Sangfroid Posted August 29, 2017 Share Posted August 29, 2017 (OOC) (Also all pics I took and yes loads this time will be uploaded at the end ;-) So I'm ready to get my teef stuck into GHB2017 and my Beloved Ironjawz tribe "Da Ghostwulfz". For those who don't know me I began the army in Nov/Dec 2015 prior to firestorm 4s tourney as a mixed force of Black orcs (in a big mob wiv Bojangles the Giant) and ogors and spear chukkas or Greenskinz and chariots depending on the opponent (ahh the days of side pools). Anyway as soon as the rumours started to abound that ironjawz would get allegience abilities in the new book I've been eagerly awaiting this and so decide to start a new thread to chart my GHBTwentySeventeeeeeeeeeen games. "Rotgor surveyed the scene before him, his ladz were all lined up and ready for a fight one brute had already started to sprint forward on his own but a swift curse from Gamgor the Brute Big Boss (followed by a cuff from the flat of his Boss choppa) soon settled his and the rest of em. Skargut was off somewhere and frankly Rotgor didn't care, he was the brutal side of the team and today's business would be all Gorks work no time for Kunnin and plans, get in there and bash these chaos beasts into a bloody ruin, destroy their herdstones and carry the growing waaagh forwards to the next fight. The Bandit flexed his enormous bulk beneath him and instinctively Rotgor lent counter to the movement on the chains that he had hammered himself into the beast armour hard shoulders. He could feel the waaagh energy growing Zelnik the Weirdnob was capering about to his left and his only concern was the stupid shaman would start popping his brutes heads with his vigor. no Ardboyz in the line today that was Skarguts lot, always thinking about strategy and objectives, to give them some credit the little Orruks tried to fight but Rotgor knew that it was always the proppa ironjawz that carried the day. The chaos beasts began to form up across the plain and from his hillock he could see them spilt either side of the battlefield a huge group near the Main herdstone where he also noticed a single figure capering about chanting or some such nonsense. To the other side an equally large group lined up near the realmgate Skargut had mentioned, Da Ghostwulfz had to capture to leave Ghur and continue their waaagh. "Boss, somefink ain't roight ere, i counts only bout 60 beasts. Skargut reckon dere be at least 100 or more!" Gamgor shouted up. Rotgor glared balefully with his one eye at Gamgor, for starters he didn't even now what 60 was let alone mention of his fellow Megaboss skulking about counting. He spat at Gamgors feet and raised his left choppa "Da Rip toof" and was about to sound the charge when he realised the lone figure, obviously the enemy general had stopped chanting and dancing about the fool, and was now pointing directly at Rotgor and was cackling so loud it carried across the silence of the battlefield. Gamgor, infinitely of greater wit than Rotgor immediately knew what was happening and began Bellowing orders to the squads of his Ironfist. Rotgor only really half worked out what was happening when a gorgon, chariots and ungor sprang their ambush on his flanks, but by then he was too far gone in the green mist rampaging forwards to the Lone figure and Jabberslythe (he hadn't even noticed was there) determined that no living or dead creation was going to Laugh at Rotgor and think they can get away with it!" So my first GHb2017 game was to be against the hero of Hatton himself @The Nameless One Though he has since moved from his freepeoples back to his Brayherd force (nice that both get new stuff in the Handbook :-) my armylist was: Rotgor on Bandit, general Ironclad & Armour of gork Zelnik the Shaman, Da boss skewer warchanter, Destroyer 10 brutes with jagged hackas lead by Gamgor and his Boss Choppa 5 brute, choppas an Klaw 5 brute choppas an klaw 3 goregruntas 3 goregruntas ironfist bloodtoof =1960 Daves list was: Great Bray Shaman +1 cast command trait shaman shaman lord (+1 to hit on ambush artifact) 2 x 30 Gors 30 unfortunately raiders 2 tuskgor chariots jabbersylthe 10 chaos warhounds 570 summoning pool (2 x gorgon 1 chaos gargant) =1960 (no triumph for Daves new cards from warlord set ;-( My deployment from left to right was: Goregruntas, 5 brutes, shaman, Mawkrusha, 10 brutes, 5 brutes, Warchanter, goregruntas spread out in such a way that Dave couldn't summon/ambush anything behind me. Dave deployed 30 Gor, herdstone, Great Bray shaman and Jabberslythe. Everything else was ready to ambush or be summoned. I out-deployed him with a 1 drop army so every the slave to a double turn chance I let Dave go first...... TURN 1: Dave has +3 to cast thanks to Herdstone, arcane and command trait and promptly