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2000pt Returning Mixed Order


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Ok, so taking a step back into AoS before handbook 3 in June

Just wanted to use a lot of my old models for now (mainly old High Elves) till I see see if I want to commit to a new AoS army (Blades of Khorne is my interest atm)

Atm I am looking at:


Anointed on Frostheart Phoenix (General): 280
- Master of Defense
- Glyphfeathers

Anointed on Frostheart Phoenix: 280

Anointed on Frostheart Phoenix: 280

Loremaster: 140

Loremaster: 140

Battlemage: Amber: 120

10 Glade Guard: 120

10 Glade Guard: 120

10 Glade Guard: 120

30 Phoenix Guard: 360

Razordon: 40


3 Frosthearts to shut down magic and be hitty.  They are backed up by 2 loremasters (reroll to hit and wound is great) plus the extra chances to up their armour if I position them right

Battlemage to buff the phoenix guard

Glade guard is cause...well out battleline options are slim and I dont have any more PG. Plus, I used them before and 30 shouts at -3 rend one off is pretty useful if I need to do wounds to something (again, with Amber mage could help 1 unit)

Razordon is...well..i had 40pts free and thought endless spells are good, I need my 3 mages to already cast the spells they have and I dont want to lose a turn casting it (unless I am missing something)

Plus, it can run around and be annoying as it can get up close with the PG and 2d6 -1 (if 6 inches) can really help

So, feel free to give opinions. 

Finally, do any of my other characters bar the general get an item choice?

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Because you can't cast the same spell twice in a turn, having 2 Loremasters may be a bit redundant. Of course, the spell is powerful, so having a backup isn't bad. An Archmage on Horse has a neat spell that can buff multiple units and they can keep up with the Pheonixes. 

If you keep the extra Lore master, than an endless spell can put him to good use. You can do Quicksilver Swords and Shackles for variety, or Aethervoid Pendulum for power. But a Razordon can be fine, too.

Overall, seems solid. Frosthearts are still very powerful, as are Phoenix Guard. You got the staying power, so if you play the objectives right you should be a strong list.

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I had mixed results with PG in groups of 30. I think i would rather split into 20 and 10. the smaller unit can stay on an objective or something like that.


Agree about the loremaster. You can replace one for an archmage or a spellweaver to ressurect the glade guard + an endless spell, since she is pretty cheap.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers for the feedback

Totally missed the 1 spell type max. Good to know. I might change to the AM, as yeah the bubble might be effective and gives me another 40pts to play with.

Dropping the salamander gives me 80 total, enough for another character/unit or an endless spell or two.

Kinda tempted to take an assassin for 80pts to put in the PG. Can help with extra damage VS heroes 

Another option is to drop the 2nd LM and rather than an archmage, maybe by a unit for 180pts to give me some more bodies . Like 5 doomfire warlocks? Gives another spell and some mortal wound damage

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If I could get my hands on the doomfire warlocks/more pg...

Anointed on Frostheart Phoenix (General): 280
- Master of Defense
- Glyphfeathers

Anointed on Frostheart Phoenix: 280

Anointed on Frostheart Phoenix: 280

20 Phoenix Guard: 280

10 Phoenix Guard: 140

10 Phoenix Guard: 140

10 Phoenix Guard: 140

10 Phoenix Guard: 140

5 Doomfire Warlocks: 160

5 Doomfire Warlocks: 160


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2 hours ago, Chumphammer said:

If I could get my hands on the doomfire warlocks/more pg...

Anointed on Frostheart Phoenix (General): 280
- Master of Defense
- Glyphfeathers

Anointed on Frostheart Phoenix: 280

Anointed on Frostheart Phoenix: 280

20 Phoenix Guard: 280

10 Phoenix Guard: 140

10 Phoenix Guard: 140

10 Phoenix Guard: 140

10 Phoenix Guard: 140

5 Doomfire Warlocks: 160

5 Doomfire Warlocks: 160


Sadly, Doomfire Warlocks are Daughters of Khaine, and Daughters aren't a viable ally for Phoenix Temple, so they violate your Phoenix Temple allegiance...which makes the Phoenix Guard no longer battleline. (This always FEELS less complicated than spelling it out makes it...)

You will need to find alternatives to the Doomfire Warlocks, or add regular battleline. 

To keep the Aelf theme, your best bet for Pure Battleline for a Mixed Order list would probably be Bleaksword/Spears/Darkshards from Darkling Covens.

For keeping the Phoenix Temple deal, you are back to Archmages and Loremasters. You COULD do an Archmage on Dragon or Drakeseer. That's a lot of spicy behemoths...

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14 minutes ago, Chumphammer said:

******, forgot that. Cheers lol

Yeah, AM on Dragon or Drakeseer could work. Or just sod magic and more PG or Frostheart

It gets me so many times. Cool idea! Nope, breaks allegiance. It's why I played Mixed Order... lol 

Magic seems too good combined with the Phoenixes to not do in SOME degree. A Dragon mage would be my vote, they are durable if you aren't too reckless and can keep up with Phoenixes. Drakeseer would give you room for an endless spell like Soulsnare Shackles or Quicksilver Swords. Monster mash, yay! 

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44 minutes ago, flamingwalnut said:

It gets me so many times. Cool idea! Nope, breaks allegiance. It's why I played Mixed Order... lol 

Magic seems too good combined with the Phoenixes to not do in SOME degree. A Dragon mage would be my vote, they are durable if you aren't too reckless and can keep up with Phoenixes. Drakeseer would give you room for an endless spell like Soulsnare Shackles or Quicksilver Swords. Monster mash, yay! 

Endless spells don't count towards your allies points cost, so not a problem.

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