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AoS 2.0 App Mistakes and Missing Things


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10 hours ago, tchad78 said:

I wish they had a change log for updates.  What was updated today?  Still no Forgeworld.

All the Silver Tower heroes are still missing, which means I'm having to drop my Excelsior Warpriest from my list completely because his AoS rules aren't available anywhere else. Pretty sure the weapon stats are wrong for the Liberators' grandhammer too.

Given the massive scale of the app problems, coupled with how crucial the app has become for a significant number of players (including brand new ones enticed by AoS 2), it seems insane to me that GW aren't taking a leaf out of the computer game development PR playbook. If a game releases in a buggy or broken state, the best game studios will reach out to their customers, own up to their mistakes, set out a plan/timetable for fixing it and post regular updates. Customers and fans are prepared to be much more forgiving to companies that deal with the issue in this way, whereas those who go silent get pilloried and suffer reputational damage. I find the complete silence over the app issues even more baffling given how massively GW's PR and community outreach has improved in pretty much every other area. This can now be officially classified as a debacle, and the whole response (or lack thereof) smacks of old Games Workshop in ways that are both frustrating and troubling.

I don't blame the person/team (god I hope it's a team) that are presumably working very hard behind the scenes to fix this mess. I can only assume that the app department is brutally under-resourced, and that some middle-manager who never received the 'new GW' memo has taken the short sighted decision to bury their head in the sand until the whole thing blows over. From that guy upwards, there are clearly a lot of decision makers at GW who somehow don't quite see the app as an important part of the overall AoS package, when in my experience out there playing games in the community it's actually a crucial foundation to the whole AoS experience for most people. It might not make a lot of money in and of itself, but it's a major gateway into the rest of the GW range where the real money is made, and they're really shooting themselves in the foot by treating it as the poor cousin to the printed battletomes.

GW, I love you, but for god's sake get it together! (And yes, I have sent them an email saying pretty much this.)

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I'm able to view the content of the battlepacks I bought previously. They don't show in the library or anywhere that I can see, but I'm now able to read the battalions for the ones I bought before.

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