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Magic Defense for Stormcast?


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I played a game against a nurgle demon maggotkin army the other day and had a great time.  Tough battle but the stormcasts pulled through it.  One questions I had is that since the relic priest can't dispel since he isn't a wizard do people take any kind of magic defense for dispel purposes.  If so do you take a lord veritant, or an ally from somewhere else?  Or, do you just ****** it and don't take anything?


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Two allied Helstorm Rocket batteries and at least one Lord-Ordinator using his command ablilty. 9 3+/3+ rend -2  damange D6 shots landing anywhere on the battlefield without the need for line of sight, more than enough to kill small wizard dead, and enough to combine with your other shooting to take down any monstrous ones. B|

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I've been bringing the Eldrich Council Archmage in my recent Stormcast games against heavy magic armies (like Death with Nagash and Nurgle with Rotigus and the Glottkin). He helps out with his Elemental Shield spell, which gives a 6+ ward save and he also has +1 to unbinding. Since he is 120 points he just barely squeezes into my lists.

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3 hours ago, Double Misfire said:

Two allied Helstorm Rocket batteries and at least one Lord-Ordinator using his command ablilty. 9 3+/3+ rend -2  damange D6 shots landing anywhere on the battlefield without the need for line of sight, more than enough to kill small wizard dead, and enough to combine with your other shooting to take down any monstrous ones. B|

Aren't Helstorms 5+/3+? So with the Ordinator that will come down to 4+/3+. Or maybe I'm missing something that gives them an extra bonus to hit?

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