summons a Ghorgon 9" away from my Right flank Goregruntas, ambushes his Ungor raiders on the left, supported by a chariot, shaman and Lord, ambushes 30 Gors on the top right of the board with the last shaman and then ambushes a chariot on the right with his ghorgon. Moves his other 30 Man unit to the top left objective and volleys forwards the jabbersylte and chaos warhounds in front of my Mawkrusha and left 5 man brutes unit respectively. His ungor shoot and do 7 wounds to my goregruntas and other than that Dave fails all his charges (rerolls with chariots) and begins the scoring with 2 VP. For my T1 I put IP on Gamgors Ladz, frenzy the right goregruntas (oh yeah baby I have the proper topens now :-) shield Rotgor, move the 5 brutes forward the 10 too but still within range of objective (I had put my Warchanter too far away to score grrr) send Rotgor full-speed-maximum- effort towards the jabberjabber. I then make some fun choices and put both goregruntas 8" inches away for their charges. 5 man brutes on the left move toward the Hounds. The bandit bellows at the jabberjabber and takes off 4 wounds, then charge it for another 2 destructive bulk (he can only slash mortals wounds on my on a 4+ in the combat phase) I had hoped to pop him and then charge again, brutes charge Doggys, left goregruntas fail on the ungor and the right ones make the 8" charge (I rolled a 6" so thank you +2 to charge!). So combat phase I figure to go first with brutes because I felt I had a good chance to kill all the dogs, which would allow me to then kill th jabberslyte and then also go first on the ghorgon. This was a good plan but in reality I should have gone with the pigs, as I only killed 8 dogs the ghorgon then killed 2 goregruntas. I killed the jabberjabber (who did 4 mortal wounds back to me as it expired) then my goregruntas champ took 6 wounds of the Ghorgon on his own. (Who then healed 3 wounds back!). Dogs pop too battleshock and I don't even have to roll thanks to +2 bravery :-) I score 2 points and so we roll for priority which Dave wins and takes (of course!) TURN 2: Dave summons a second ghorgon right in the centre of my deployment zone to threaten Gamgor and the objective, buffs up shield on right Gor and IP on the left Gor. Arcane bolts my left 5 brutes for 1 wound. On the right moves his ungor to within 3 inches of my 2 piggys. He passes his mystical check on chariot and ghorgon on the right, retreats the chariot on to my right objective. Moves his 30'gor units (both across on the left and forwards on the right) to secure objectives. His left chariot moves to chaff up the Mawkrusha and beastlord prepares to chaff 5 man brutes. He shoots his ungor at Zelnik and takes off 5 wounds (cling on for dear life!) ungor then charge my 2 pigs to secure the objective, chariot charges Rotgor. Beastlord chickens out at charging my brutes, and ghorgon fails charges into Gamgor! In combat the Ghorgon finishes off the last goregruntas my Mawkrusha obliterates the chariot (well by only 1 wound somalmost chaffed me) the goregruntas kill 9 ungor and they do a wound back. Dave then destroyed my two objectives for 3 points plus the 2 he has makes it 8 v 2 going into my turn 2 and I've just lost two possible places to Score! I pop the mighty destroyers on my Mawkrusha so elect to charge his general (which gets me out of the mystical terrain) but I have to then take a deadly test thanks to his herdstone, I pass and do 4 mortal wounds with DB. My 5 brutes on the left fail mystical while Gamgor lines up his ladz to deal with the Ghorgon behind me. My right had brutes go forwards to,deal with the Gor on the realmgate objective while my Warchanter dashes to the middle objective in my zone. In shooting Bandit shouts and kills the general (probably should have not shot and hit him wiv me choppa for strength from victory tbh). Imcharge the Ghorgon with Gamgor and the right Gors with my 5 brutes. In combat I go first with Gamgor who with his boss choppa does 6 wounds on the Ghorgon the rest of the ladz finish him off, then my piggies kill some more ungor (not sure how many but after battleshock later there is now 9 left they do 2 wounds this time killing a pig! My brutes hack up 5 Gors I think and take 2 wounds in response. A few run off to battleshock (maybe 3 or 4?). I burn the middles objective so Rotgor can move next turn and we end turn 2 8v5 Dave wins priority again and decides to take it to ensure he gets the points on the board. TURN 3: Dave gets some bad mystical luck now and fail with both his Ghorgon on the right and Gors by the realm gate! Otherwise he shields up the gor arcane bolts my left brutes, charges my left (befuddled still) brutes with lord, shuffles his Gors on the left to protect the objective and brace for rotgors charge next