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Help a brother out?


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Hello everyone! So i bought all this stuff on a plastic purchase spree. Problem is.... I have nooooo idea what any of it is. SoI was wondering if you all might help me identify what on earth it is that I bought. I think its all empire? But I could be wrong... any help would be greatly appreciated as, right this moment, its useless to me lol. Also thankyou in advance for your help and for not giving me stick for not knowing!







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Photo 1: Empire cannon, battle masters Knights, empire great swords, empire engineer

Photo 2: outriders, Battlemage, 

Photo 3: empire Knights, Handgunners

Photo 4: empire spearmen, Bretonnia archers, battle master archers, flaggelants, empire Swordmen

Photo 5: battle masters halberdiers, empire Handgunners,swordsmen, spearmen

Photo 6: empire Swordmen 


I see a lot of models from the 5th and 6th edition box sets of Warhammer.



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Wow thankyou! I am struggling to put the names you have mentioned on the right models in the images but I think I get some of it. So Battle Master Knights are from a different game? And darn it I thought they were Empire Archers when I bought them off a fella, that's very disappointing as I need to find Empire ones. Would you be able to circle the models of which I do not need as they are either not Empire or not Warhammer? I guess I could sell those to replace with Empire? 

Side note: I am building this army to replace one for my 10yr old, I am a Stormcast/Nurgle player myself so I have noooo idea what I am doing here.

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I personally use bretonnian archers as freeguild archers in my army. They're humans and their aestethic matches the freeguild just fine. Paint their uniforms in accordance with the rest of the army and they look right at home. For extra points, slight conversions using empire bits will complete the look.

When it comes to non-gw miniatures, I'd keep them and incorporate them into the army, provided they look good together. Of course, playing with other miniatures at gw stores or tournaments is usually a no-no, so it depends on where and how you want to play.

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I don't see a real issue with the Knights either. Battle Masters was a fun starter game to introduce Warhammer Fantasy to the mass board game market. Milton Bradley licensed it from the GW IP and the minis are identical to GW's ones back in that day. I bet GW even sculpted them for MB.

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