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Norsca help


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Hi everyone. I have been tidying up some old projects and have come across a bunch or skin wolves, marauders, throgg and trolls and a war mammoth I was going to use in eighth edution before I jumped on my original army of beastmen for the end times. As something of a casual player and looking at going to more store events I was hoping someone could give me guidance on if there was a way to still run a norsca themed army? 


It looks like throgg and wulfrik are gone for matched play and I'm just looking for even proxies if I have to. Thanks in advance any advice would be appreciated 

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Slaves to Darkness. It's where most of the original Warriors of Chaos kits ended up. 

Run Wulfrik as a Chaos Lord, Exalted Hero of Chaos or Darkoath Chieften

Skin Wolves have rules on their Forge World webstore page.

As far as I can tell,  Chaos Trolls are no longer a thing. You do however have a few options with which to proxy them and Throgg as: Plague Ogres, BullgorsDoombulls, These are the closest fit as far as I can tell.

Chaos Warshine is your best bet for the War Mammoth in my opinion.

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Hey SCW,

Clan's Cleric above covered some of the information you will need.

You can still have a Norsca themed army with all these miniatures you mentioned, bear in mind many of them like the Chaos Trolls and Throgg have no synergy with the chaos mortals. If playing friendly games with friends and newcomers you will be alright, but at store events this army will have a bit of a struggle with all the new factions.

Chaos Mammoth is in this PDF:  https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/resources/fw_site/fw_pdfs/aos_warscrolls/warhammer-aos-tamurkhans-horde.pdf

Points for it are here:  https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/resources/fw_site/fw_pdfs/aos_warscrolls/aos_matched_play_points.pdf

You can find warscrolls and points for Throgg and Chaos Trolls here, renamed for AoS as "Troggoth King" and "Chaos Troggoths" : https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/AoS_Compendiums/warhammer-aos-warriors-of-chaos-en.pdf


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Thanks a heap for the speedy replies. Perhaps I will just focus on the mortal skin wolves then as the trolls seem to break allegiance and using a compendium that i dont thinnk we are "allowed" to use for any events anymore?


I realise the new releases will be a ton better as they have been designed with the game in mind but its something ive always wanted to run so I will just need to figure out exactly how I can make a legal list and start trying it all out.

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This compendiums were released last summer when General's Handbook 2017 came out, they are legal to use in GW stores, but they made the Keywords in those warscrolls in such a way that you can use them only if you take a mixed "Grand Alliance: Chaos" army.

Skin Wolves can either be taken in a Chaos Allegiance mixed army or you can take them as allies in specific Allegiances that have "Monsters of Chaos" in their allies list. We will know which armies will be able to have "Monsters of Chaos" as allies in the new edition of General's Handbook that will be released soon.

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44 minutes ago, Infernalslayer said:

This compendiums were released last summer when General's Handbook 2017 came out, they are legal to use in GW stores, but they made the Keywords in those warscrolls in such a way that you can use them only if you take a mixed "Grand Alliance: Chaos" army.

That being said, many people think the compendiums are going to finally be phased out for GHB 2018. Doesn't help that the chaos trolls aren't for sale anymore.


It might be a stretch size wise, but I guess you could proxy Troll Kings as Daemon Princes.

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the new rules are out from forgeworld so check out the mammoth and wolves scrolls :)  


the chaos trolls can be used as bile trolls in the tamurkhan warscrolls.

I run a marauders slaves to darkness with the mammoth, and use wulfrik as a hero - but our dear wulfrik has yet to be returned to us with seafang by the ruinous powers.

The wolves can be allied in, and there's no reason why you can't run the trolls as chosen or heroes, or even thematic warherd statlines - throgg would make an excellent norscan flavoured doombull. :)


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