turn. The chariot moves and halo charges my Warchanter (if he can kill him a long shot of course he can then burn my 3rd objective!) The Ungors get the goregrunta down to 1 wound left but I kill them down 2 3 left. By the realm gate my Brutes hack up a bunch more Gors who can't fight back and the lord kills on of my brutes (who also can't fight back :-). The chariot and Warchanter both do 2 wounds to each other. Dave scores twice so we move up to 10v5! Rotgor gets mighty Destroyers again and charges the Gor on the left killing 3 with DB, Zelnik with one wound left and not really anyone to shield worthwhile (I failed mystical again with my left brutes btw :-) does a foot of Gork and casts on an 11! I chose to hit the Gors and roll a 6. Then sadly roll a 1 for the second stomp so once again I fail to double bash but at least I didn't roll a 1 for wounds this time :-) I bellow at the gor with Bandit and he does 6 wounds (so far he has done 14 wounds in 3 bellows) gamgor lines up and charges the chariot I go first and smash It to pieces with his boss choppa (so far he has racked up 12 wounds on his own) this activates the goregruntas who kill the last ungor, which then activates the Mawcrusha who batters 13 gor to death (2 left now) finally my 5 brutes on the left kills some more gor and after the battleshock there is now 1 left along with the shaman but I'm out of range to score. The last for facing Rotgor obviously run away after taking 28 casualties I score 2 so we end T3 10 v 7! Dave wins priority (again! :-) and decides to go first! TURN 4: dave again fails mystical with his Ghorgon! (That's 5 fails between us all game on 7 rolls!) he fails to cast his summon gargant, he retreats his gor and shaman away on the right kills a brute (who are still befuddled!!!!) with his lord. Overall scores 2 points so,it's now 12 v 7! In my turn the Warchanter gets mighty destroyers so Gamgors brute move 6" run 4" Ironfist 4" and move 4" towards the befuddled Ghorgon. The Mawkrusha DB the shaman then charges the lord and I let Rotgor chop him to get strength from victory (moar lovely tokens ;-). The right brutes secure the objective but amazingly fail to kil the 1 gor and 5 wound shaman! I decide that while I can win if I hold the 3 objectives now for 2 turns if Dave wins prio (again) and manages to not befuddle his Ghorgon and make a 10" charge and kill my Brutes I will then have to rely on a 3+ on my T5 to win. So I decide to burn the brutes objective now (3+ means I win anyway) and roll a 1... so it's 12 v 10 going into turn 5 and I win priority at last!! TURN 5: Gamgor and his ladz charge the Ghorgon and Gamgor whacks 4 wounds of off it leaving the boyz to finish it off. The brute murder the shaman and last Gor leaving the field empty of chaos beast filth, but with me needing to roll a 3+ on the last objective to win...... ..... ..I roll a 2 :-) so we end the game 12 v 12 on VPs! SUMMARY: so a great game, and really enjoyable as always against Dave. I got to get a good feel of the allegience abilities and the Bloodtoof formation (the charge, run bonus and +2 bravery probably are worth the loss of 3 pigs or a Megaboss on foot but it's a close run thing I reckon and therefore good to know we won't end up with only one list! In a tourney I think I'd not go for the 8" charge with pigs instead just take the 3" charge and get in ther fighting. I also wouldn't have burnt the last objective and took a chance that way I guess. Overall though pleased with the new ironjawz and can't wait for the next battlefield which will probably be Blackout game 1! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chris Tomlin Posted August 30, 2017 Share Posted August 30, 2017 Great work @Sangfroid, love all the additional detail you put into that. Sounds like a great game and I can vouch for @The Nameless One as a fantastic opponent. It's funny that for all the new options we have (and I agree we will see plenty of different lists), I do think the Bloodtoof list is pretty fixed without too many variables (pretty much foot Megaboss or not and then a couple of unit options). Funnily enough I just mentioned this in my post this morning, in that I think dropping the Megaboss for 10 Brutes and 4 other units total is probably the way to go. Looking forward to seeing what you bring this week...will text you on my lunch today. