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POLL: Factors in your games


These Three Things?  

69 members have voted

  1. 1. When it comes to determining Matched Play victory, I USUALLY play:

    • Last Man Standing/To The Death
    • Generals Handbook Matched Play battleplans
    • Any battleplan I can find
  2. 2. How much terrain do you use?

    • Wide open table
    • Old school - 2 hills, 2 woods, 2 small buildings
    • About 1 item per 2 foot square
    • Lots and lots and lots and lots...
  3. 3. What makes up your terrain?

    • Books, soda cans, or other improvised items
    • Currently range of GW AoS scenery kits
    • A range of kits from lots of sources
    • My own totally awesome creations

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Hi all,

Lots has been discussed about shooting lately.

My thought is that some things may need adjusting, but the core rules are not among them. 

When pressing for deets, I am finding some surprising,  yet common, threads among those with shooting issues. 

So, yeah, a poll for more insight.



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So to explain my answers (although many of you already know this):

1) Typically last man standing (often in multiplayer games), although I have tried to push a few scenarios that usually end up just being ignored, although I did have a friend say he had a very exciting game where we did a scenario, that he managed to win because I could not get him off of the objective.

2)  Typically 1-2 pieces per 2' square or thereabouts (or approximate if not using a GW board that comes in defined 2' squares), more or less to taste.  However note that we never really use the mystic terrain chart as nobody ever remembers them.  We also never use the actual rules for terrain pieces that have them, again because it never gets remembered.

3) At the GW store, we are limited to GW terrain only (a mix of AOS terrain and some old WHFB Empire buildings, but no woods anymore as the person who donated them took them back for his own table at home).  At the FLGS it's a mishmash of terrain made over the years in various states, but most are like hills and outcroppings (think badlands mesas) and 40k-esque ruins or woods that are either very long and thin (like you could only have models completely in them if you were in a straight line) or very large square rectangular bases.There's a few buildings and statues (like aquarium statues) but not a lot.  The terrain was definitely made for older editions when you had large blocks of troops.  I really want to start getting my own terrain and bringing it, but I don't have the funds right now.

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I think it's a shame that one has to choose one option only for the poll answers.

- For battleplans we have made a random table between 6 matched play plans and 6 battle plans taken from the Realm Gate Wars. 

- For terrain we usually have a minimum of 1 scenery piece per 2 square foot. 

- our scenery is a fine mix between GW pieces and lots of homemade stuff. The GW pieces look cool and despite being quite expensive buying these sure saves us a lot of time.

I still have my fingers crossed that GW will re-print the witchtower, eternity stairs, mansion etc. terrain pieces. We would buy it all in an instant, if it was not extremely overpriced Ebay only stuff as it is now.

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