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About this blog

This blog is to catalog my forays into AoS28. WARNING: I tend to use 3rd party minis from time to time (Well, alot of the time actually...) But not because I dislike the GW models, I just think they sometimes fit my needs better then what's available from them. Anyways, I'll update from time to time, and i'm looking forward to what you guys think of my creations, enjoy!

Entries in this blog

The Lost City of Kalii...

This was an idea for a Hinterlands setting which is actually close to Shadespire, in the Petrified Mountains. It was essentially a city during the Age of Myth that lies within Shyish, an was a popular stopping point for merchants heading to Shadespire from the Petrified Mountains. It was prosperous, until a warband of Khorne Bloodbound swept through it, killing everyone. Here is a bit of cinematic flair from the Storyteller's perspective: "Back during the Age of Myth, the Petrified Road



A Beginning...

Hey guys, I'm new to the whole blogging thing, but I feel determined to bring my ideas to the wider world, and hopefully you guys will like them. To start, I have made a conversion of a character I made with AoS28 in mind, I call him the Storyteller! He's a travelling adventurer who helps the forces of Order wherever he finds them, despite the Order of Azyr trying to hunt him down for his extensive knowledge of the Age of Myth. In combat, he prefers to use his illusions do most of the actio



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