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Malign Sorcery Splitting

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Hey guys! 

Me and my friends (I play Slaves to darkness, one plays Stormcast/Nightnaunt, one plays Skaven, one plays Nurgle and the last one plays Sylvaneth) are thinking of buying and splitting the malign sorcery box. How do you think we should split it?

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On a game by game basis...

Just take turns painting up the models but then don't perma-split them at all.  Just have them as a pool and discuss with each other what you want to take each game.  They are all "generic" so to speak and can be used by anyone.    

The Skaven player probably should get their faction-specific ones though... not only are they thematic, it seems that people enjoy using them.

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I second Travis's point. The spells are all generic toolbox type spells and some are cheap enough that they are worth taking just to fill in the points. 

One week you might want the prismatic wall, another you might want the pendulum. So if you're going to pool them I would suggest simply sharing them out at the game night. Chances are if any of you find you use one all the time you can buy it off a split box off ebay or others might pick up their own box in time. There's really no "spell" that any one faction would want all the time and only that faction want it.

That said there's a few in there which are often more popular than others and might be in stronger demand, but chances are you can easily work it out if you're pooling it. 


And yeah the faction endless spells, for them who have them at present, are often a good buy. Skaven has some darn fun spells to play with in the set! 

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