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Flesh Wash Advice Needed


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Hey all, I'm running into a problem with my bottle of Reikland Fleshshade. It goes on nice and smooth, but then it dries sort of a powdery pink color. Has anyone else had this happen before? Can anything be done about it, or is it time to replace the bottle?

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How well do you mix the wash?  I've found the white patches in the past tend to come from the pot not being mixed enough or an old/duff pot (quite common if you buy from a local toy shop or similar).  Applying neat Lahmian Medium to the white patches can sometimes sort the problem out

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@RuneBrush is right. But I'd suggest shaking the bottle every time before using it.

You can hear Duncan say it in the video below, but he only shakes it for a second. Shake it for at least 10-20 seconds. If you're putting the shade on a wet palette keep mixing it.

That said reikland is chalky in finish. I've ordered Vallejo flesh wash to see if it's any better.

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It's a badly mixed pot, usually that residue sinks to the bottom but occasionally it's small enough to float.

Shake the bottle really well, apply a little to a pallette and if it's still not right, and you bought it recently from a GW store pop back in, and they'll check it and will usually replace it

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