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AoS Race play style/Tricks to watch guide

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As a player coming back to warhammer, is there a guide to the races somewhere?


How they play?
What are their strength and weaknesses?
Tricks to look out for when playing them?

Something like this would be great to new/returning players to give us an idea of what we are stepping into

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Best bet is to watch some batreps. You can see two different armies play and if either catches your interest then you have a launching off point, otherwise you know more about them if you have to play against them.

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14 hours ago, PlasticCraic said:

@heywoah_twitch has got your back


It doesn't really give you a feel for how the armies play exactly as much as lays some general stuff down about each army and rank them to give you a feel for where they currently stand pre-GHB2019. That said, don't bank on the ranks too much as even the best army is little more than fodder when put into the hands of an inexperianced general. 

I'd recommend more to find an army that has the models and playstyle you like and go from there. Unless you're chasing the meta for national level tournament play it isn't the best method of picking an army.

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Here are a few tips for some of the armies I am familiar with:


-Stay far away from their Wyldwoods. They buff their troops, and can auto kill models that run/charge through them.  Also, anytime a spell is cast nearby, the forest wakes up on a 5+ and starts doing mortal wounds. 

- All treelords have a 3+ armor save and can be healed by magic and usually are -1 to hit. However their attacks degrade quickly. So weaken them with spells before pulling them into combat. Do NOT engage Durthu unless he has at least a few wounds on him already. 

-If Alarielle is on the board make sure you focus fire on units until they are destroyed. She has an AOE heal so if you just plink wounds off multiple units you may find your turn wasted.

-Watch out for teleport shenanigans! Tree Revenants can teleport every turn and any unit can teleport between Wyldwoods.


-Do not engage Evocators in combat unless they are significantly depleted. These guys churn out an insane amount of mortal wounds. We are talking at least 10+ a turn.

-Watch out for Gavriel Sureheart. The net-list strategy is to deepstrike him with several other units and spam his command ability for multiple bonuses to charges. If you are unprepared you can essentially lose the game turn 1. You can prevent this by conga -lining  a screening unit to absorb the charge. Pink Horrors or Kairic Acolytes work best. 

-Keep your Lord of Change at least 23 inches from Ballistas at all times. They absolutely wreck anything they shoot at 18 inches. (and they can move!).  Try to tie them up with summoned horrors. Remember, they can still shoot while in combat but they have to target who they are fighting. 


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