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sangfroid Posted September 6, 2017 Author Share Posted September 6, 2017 Rotgor looked at the black armoured Warchanter standing in the mud before him, the usual incessant motion of a Warchanter was annoying Rotgor (as it always did), and meant he was only half listening to the new arrival. His Ardboyz had returned and to his delight Skargut was not with them! Instead this black armoured idiot was leading them. Apparently Skargut was off in the troggoth swamps on his own, they didn't know why, nor did Rotgor and frankly any of them really care why. The Warchanter said "ironclad" and that made Rotgor start. "Oi shut it, wots this about sky-stunties?" Gamgors eyes also lit up and he stopped sharpening his boss choppa for a brief second " Da ladz be appy with sum new plates, dem stunties make da best" Rotgor nodded, he would pick the best ones of course and the fact they would need to fight for it would only add to the fun. The Warchanter stood there hopping up and down on his toes, "dey were only a little way behind us, we bashed down one of dere small ships and came back ere "I like it Lil Krunkie, let's be avin at them then!" BLACKOUT GAME1 : Dave Avery @Dave and his Barak Thryng Kharadron Overlords Me and Dave had a nice little bit of banter on the old twitter in preparation for this match up and with @Chris Tomlin publically pining his hopes on me the pressure was on. Gamgor wanted his new armour and Dave wanted Bandits scaley pelt! My list was Rotgor & The Bandit: Megaboss on Mawcrusha, Ironclad, armour of gork Zelnik: Weirdnob Shaman, the boss skewer Lil'Krunkie: Warchanter Gamgors Ladz: 10 Brutes 5 Brutes 5 Brutes 30 Ardboyz Ironfist =1990 Daves list (correct me if I'm wrong Dave) was Barak Thryng, D3 mortal wounds footnote Admiral, Fleetmaster Endrinmaster Aether Khemist (Earburster) Aether Khemist 5 Thunderers (Rifles) 6 Endrinriggers (2 grapples) 3x10 company (2 with light skyhooks, and 1 with Volley guns) ironclad (Volley gun) frigate (canon) 1980 I actually managed to take some photos of this game and put them on twitter (with appropriate funny comments) check out my @LordSangfroid for them (will also try to remember to edit this post later from my phone. Ive not fought against any KO at all since thier release so with a mixture of fear and excitement I prepared to face Dave. the battleplan was thenweird deployment one "Tainted Earth" also not tried this out nor had Dave. After a couple of mins of head scratching we worked it out an then deployed. my army was left to right (left being the 3" of deployment zone) Ardboyz, 5 brute, Weirdnob (on arcane terrain) 10 brutes, Mawkrusha, Warchanter, 5 brutes (at the highest point of the wide deployment) Daves: ironclad (admiral, endrinmaster, khemist, 10 company, 5 thunderers, 6 endrinriggers) all loaded up and opposite my Ardboyz and my objective. (So 18" away) then 10 company roughly inline with my 10 brutes about 6" on the board and the frigate (company with volley guns and khemist) opposite my Mawkrusha and near my 5 lone brutes. He outdeployed me and elected to take the first turn..... TURN 1: the khemist, company, thunderers and endrinriggers all disembark from the ironclad (company later tail back via movement to score his objective) on the other side just the khemist jumps out and both khemist buff up the light sky hooks of the 2 arknauts. Everyone on the left pushes forward (arkanuats secure objective and thunderers take my objective) and on the right the Frigate takes his objective. I brace myself for the shooting phase.... dave unload his skyhooks, aetherrifles, volley gun, torpedoes, carbines (+2 shots thanks to Ironclad abilty) into the Ardboyz and after battleshock (which was only 1 model I believe) 11 are gone. This is perfect because he needed to drop them below 20 so I couldn't auto score objectives. On the right he misses with the Frigates canon, the khemist (with ear burster) is out of range and arknauts kill 2 brutes but I pass my battleshock test. Finnaly Dave fails both Grapnel shots to the terrain piece in my deployment zone where the Weirdnob is. So 3-0 to Dave. I mystic shield my 5 brutes, and put inspiring presence on the Ardboyz. Both move at full speed towards the objective and his units. The 10 brutes shuffle up as best they can behind the Ardboyz. My Mawkrusha moves towards the frigate and the 3 brutes alongside move forward towards frigate and objective. Lil'krunkie moves to 3" from my objective but still not far and Zelnik the shaman pretty much stays still. In the shooting phase bandit bellows at the frigate and does 5 wounds :-) i charge my 5 brutes into the endrinriggers, the Ardboyz ignore the ironclad and envelope the thunderers, and connect with the company and the endrinriggers. On the other side Rotgor charges the khemist (and is also therefore 1" from frigate and 2.5" from company) bandit does 4 wounds via destructive bulk and then frigate does one wound on me from skymines. 