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A Beginning...



Hey guys, I'm new to the whole blogging thing, but I feel determined to bring my ideas to the wider world, and hopefully you guys will like them. To start, I have made a conversion of a character I made with AoS28 in mind, I call him the Storyteller!

He's a travelling adventurer who helps the forces of Order wherever he finds them, despite the Order of Azyr trying to hunt him down for his extensive knowledge of the Age of Myth. In combat, he prefers to use his illusions do most of the action. Though, that doesn't mean he cant use a sword just as well. Far from it! He carries an ancient sword known as the Wanderer's Blade. 

He was made by using mostly the Wizard kit from the Empire, with a Stormcast Eternal head with the halo cut off. I think he looks pretty good if i do say so myself, cant wait to get some paint on him..anyways, that's all for now. I'll try and get more to you guys and gals soon.

Until then, This is Nash, signing off.

The Storyteller.jpg

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"Stormcast Eternal head with the halo cut off" <-- Great idea.

He looks awesome.  Love his fiction as well.  He's obviously too dangerous just to have running around.  He knows too much.

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Great characterful wizard you´ve created. The crooked hand with the blank stare from the mask gives him a eerie apperance. 

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He looks very cool and the backstory really fits! Well done, looking forward to seeing him painted. Will you be sharing in the Aos28 thread as well?

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@Nin Win Thanks! I'm thinking I'm going to paint him in grays and browns, and paint the mask silver. The idea is that he's a simple wanderer, barely anything other then the clothes he has on his back.

@Malburr Awesome! I'm glad you like him. Despite his eerie appearance, he's actually quite friendly, and loves sharing his knowledge with others. (Whether they ask or not)

@Kramer Hey thanks, I'm glad you like him too! I'll base him tonight and try to paint him sometime soon. And I posted him previously on the thread. And yeah, i'd be more then happy to post future stuff on the there too.

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