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Do Thunderscorn have furure?


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These guys have been "temporarily out of stock" for quite some time and even before they were; my FLGS couldn't order them. I've been assuming that dragon ogres will be letf in the Old World.

They have not really been left though. 2 units with a metal hero does not make much of a faction, but Thunderscorn are still around after most of the metal models became OOP though. Also their IP is unique AFAIK and people seem to think that they are cool.

Does anyone see these things making a comeback as a small subfaction (new shaggoth would be amazing)? If so, with what fluff? Or do you think they are just being left to fade away?

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I doubt on their return. Since Ogres became a faction in wfb they kinda where left aside. However its not because of their lore to me but more populairity. To date I also think Beastmen will be blended into others. Dragon Ogres would be cool for Chaos Undivided but otherwise dont fit any cult in particular.

So well wait and see. They wernt really popular the last 17 years so I cant see GW pushing them.

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On 7/14/2017 at 1:53 PM, DarkBlack said:

These guys have been "temporarily out of stock" for quite some time and even before they were; my FLGS couldn't order them. I've been assuming that dragon ogres will be letf in the Old World.

They have not really been left though. 2 units with a metal hero does not make much of a faction, but Thunderscorn are still around after most of the metal models became OOP though. Also their IP is unique AFAIK and people seem to think that they are cool.

As for only 2 units, it was just like all the dividing the DE and HE got.  Right now they are added as Monsters of Chaos for PtG and I just rolled up my Warband for play with a Shaggoth champion :D

On 7/14/2017 at 2:34 PM, Oppenheimer said:

Probably reboxing on rounds?

Likely, also letting stock dwindle before another production run.

On 7/15/2017 at 2:03 AM, Killax said:

I doubt on their return. Since Ogres became a faction in wfb they kinda where left aside. However its not because of their lore to me but more populairity. To date I also think Beastmen will be blended into others. Dragon Ogres would be cool for Chaos Undivided but otherwise dont fit any cult in particular.

So well wait and see. They wernt really popular the last 17 years so I cant see GW pushing them.

This is sadly,.. a fear of mine.  

If you look at Path to Glory the Beasts of Chaos are an army again (back to 6th ed fantasy) the three tables are Brayherd, Warherd and Monsters.  Hastings mentioned the CADs of Centigors put them more Monstrous Cavalry.  I feel there is a good potential to tap into again as GW could capitalize on years of people liking the Beastmen infantry models could make that a really popular army.  Add back Keywords for the 4 gods and you could have people buying into a Beasts of Chaos army by adding a few units at time like Tzaangors or whatnot.

On 7/18/2017 at 1:32 AM, DarkBlack said:

Right?! Magic users and thrown weapons. A plastic shaggot kit can have mage and several weapon options.

Oh well.

the short story about the great fire mage eaten by Krakenrok was amazing.  A plastic Shaggy kit with an armoured ancient could be really cool.  Make it huuuuge and a centerpiece.  Like Smaug big in plastic :D:P

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On 24-7-2017 at 10:11 PM, Popisdead said:

This is sadly,.. a fear of mine.  

If you look at Path to Glory the Beasts of Chaos are an army again (back to 6th ed fantasy) the three tables are Brayherd, Warherd and Monsters.  Hastings mentioned the CADs of Centigors put them more Monstrous Cavalry.  I feel there is a good potential to tap into again as GW could capitalize on years of people liking the Beastmen infantry models could make that a really popular army.  Add back Keywords for the 4 gods and you could have people buying into a Beasts of Chaos army by adding a few units at time like Tzaangors or whatnot.

Same here, I do understand why GW did it however, because before OK became their own thing Chaos just had so many things others did not have. While AoS isn't WFB we both know that a lot of the AoS design is still a reflection of WFB design and so far GW hasn't made huge leaps removing themselves from that WFB-esque content. Logical also but at the same time still a creative restriction. 

I think Beastmen should remain as an army! The way GW is making a nice profit now only spells good future for armies to come who havn't proven their own weight in popularity just yet. Frankly speaking I think Beastmen could be way more awesome aswell if GW decided to basically approach them like they did with the Black Orcs/Iron Jawz. Meaning I'd love to see massive Beastlord models followed by swarms of Beastmen.

Chaos has semi-potent Heroes by themselves but I'd love to see some Destructionesque design for Beastmen. 

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If they did a complete revamp of the faction and made a brand new all plastic line, I would sell my Skaven tomorrow and would be all in. Chaos could use an elite army, like beast claw raiders. Shagoth, combo kit with lesser heroes (caster/non caster), new baseline box with javelins or bows as well as the CC options, and it would be good to go. Bonesplitterz are a two box army, and it was successful. No reason thunderscorn couldn't be as well, especially with new fans being introduced through the Total war series.

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