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Alright lads!


So with a new tome having been released, I've managed to catch the painting bug again! This time I want to focus on getting all 2000pts of my Khorne army completely finished. 


Recently picked up the Skulltaker, Tome, Judgments, Skull Altar, and Warscroll Cards upon release, and painted up the Skulltaker as soon as I primed him. Such a fun model to paint!

Current list of stuff that needs painting:

- 2 Slaughterpriests

- 1 Bloodthirster

- 9 Mighty Skullcrushers (Only have 3 atm so will be saving those till I get the other 6, by far my favourite models!)

- 10 Flesh Hounds (Still need to buy these)

- 1 Bloodstoker

- 30 Bloodletters (Still need 10 more)

- Wrath Axe, Hexgorger Skulls, and Skull Altar


Heres hoping I dont get any painters block or lose that painting streak! Thanks to all of you who pop by and have a look at what I have, and will paint!


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On 4/6/2019 at 6:27 PM, Broken Netcode said:

- 9 Mighty Skullcrushers (Only have 3 atm so will be saving those till I get the other 6, by far my favourite models!)

These are my favorite too. The Lord on Juggernaught is killer.

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