tie them in with the Bonesplitterz. I have already started kitbashing Beastsnagga boys to Ardboyz. This is all kind of a shoutout to the WoW wolf riding orcs i loved back in the day. I will be painting them with the iconic red and iron armour.

I want to do this right and also include some of the lore into this army. I just dont know enough about the mortal realms to know what is possible. It would be awesome if anyone could help me out here. What realm could this originate from? What level of tech could i use to kitbash these models as the thunderwolves use 40k tech. This would be a no go for whfb, but i feel like it could be done within the mortal realms where things like Cogforts and Grotbag airships also exist. I dont really know if Orruks would use these levels of tech or i should try and remodel these and remove the tech bits. I wanted to remove them at first but i think a slightly techy orruk list could be a thing. Maybe they stumpled upon these enhanced creatures and smashed them into submission. I dont really want to include Kruleboys at this moment. I figured they could be Bloodtoofs because of the red armour and i can see this being kind of vanguard unit with the fast wolves.

I think this army is going to look awesome when its done but it could be a few years before i finish this beast. Please help me with the lore and tech questions please. Thanks!

The initial feral/wolves list would look something like this.  I also allied Rippas Snarlfangs just because they fit the theme well. 

Allegiance: Big Waaagh!

Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (480) (Could be used as a boss on foot)

10 x Orruk Ardboys (170)
5 x Orruk Brutes (160)
3 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (170) 
10 x Savage Boarboys (280)
3 x Rippa's Snarlfangs (70) - Allies
TOTAL: 1330/1000

Models i can add to this
1x Wurrgog Prophet
20x Savage Orruks Morboys
1x Hedkrakka warband

These are not my models but it gives an impression of what i want to achieve.

Icejawz Frost Wolf Cavalry : Warhammer | Warhammer fantasy battle, Mini  paintings, Fantasy miniatures



Beastsnagga 40K conversion to AOS - Destruction - The Grand Alliance  Community

It's not easy being green: a brief history of orcs in video games |  Eurogamer.net

Edited by Gitzdee
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High tech stuff is common or at least present among some factions, but Orruks typically don't bother with it in AoS. Ironjawz in particular are known for not even forging their armor, just beating it into shape with muscle and stubbornness. If you want to be compliant with known lore, that would most easily be represented by modeling over the tech bits. However, AoS is also big, and unknown elements of the lore are a prime place to put "your guys." I don't think the idea of looting tech and sticking it into a beast to see what happens is far from being Orruk-y.

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I think with how the lore has expanded for the mortal realms and just how big they are, leaves plenty of room for some of the basic Ork tech working on Orruks.

Assuming you are swapping most of the weapons with less tech versions and it's just things like bionics:

Maybe they were held as slaves by Hashut's followers and were given mechanical replacement limbs, or they came from Charon and replaced parts with this taken from metallic creatures. 

At the end of the day, you need to make a force you're happy with and enjoy putting together. Looking forward to see what you come up with. 

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I think it sounds great! With the limitless opportunities of the Mortal Realms you've got a lot more creative workspace than you'd have had in WHFB. I can easily see a roving band of Chamon Orruks striking deals with enterprising Dwarves (like the Hobgoblins you get in Kruleboyz with their Chorf grenades) maybe trading slaves for "upgrades" which means all your bionic stuff would thematically work perfectly fine. 

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I must educate myself a bit better when it comes to the mortal realms. Dont know much about Chamon to be honest. But it seems like it could work with the mechanical wolves and the beastsnagga ardboyz. Just need to replace some of the guns/weapons with more Orrukish weapons.

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That second picture is a group of my Savage Orruk Wolf/Boar boys, happy to provide some inspiration :)

I've been pondering expanding into some Thunderwolf-Goregrunta Iron-Jaws and maybe a chariot Maw crusha, and have be thinking about similar issues.  Those Thunderwolf bionic looking out of place.  For me, the whole army is primitive, so I'd really have to do some sculpting to cover up the tech, but if you embraced it and made sure similar stuff was on display throughout your army, it'd be great and very thematic for engineering obsessed Orruks. 

From a gaming perspective, worth saving that Boneslittas really get the short straw in Big Waaagh.  Losing Spirit of Gorka-morka, the brilliant Waaagh ability, tireless trackers and Icebone removes all the stuff that makes them good.  The casters and big-stabbas are solid but everything else really struggles without their sub-allegiance abilities.

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