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Can you critique my proposed list?


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Can you critique this list

340 -Mannfred Mortarch of the night


120-Wight king with baleful blade

280-Skeletons with spears x 40

140-Direwolves x 10

240-Chain rasp horde x 30

240- Black Knights x 10

300- Grimghast Reapers x 30

50- Extra command point



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Legion of the Night are not really competitive and the bait rule only applies to Deathrattle units.

mannfred is too expensive and frail for heavy melee

the wightkings CA only counts for deathrattleunits, too

i personally hate nighthaunt units, because they are better in the legions than in their „home“ faction and that triggers me a lot.


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I would switch out the wightking for a vampire lord, extea caster and his ca buffs any Death unit, either throw out some doggies (never) or some chainrasps (sure, gladly).

then go for it. Mannis CA is great on 3+\3+ so the reapers are set
vampire flying or horsie runs around with the black knights and doggos, while the necro holds the centre, preferably within terrain 😅👍

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Qoute:”Can you critique my proposed list?”

sure mate,

let’s see here,

Not playing the Skavenitde allegiance, missing Any rats as Battlelines

and no Rats in the command slots either.

at least the horde requirement for a skaventide army are there.

I’d give You B- for trying😉.

jokes aside, it looks great.

You’ll certainly have a lot of fun with it.

It might not be the most competitive, but I’m anyways more fond of using the rule of cool, anyways.

If you like it, then play it 😁

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On 7/27/2020 at 6:56 PM, ShockTaco said:


Can you critique this list

340 -Mannfred Mortarch of the night


120-Wight king with baleful blade

280-Skeletons with spears x 40

140-Direwolves x 10

240-Chain rasp horde x 30

240- Black Knights x 10

300- Grimghast Reapers x 30

50- Extra command point



30 Grimghast cost 420 points however even with that your list is only 1960 so you could afford to upgrade the Chainrasps to 40.

Nighthaunt units have poor synergy with Mannfred though as they don't make much use of his command ability.  Get some grave guard instead

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/29/2020 at 9:21 PM, Sutek said:

they don't make much use of his command ability.

?!? Why not ?!?

his CA states reroll 1s hit/wound for DEATH units within range...

legion of night would kinda be useless for bedsheets, but there is a 40 block of skellis in the List and outflanking reapers are kinda interesting 

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On 7/27/2020 at 7:56 PM, ShockTaco said:


Can you critique this list

340 -Mannfred Mortarch of the night


120-Wight king with baleful blade

280-Skeletons with spears x 40

140-Direwolves x 10

240-Chain rasp horde x 30

240- Black Knights x 10

300- Grimghast Reapers x 30

50- Extra command point



Okey let´s see.

30 Reapers are 420.

You´re paying 240pv for 30 Chainrasp: another 10 models are at 50%, so pay it, please.

Dire wolves are better in units of 5: they´re screens and chaff, so you can save some points here.

Black Knights... I hate them. I prefer some vampiric knights/blood K.

Mannfred legion is not good with NH units: you can change them for more skellies.

I hope it can be usefull :)

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On 8/8/2020 at 6:22 AM, Honk said:

?!? Why not ?!?

his CA states reroll 1s hit/wound for DEATH units within range...

legion of night would kinda be useless for bedsheets, but there is a 40 block of skellis in the List and outflanking reapers are kinda interesting 

You can use the CA on them but Reapers already can reroll hits if the enemy unit has 5 or more models and Chainrasps already reroll ones to wound on their warscroll.  So they don't make as much use of the ability as other units.

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1 hour ago, Sutek said:

So they don't make as much use of the ability as other units.

Thanks for the info, cannot be bothered learning bedsheets 🤣

Legion of Night might not be the strongest option compared to the others, but still a Mannfred buffed centre can be valid.

then you can have deepstriking bedsheets, as you said, they are very independent and reliable. Deepstriking 30 Reapers sounds tasty.

The black knights and the wightking are kinda old school bad, I hate to say... knight of shrouds or something, unrendable save is just too good, perhaps a vamp lord 'cause magic.

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The only problem you might have with deepstriking reapers is that they have to come on 6" from a table edge and 9" from enemy units.  A clever opponent won't leave you space to bring on 30 models on 32mm bases.  

I won two games yesterday running Manfredd in Grand Host of Nagash.  Seemed to work better.

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With a nighthaunt leaning LoN list, I'd really like to trybto fit a banshee or two in there, as outflanking them into scream range is a nice trick.  As otgers have said, vamp lord > wight king in this list, for more casting and for the CA that works with both skittles and bedsheets.  Even without the bait bonus, nighthaunt stuff is still prob better than deathrattle, or at least as good, so I wouldn't feel bad about fielding sheets in LoN.  I'm not a huge fan of black knights outside of deathmarch, though, so personally i'd drop them to make room for something else.  Maxing out the rasp block certainly.  Casting bonuses are important if you want to cast anything, so maybe a cart, maybe trade your artefact for the claw.  If both, that's a respectable +3 to cast in the bubble, so maybe an offensive endless spell to go with?  And always, *always* buy the extra CP in legions lists.

Mannfred, like all the mortarchs, is better in Grand Host than his own legion due to the must be general requirement, but I get wanting to run him in his own legion for narrative purposes so that probably can't ve helped.

Maybe something like:

Allegiance: Legion of Night
Mortal Realm: Shyish
Mannfred Mortarch of Night (340)
- General
- Lore of the Dead: Fading Vigour
Necromancer (130)
- Artefact: Morbheg's Claw
- Lore of the Deathmages: Overwhelming Dread
Vampire Lord (140)
- Mount: Flying Horror
- Lore of the Vampires: Amaranthine Orb
Tomb Banshee (80)
40 x Skeleton Warriors (280)
- Ancient Spears
40 x Chainrasp Horde (280)
5 x Dire Wolves (70)
5 x Dire Wolves (70)
30 x Grimghast Reapers (420)
1 x Corpse Cart (80)
Extra Command Point (50)
Geminids of Uhl-Gysh (60)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 1
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 161

Manny takes the banshee and reapers outflanking, the vamp, necro, battleline hordes, and corpse cart claim the middle, dire wolves grab objectives, screen, or speed bump.  Not the best list by any stretch, but should be at least reasonably playable, and has some nice variety & a few fun tricks.  Just don't be too aggressive with manny, as he is your general.
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