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Combined Mortal/Daemon Khorne options


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This is partly a continuation of my other recent thread, but a much more specific question. I've decided to go for Bloodbound, and have the starter set minis on the way. It also occurred to me I might like to have daemons in the army as well. I'm a fan of the old Realms of Chaos books, and they frequently portrayed mortals and daemons side by side.

That said, I've seen a few relevant discussions here and there, but nothing too in-depth that compares mortal units to daemon counterparts. I know Bloodletters can be a better alternative to Bloodreavers, but as for filling in gaps in the Bloodbound roster, in not sure what other options are genuinely strong. Skull Cannons can help with some much-needed range, but I don't know what else to add that'd objectively improve the army.

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Skull Cannons are not reliable ranged units, but they are fun to play nonetheless. Soul Grinders marked Khorne and parked next to a Bloodsecrator are a much more brutal and reliable combination. 

Bloodletters with a Herald are very functional, and Bloodcrusher cavalry are also quite effective on the Charge. 'Letters are much more of an anti-hero/monster horde, and really come into their own when they hit 30 strong where they give Mortal Wounds on a 5+.

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I've been a big fan of blood thirsters. The wrath of khorne is actually a great little gun platform, and it boasts an incredible command ability. The insensate rage is really really really fun when you boost that attack number. 2 blood secrators and an artifact and its at 7 attacks. Then use your general to give it +1 to hit, and if the general is the WoK thirster, then it can run and charge too. Then whip it with a blood stoker. You now have a blood thirster that runs and charges, adds 1 to its run rolls, 4 to its charge rolls, has 7 attacks hitting on 3's re rolling 1's, wounding on 2's re rolling 1's that do D6 damage. Pick a unit and its dead. You might get lucky and do a huge bubble of mortal wounds too. Did 12 in a bubble at a tournament and downed 3 giants with it!

Soul Grinders are also great. 1 they can run and still shoot 2. they fight well in combat 3. they're very tough 4. they benefit immensely from khorne attack buffs like wrath mongers and blood secrators.


Blood letters are fantastic in 30's. Do everything you can to keep them above 20 for that +1 to hit, then use lord of war for an additional +1 to hit. Blood secrator for +1 attack. A 30 man unit now dishes out 61 attacks, hitting on 2's and dealing mortal wounds on a 4+. Enjoy 30 mortal wounds per round...

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Ah yes, Bloodthirsters! Skarbrand is a good anti-everything melee monster but you must remember his attack profile only changes in your hero phase (unless I've missed something). Its worth keeping out of the fight for a turn so he jumps straight "Kill Everything" levels of angry. And thats before he gets a boost from a Bloodsecrator. 

Wrath of Khorne is a good commander/melee/ranged mix. 

Unfettered Fury does a much better job of 'Control'. Allowing you to disrupt your enemies formations by pulling key characters away and closer to you assuming you dont kill them.

Insensate Rage is a beast in close combat with a very, very, very slim chance of him turning into a nuclear bomb. I've read an instance where he did 74 mortal wounds in a single turn wiped an entire army off the board after battleshock before his opponent even played a turn.

Bloodthirsters are badass for sure.

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If an army is tightly packed and an MSU style list, its very possible to do upwards of 100 wounds with a blood thirster of insensate rage. My dream is seeing a line of heros hiding behind a gunline of skaven gun teams. Run up, get a luck swing, and the army disappears : )

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Thanks for the replies! Seems Bloodthirsters and old Skarbrand will have to be added to the wish list! :D Could it be feasible to squeeze one into a small, 1k list alongside Khorne mortals?

I'm definitely looking at Bloodletters as a 'reaver replacement; a nice horde of 30, as mentioned, would be fun to field. When it comes to 'elite' units, do Bloodcrushers shine as much as Bloodbound elites - Wrathmongers, Skullreapers, etc.? I'm really liking the synergy 'mongers provide and am hesitant about leaving them behind in any list.

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1 hour ago, RuneBrush said:

Don't forget the (not so) humble Blood Warrior ;)  Decent save, two wounds, receives buffs like most units and has a bonus that if they die in combat, you get a free attack - plus they're battleline.  One of my preferred units, especially for holding objectives

I think bloodbound/khorne have such great battle line units.

 i find myself way over on my battle line requirements because of how awsome they are.

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4 hours ago, Arkiham said:

my last khorne list ran 40 blood warriors. 4 groups of 10, all rocking at least 4 attacks. with two groups with an impressive 6. both when they die an when they attack, so brutal

Brutal! What else were you running?

I really do like Blood Warriors, but I'm also keen to try out a big group of Bloodletters for the chance to inflict mortal wounds. Probably would have to wait until 2k; in small games, I'd feel better prioritizing Bloodbound units.

It sounds like most lists with comp in mind combine WoK 'thirster, 'thirster of IR, Bloodsecrators, 2 Soulgrinders and fill the rest with battleline from either faction.

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1 hour ago, Wolden Spoons said:

Skarbrand is more than an idea. Love that guy.

My wish list is now Warshrine, Bloodthirsters, Wrathmongers, Skull Grinder. Oh and more Shattered Dominion bases. Love those. Above all of them is Gorechosen of course.

I need a better paid job.

I'm making a brilliant warshrine, it's got a bloodsecrator on the top at the front, a new a Bloodstoker at the back whipping the giants, added some some chains and a gibbet.

It's a shame I'm not as good at painting then others on here, I don't really want to ruin the idea with a bad paint job.

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I've been painting for decades but it was only when I started watching Saint Duncan that I truly learned to paint. Three rules.

1) Thin your paints, many small layers are better than one thick one

2) Just take your time. It's not a race.

3) Use the right brush for the right job. True story, fine detail brush is terrible for base coating.

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I've been doing some brainstorming and narrowing down units in a theoretical 2k list. I like the synergy between Khorne models, and want to aim for bonuses to movement/charge range. The faster we can get in combat, the faster we win. :D

To achieve this, a WoK thirster general's comand ability adds some distance our daemons can cover, plus a little ranged power. To make the most of the ability, I'm thinking either Skarbrand or Insensate Rage, plus a Bloodletter horde. All these also benefit from the Bloodstoker, adding more distance to their run/charge. So far, the list would look like this:

WoK Thirster: 360

Thirster of IR: 280 

Bloodsecrator: 120

Bloodstoker: 80

30 Bloodletters: 300

This totals 1140, over half of the army. I'm a bit lost on what else to bring along; Bloodcrushers seem like a decent choice, given their speed, and they'd benefit from the WoK's ability. Soul Grinders are also quite speedy, and can shoot and move, which is a welcome capability in a melee-centric army. 

The whole idea is to get into grips as fast as possible, through warscroll abilities and synergy. Once in combat, we can start killing. What else would you add?

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