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Strongest Build in Age Of Sigmar?

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What is the 'strongest' build in AOS? My brother and I were arguing, and I made the argument that mixed Order and Disciples of Tzeentch were both really strong, while he argued that Skaven 'skryre fire' is the strongest build in the game. 


I haven't seen much complaining about skryre fire in the AOS community, so what is the consensus? 

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A large part of the forum community does not enter tournaments a lot because a lot of places do not have really fleshed out AoS tournaments on a regular basis, nor does GW supply a fantastic rulesset that can be used at any tournament without House-rules. To me this is the prime reason as to why complaints arn't really made.

However a lot of the theoretical lists also do not see the table. By large because the community isn't too large yet and luckily the competititve mind set has not completely taken over AoS (yet). While you could go for absurd ammounts of Skyfires, Kunnin Rukk designs, Sayl protection plus Bloodletter bombs, large ammounts of Kurnoth Hunters or large ammounts of Judicators a lot of these pieces are 'competitive Age of Sigmar' so the moment you include them in larger quantities you are running with one of the stronger builds in Age of Sigmar.

When we then look at the tournament results so far we see that Judicators and Skyfires are what dominate the top 3's, always. To which at this point I do not blame units but the whole Shooting phase because Kunnin Rukk, Kurnoth Hunters and Sayl work around the same principle of massively out-threating the norm and leaving common (non-mentioned unit running) opponents with no option to deal with it. 

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The top 5, in my opinion

1. Aetherstrike Force 

2. Stardrake + 4 Lord Castellants (Some tournaments ban ability stacking)

3. Settra + Necropolis Knights + Necrosphinx

4. Tzeentch

5. Mixed Destruction

I have seen some very nasty KO and Celestial Vindicator lists that can counter the current meta, but I haven't seen enough of them to put them in my top 5 yet.

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