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NEW FAQs, Compendium, Forgeworld


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Isn't the conclusion of that storyline with the capture of the All-gates from chaos and the timeline forward the reason? (In case that was spoilers don't worry, the All-gates had a lot of twists  )I

For sure, but that chapter wasn't done (as far as I can tell) in a narrative book, just the campaign supplement. Up until that supplement, each supplement had an accompanying novel which were excellent reads, really got you into those characters. Guardians of the everqueen was excellent! It seemed a shame not to at least complete the series. Its something I wish they did more, develop characters through full novels like Vandus Hammerhand, Khul, the everqueen, the prime etc.

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On 8/25/2017 at 8:30 PM, Sleboda said:

Had they then said, a little later (still in the same game, and even in the same edition of it), "Hey, thanks for sticking with us and purchasing a bunch of AoS stuff because we let you use your old stuff.  Now, um, too bad - your old stuff is no longer welcome" it would have pretty much been the opposite of respectful.

I'm not sure you understood my point so here's a cheeky metaphor : ) 

You get a 10 year warranty on your vehicle. On year 2 they call you to let you know that their legal team has changed the language on your warranty from words, to an actual photograph of a cat. Yet, they insist that it's still a legal 10 year warranty and every time you take your car in, they say "Lovely cat" and send you packing. 

They did precisely what you are saying and you are right, it's the opposite of respectful. For context, I'm a wood elves player - I had 15 warscrolls lose their keywords or otherwise have abilities that only work on themselves. Dwarves have it worse. 

My gaming group luckily had the old compendium saved offline and we are going to keep playing with them, but this whole business of deprecating old models by mangling their rules seems super passive aggressive. 

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On 8/25/2017 at 7:42 AM, shadowgra said:

Exalted guo is nuts

2d6 attack with -2 rend and d3 damage a piece

,guo keyword

16 wounds

A good command ability

He is good now

Yea if he didn't cost 500pts maybe he would be.  That is an insane amount of points for a guy that won't do really do much.  Why wouldn't you just take two normal GUOs that have more wounds, attacks and can be in two places for less?  If you wanted to pay that much for a single model why wouldn't you just get The Glottkin which does far more damage, has better spells and an amazing command ability?


I am really trying to stay motivated for AOS, but the Nurgle tax has really put me off.  I was hoping for changes, but instead I have seen no changes while everyone else seems to be getting buffed.  It is not as if Nurgle is actually competitive.  I am holding out for the battletome and hope they give points breaks, abilites, formation, spells, skills, or something to make them a viable army again.

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8 minutes ago, fued said:

exalted tzeentch demon is the only one i think thats worth taking out of the exalted... because tzeentch doesnt have any high wound/save monsters, and he has his own unique spell (arguably)

What really bothers me about the rules/points for the FW GUO is that literally it is my favorite model in the game.  The entire reason I started playing AoS AND Nurgle was because of that model.  It was the first model I purchased and I spent weeks painting every disgusting detail on it.  I always ran it as a standard GUO, but since it was given its own warscroll many tournaments use WYSWYG.   So now I am now forced to pay the 500pts for it which basically forces me play with a 150pt handicap (350pts is a fair cost) just to play with my favorite model.  Again who knows maybe there is some synergy coming up in the new battletome that will justify the points increase. 

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On 8/27/2017 at 4:00 AM, Kyriakin said:

The put themselves between a rock and a hard place by destroying the Old World.

If it was too limited, they could have fudged some "portal" between the new Mortal Realms and the world that was. Everyone's happy, as the sudden appearance of Ghorros Warhoof in the new world wouldn't have ruined anyone's immersion.

See, you say that but that's not how that works. Introducing the portal would have shattered the base just like any other major change to the setting. I mean heck, look at where 40k is with 'slightly taller versions of the least interesting faction in the setting' coming out. The difference between the reaction to A portal to the mortal realms popping up and the reaction to the  destruction of the old world would have been at BEST toxic dakka thread vs Youtube comments.

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Blimey - you go away for the weekend and the Internet melts ;)

I've flicked through the updated Compendium downloads and overall am not massively surprised.  It certainly suggests that GW doesn't wish to see entire "classic" armies being fielded in their game system, but keeping the window open to see some classic models being put in as allies.

Dropping named characters should have been seen a mile off - they all died during the End Times and were only really included in the Compendium to allow players to quickly move their armies over to AoS so they could play.  The original Compendium pdf's were created when AoS was released and we all know how much has changed since then.

I can understand the frustration some of us are feeling with "we weren't told" but let's be honest we know that we're going to get wet if we walk outside in the rain - the clouds of AoS change have been building for the past month and a bit!

I'm liking the FAQs too.  A few tweaks to standardise and improve how certain abilities work which all seem to nod towards a slightly more level playing field.

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