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Nurgle or khorne


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Hey guys!

I have a very weird question, 

I am attempting to expand my collection and I was wondering if I should use Khorne or Nurgle more.  I absolutely love Nurgle, but they seem a bit expensive, and Khorne  seems a bit expensive points wise, and has few good tanks. I personally hate blood thirsters, but without them my army seems quite weak with two khorgoraths as the main tanks. I feel like Nurgle is a good army, but the models are EXTREMLY expensive $$$. Which one should I collect?

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13 hours ago, Boomfrickle02 said:

Your saying I can combine Khorne and Nurgle!?!


Yup in AOS you are not forced into specific factions.  There are the grand alliances (death, destruction, order, chaos).   So you can use any chaos units together under the chaos grand alliance. 

Granted khorne doesn't give nurgle synergies, or vice versa usually, but you can pick the models you like best. 

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On 11/9/2017 at 5:41 AM, chord said:

Yup in AOS you are not forced into specific factions.  There are the grand alliances (death, destruction, order, chaos).   So you can use any chaos units together under the chaos grand alliance. 

Granted khorne doesn't give nurgle synergies, or vice versa usually, but you can pick the models you like best. 

Awesome! Thanks man!!!

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I had some luck in friendly games running a mix of Khorne and Nurgle Deamons. I got both the start collecting box's for a birthday and an extra box of Letters and Bearers. 

So I used to run, 20 Letters, 20 Bearers each with a Herald and a pair of princes (Picked them up cheep), with Skull Crushers and Plague Drones), One Skull cannon and some Nurglings. I could count on the nurgle stuff to hold objectives and the Khorne stuff to kill. 

I ran the list both in AOS and 40K, and its a project that Iam going to return to in the new year,  

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