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Painting bruised flesh


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There's quite a few tutorials out there, but my method is to give a flesh toned base layer two washes of 1:1 druchii violet:medium, then another wash of pure carroburg crimson. Focus the colour towards a wound or the centre of the bruise so that it looks like it's spread from the source of the trauma.

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I paint  A LOT of bruised flesh. My general recipe is:

rakarth flesh base

layer over all the rakarth with kislev flesh

shade with reikland flesh shade

layer over that with screaming skull avoiding the areas where the shade is the darkest

1:1 druchii violet shade and medium directly in the recesses.

Fine highlight of pallid whych flesh if you like. Here is the result of this recipe on my bloab rotspawned model. 




Alternatively, just base rakarth, heavy brush of screaming skull, light shade of druchii, maybe some sephia in some areas to add a bit of yellowing to some bruised areas then light drybrush screaming skull. 


For any scheme I would highly advise to prime white. 

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