3 brutes also charge other side of frigate. I start with the 5 brutes on the endrinriggers and do 5 wounds killing 2. Endrinriggers fight next into my Ardboyz and murder a few, next my Ardboyz go and kill 2 thunderers and 1 company, the frigate goes next and does a wound or 2, then I activate Mawkrusha I pile in so I can hit company and khemist, (on 1 wound btw) put the Krusha into company and the choppa and fist into the khemist, I only kill 3 arknauts and fail to do anything to the khemist. Because if the position of my models it gets worse for Dave as the company with volley guns still on the frigate can only fit 2 models out on the emergency disembark (let alone he rolls 3 or 4 ones anyway) so these pop to battle shock. The arknauts by my Ardboyz fight an kill one guy maybe, my 3 brutes murder the frigate and I'd elected to put all my attacks into it so the last brute couldn't fight (even though he was in range of khemist as I didn't allocate any attacks on him). Nothing much else happens (maybe another Ardboyz dies but Rotgor isn't bothered about the odd Ardboyz) so as I capture 2 of the objectives back off Dave plus my own it's now 5-3 to me. TURN 2: Dave gets the priority roll and obviously has to take the turn. Endrinmaster jump off the ironclad, which then moves around to the objective. Then it's shooty shooty time...... dave puts everything into the Ardboyz all the shots and they all but a couple die (who will die to combat and then battleshock later) this secures the objective for Dave which is massive. He shoots my brutes with the khemist on the right and kills one and leaves a second on a wound (I pass my battleshock test in the shooting phase) arknauts shoot Mawkrusha and I think do 3 wounds. In combat phase Rotgor secures strength from victory on the khemist and bandit eats the remaining 6 company. The endrinriggers fluff their attacks (with khemist buff) and leave the boss and gorehacka alive, who this time kill 3 more of the riggers back . The last rigger runs away as well. This swing is massive in my favour as I didn't care about the Ardboyz they had done their job but needed the 5 brutes (now just the boss after battleshock) to deal with the riggers which they did. Had he killed my lads here then with his grapples could have easily taken my Warchanter or 2 brutes in the top right objectives later in the game. Still Dave wins the objective back plus his own so that's 6-5 to Dave now. In my turn I run the Mawkrusha and brutes across towards daves objective, weirdnob casts mystic shield and blows up 2 mortal wounds off the 10 brutes with a double 5 roll :-) Gamgor is hungry for that new armour plate so they charge the ironclad, my brute boss charges the thunderers (and tags company 2.5" away) Rotgor fails his charge into the company. I used a waagh and it failed to go off even worth 4 units in range :-( In the combat phase my brute boss kills the three thunderers and the ironclad kills a couple of brutes, who then hit back and whap off 14 wounds from the big ship. So as I win the it back again that's 9-6 to me going into turn 3 priority roll, which Dave wins again TURN 3: writng this now I've just realised Dave forgot to do the heal abiltiy on his ironclad (wouldn't have made much difference to be honest). His admiral jumps out ready to charge Gamgor (btw Dave rolled a one for both ironclad run and shoot rolls thanks to the admiral ) endrinmaster charges the brute boss. All shotting goes into the Krusha and brutes and he drops a level and brutes lose a couple. In combat I lose another brute I think but they kill the ironclad (mission accomplished!!) the endrinmaster does his damage 3 abilty and hits the brute boss for a home run :-). Dave scores only his home objective so it's 9-7 to me. I try to foot of Gork the admiral... fail to cast obviously' Mawkrusha charges company and khemist, killing the khemist outright on a. 7 dice destructive bulk (so 5 4+!!!) then murders the poor company. Gamgor and gang kill the admiral giving me now 13-7 on VPs Dave wins priority (again :-) TURN 4: Endrinmaster goes crazy man (duradin) and charges the Mawkrusha and Rotgor leans down and decapitates him for a second strength from victory and game over! SUMMARY: Phew!! A great game to start of BLACKOUT2017 and a great fun opponent in Dave, was a good scenario I think for my army as I can plonk the 30 Ardboyz down and he has to really deal with them, this then leaves my brutes relatively unscathed to effectively win the game (though the Mawkrusha was pretty brutal also in this game). Ardboyz are great but pre-ghb2017 I had abandoned them in most lists because a 5 man brutes unit even with 3 dead is still so amazingly Killy, and ultimately Brutes win ironjawz games. The results sheet as is often with AoS doesn't really tell the story of the game a few luck spikes and it would have been different I think though just by the nature of my units as long as my brutes could take down the ironclad I should have had enough in the Mawkrusha