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Advice for Sigmar newb

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Hi All,

I'm looking into taking my first steps into the world of Age of Sigmar but I have a few questions while I'm deciding on an army.

So I really like the look of the Idoneth Deepkin and I see a "codex" for them to build an army, but as I was looking through the Order menus I saw models such as the Dragonlord and Flamespyre Phoenix which are awesome looking models but I don't seem to see a codex for such models, there is a downloadable PDF for their rules but who exactly can I play these models alongside?

Is it a case of there are a few armies in each alliance then models such as these can fight alongside anyone from order? I'm confuzzled.

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If you like those aelf models, you can include them as allies in a Deepkin allegiance army. Only 20% of your army can be allies (and they don't count towards battle line troops, can't be given artifacts and cannot provide the general.  So in a 1000p, you'd be allowed to get 200p of allies without them breaking your deepkin allegiance. If you go for more than that (or include order models outside the ally list below), you have to take a generic order allegiance... This gives a lot less bonuses than the deepkin allegiance. 


If you like the models and want to own/paint them, I would just get them. The powerbalance shifts too much in this game to chase the powermeta anyway, so as a starting player, I'd just go for stuff you like. 


PS: you can find all the warscrolls for units in the AoS app on any android/ios device. 

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Thanks for the replies, I was going to get models I like just to paint but if I can use them in an army too then that's a bonus.

I was actually just going to start collecting the Deepkin before the second edition comes out in June and then learning how to play once that's released :) 

Elmir, thanks for the explanation that helped a great deal. 

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Don't let the fact that there is a second ed on the horizon stop you buying any models that appeal to you. The basic rules will stay the same, all the battletomes will still be current and legal, no models will be suddenly out of production or unsupported in any way. If you like the look of Deepkin then go for it! There is nothing coming down the pike that is going to impact on your personal cool choice of models and army.

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22 hours ago, KhaosOP said:

Hi All,

I'm looking into taking my first steps into the world of Age of Sigmar but I have a few questions while I'm deciding on an army.

So I really like the look of the Idoneth Deepkin and I see a "codex" for them to build an army, but as I was looking through the Order menus I saw models such as the Dragonlord and Flamespyre Phoenix which are awesome looking models but I don't seem to see a codex for such models, there is a downloadable PDF for their rules but who exactly can I play these models alongside?

Is it a case of there are a few armies in each alliance then models such as these can fight alongside anyone from order? I'm confuzzled.

Hi KhaosOP, welcome !

So indeed, as you know there is a new AOS edition coming in June (some say between 16 and 23). 

The 4 pages rules sheet will be slightly reworked, but will still be available for free on the GW website (idem for units warscrolls).

The Battletomes will all still be valid, notably the Idoneth Deepkin one, being the last made before the new edition it stay entirely up to date.

For the differences between Allegiance abilities (= army wide special rules) : Order and Allegiance abilities : Idoneth Deepkin, you'll need the General's Handbook and/or the new Core Book coming in June. As we heard at Warhammer Fest, the GHB 2018 will be released this summer alongside the new edition, so maybe don't buy the GHB 2017, as you'll have all that you need in the Core Book and the Idoneth Deepkin to play. Idem for the Allies rules in the GHB2017.

The ID points values are in their BT, and for the other aelves units it will be in the General's Handbook too (their rules are for free on each unit GW website page, or in the Grand Alliance : Order book, but it's an old book), so if you want to play in Matched play (with points and army restriction), yeah really just wait a few weeks before buying any books but the Idoneth Deepkin BT. 

For the model, really take what you want (maybe just start "easy" like max. 2 occurrences of the same kit by unit types), and for allies, maybe take 1-2 units that you like in the long list that Elmir gave you. In your allies points allowance you can take units from different Allied factions (from the list only), so you could indeed have an Idoneth Deepkin army with 1 Phoenix (Phoenix Temple faction) and 1 Dragon (Order Draconis faction) without problem (as long as you stay in your point limit). You could even add Stormcast and Sylvaneth.

And of course in Open and Narrative plays you can build your army the way you want, as long as it fits your mood, your fluff, and what you want to paint ! :) 



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Thanks for the help that's been great. Answered everything I had to ask really, I've looked at 3 armies, Deepkin, Stormcast and Sylvaneth, I like the look of all of them so it would be great that not only can I ally the other models I like with them but also ally them all together too.

I was into 40k previously but the Sigmar range just seems to have a much nicer (if not smaller) range of models

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