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My Empire army in 8th edition was a pretty solid tournament army and I knew at some point I was going to have to rebase it all. When the Shattered Dominion bases were released from GW I decided these would be perfect as a starting point. However there were a number of things I wasn't happy about. When I got the bases I started off by sanding and texturing sections, and also obscuring a lot of the skulls as they are a bit too flat and comical looking for my liking. Instead I glued actual resin skulls over the top of the moulded ones. I then undercoated the whole sprues with GW brown spray. 

Painting wise I just went over them fairly quickly, doing standard ground and metals. I used Blood for the Blood God mixed with nun oil in the cracks, and then added the GW tufts on the ground bits. The models themselves were just super glued in place. After this was done I had my first go at snowballing. I used the new Valhallan Blizzard paint from GW, which i just applied in scoops and brushed into piles and mounds. Its a very light paint so you can put it over the foliage and it looks like snow cover. One of the things that I have always found odd about snow on miniatures is how you apply it - do you do it all over the base, or is it just random melting clumps? I tried to do something in between, so once the whole thing had dried I got some Secret Weapon Mini crushed glass and  mixed it with water effects to create quite a runny mixture. I then painted this all over the snow and remaining base to make it sparkle and look more like a melted snow effect.

I like how it has worked out, but I'd be interested in other peoples thoughts.  



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Great looking freebuild figures. I am in the process of adding similar forces to my Stormcast army, but so far have not gone very far.

Well done - and thanks for sharing :)

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They look fantastic Steve! I love the basing, but I would say you probably didn't need to use the new bases, as the addition of snow, tufts and skulls on top pretty much conceals everything underneath :) 

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On 02/11/2016 at 7:09 AM, bottle said:

They look fantastic Steve! I love the basing, but I would say you probably didn't need to use the new bases, as the addition of snow, tufts and skulls on top pretty much conceals everything underneath :) 

Thats a fair point! Hadn't really considered that :D

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