to pip enough points to win but certainly not a given! But having bigged it up on twitter I knew Gamgor wouldn't let me down ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Banglesprout Posted September 6, 2017 Share Posted September 6, 2017 Nice detailed report @Sangfroid, I like the little bits of story text at the beginning What did you think of the Armour of Gork? I hadn't really considered it, and immediately gravitated to some of the other. The standout comparison to make in my mind is with Daubing of Mork, since both activate on 6 but DoM works for both ranged and combat attacks, and mortal wounds too, so feels much more generally useful. Doing mortal wounds in retaliation does seem cool though! Also how're you feeling about the Weirdnob Shaman nowadays? I can't help but think for 20 points more I can upgrade him to a Megaboss who's harder to kill, better in combat, and his buff to brutes auto works - as opposed to the Shaman who can fail to cast or be dispelled (and cause moral wounds to my own units). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sangfroid Posted September 6, 2017 Author Share Posted September 6, 2017 Thanks @Banglesprout I love the footboss and also,the Weirdnob in this particular army (especially with the +1 or+2 for more reliable cast) because the armour of Gork then bounces back mortal wounds on a 5+ (6+ if enemy is rend -2) becasue of ironclad. Also having 30 Ardboyz with a 3+ as and 6+ save after save and inspiring presense can be handy. However in reality I didn't bounce back that many wounds all weekend (maybe 4 or 5) and the one time it could have been amazing my opponent was canny and just didn't attack (you will have to wait for that report!). Going forwards love the ironclad command trait, but think I may switch to destroyer or meatrippa as artifact and just do more damage, though the intention of Ironclad/armour of Gork/mystic shield combo was to counteract hordes with loads of attacks or those nasty monsters like stardrakes that are hard to kill but have low rend so can hurt themselves, destroyer works against everything (including ignore rend targets) so is my current favourite I think, can't wait to try it now :-) also did find I missed the footboss this weekend so maybe need a few tweaks to squeeze Skargut back in ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Banglesprout Posted September 6, 2017 Share Posted September 6, 2017 Ooh interesting, I hadn't considered how Mystic Shield makes Armour of Gork better, and the combo with Ironclad! I like the idea of that on the footboss actually - I'd been thinking of him as potentially a nice answer to horde units. He should chew through them quite well, and minimise their ability to get attacks in return. Plus he should be much cheaper than any horde unit so even if he ends up losing you're winning just by tieing up a more expensive unit. Really like the idea of giving him the Armour of Gork to aid that role. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tizianolol Posted September 7, 2017 Share Posted September 7, 2017 I'm honest guys! I think the big change of gh2017 seems to be:" footboss or wairdnob shaman? This is the question." has Shakespeare an answer about it?:) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sangfroid Posted September 7, 2017 Author Share Posted September 7, 2017 7 hours ago, Banglesprout said: Ooh interesting, I hadn't considered how Mystic Shield makes Armour of Gork better, and the combo with Ironclad! I like the idea of that on the footboss actually - I'd been thinking of him as potentially a nice answer to horde units. He should chew through them quite well, and minimise their ability to get attacks in return. Plus he should be much cheaper than any horde unit so even if he ends up losing you're winning just by tieing up a more expensive unit. Really like the idea of giving him the Armour of Gork to aid that role. It's potentially even better on a footboss mystic shield & cover = bouncing back mortal wounds on a 4+ (5+ rend -2, 6+ rend -3) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dave Posted September 7, 2017 Share Posted September 7, 2017 Fake News my Duardin were just doing market research with the Ghost Wolves with a view to setting set up new outlet of 'Thryngs' , the shop for all your battle needs. In all seriousness, it was a great game even if the result seemed to set the trend for the weekend! I learnt a lot about my own army and have now gone back to the drawing board to improve it . I'm still impressed with the barak thryng ability, I've never seen so many one's get refilled onto fours!! Thanks for the great game and I'll get you next time ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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