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Miniatures from 6th Edition (released 2004)

Duke of Gisoreux


 The Fey Entchantress and the King of Bretonnia


Bretonnian Lords


Battle Standard Bearers


Damsel / Prophetess


Knights Errant




Knights of the Realm




Questing Knights




Grail Knights




Pegasus Knights









Peasant Bowmen





Grail Reliquae



Battle Pilgrims







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I didn't know there was other variants of Questing Knights in 6th Ed! I have the 5 that come in the standard QK box but where do the other 3 come from? The ones i'm talking about are the flat top helmet guy, the guy with chainmail over his head, and the guy in the middle of the 2nd pic of Questing Knights. The same goes for the Grail Knights i didn't know there was more variants past the 5 that come in their box as well.

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On 7/23/2020 at 1:28 PM, Bronze Anvil said:

I didn't know there was other variants of Questing Knights in 6th Ed! I have the 5 that come in the standard QK box but where do the other 3 come from? The ones i'm talking about are the flat top helmet guy, the guy with chainmail over his head, and the guy in the middle of the 2nd pic of Questing Knights. The same goes for the Grail Knights i didn't know there was more variants past the 5 that come in their box as well.

The questing knights had 9 varieties, 5 from the box set, and 4 that were blister pack exclusives. The 4 are often referred to as the scroll knight(has scroll on shield) the book knight(holy book on his sword) the chef knight(flat helmet with open face, has cooking gear visible in his pack), and leftie

the grail knights have 7 variant upper bodies, the musician, the dragon crest, pegasus crest, pheonix crest, lion crest, winged lady crest, and lady statue with candles crest. The candle knight is the one that was hard to find, and he was a blister pack exclusive too.

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Thanks for the clarification @Mwatts25. After looking at my questing knight collection i see that I'm missing Book Knight and Leftie; also missing the Pegasus and Candles crest grail knights.  Would you happen to know the best place to look into buying any of the missing knights that i don't have in my collection? I usually check eBay but it can be difficult to find questing knights or grail knights exclusive to blister packs with how the quality of some listing images can look like. Also was the Pegasus crest grail knight a blister pack exclusive as well? Because I do see him on the cover art for the 5-pack box of grail knights but I never got him in my box (got the dragon crest knight instead) :/

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On 1/10/2021 at 10:03 PM, Bronze Anvil said:

Thanks for the clarification @Mwatts25. After looking at my questing knight collection i see that I'm missing Book Knight and Leftie; also missing the Pegasus and Candles crest grail knights.  Would you happen to know the best place to look into buying any of the missing knights that i don't have in my collection? I usually check eBay but it can be difficult to find questing knights or grail knights exclusive to blister packs with how the quality of some listing images can look like. Also was the Pegasus crest grail knight a blister pack exclusive as well? Because I do see him on the cover art for the 5-pack box of grail knights but I never got him in my box (got the dragon crest knight instead) :/

Ive been sifting through eBay for quite a long time, and leftie is probably the easiest to find, last time I checked there were 3 of them available on there. Book knight is the hardest questing knight to find, and typically the priciest, I lucked out with mine with someone who mislabeled it and didn’t know its value. 

Pegasus grail knight is typically in the 5 pack box, they typically included 6 torsos with 5 legs. If you got yours on ebay or used from a store, they likely kept the pegasus knight or lost it before selling it. The candle knight is the hardest one to find of all 4 of the ones you mentioned. I haven’t seen one in months. (edit: just got one on ebay for a ridonkulous low price)

besides ebay, i would check smaller hobby outlets that no longer have games workshop agreements, they might still have some of the old blisters, especially if they dont have a webstore(thats how i got the chef). Another thing to look at is used mini vendors at conventions(if they ever open again in covid world).

Edited by Mwatts25
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