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As the title suggests, I am going to post pictures of my Bretonnian miniature collection which is going to be actually every single one that Games Workshop / Citadel has ever released. It now follows a brief introduction as it also can be found on my own website.

How I came to collect Bretonnians?

Through a friend I met in 1994 Warhammer Fantasy. At that time was just the 4th Edition to date. Such a game (tabletop) I didn't know by then, but I was very interested in fantasy and had some experience with RPGs. I was immediately excited about it and got the 4th edition boxed set. The miniatures contained (High Elves and Goblins) didn't please me at all. My interest was from the beginning especially one: knights!

Thus I came to build my army of the Empire, because there were some nice knight models (Reiks Guard, Knights of the White Wolf, Knights Panther) and gave me the background otherwise mostly liked (there was already an army book available). It just bothered me that there were so many gunpowder-based war machines which in my opinion did not fit for knights. But you don't have to use them if you don't like (I've only used a great cannon sometimes). So I played quite successfully for about two years with my Empire army, until the 5th Edition was released and thus changed everything: suddenly the Bretonnians as we know them today appeared on stage and I was highly enthusiastic!

The background of the Bretonnians was exactly what I was looking for. And the best part: It's all about knights! The fact that the Bretonnians had not a single war machine didn't bother me in the slightest, quite the opposite. For me, it was immediately clear: In the future I would only play Bretonnians. So I started to build my Bretonnian army. I was extremely successful with Bretonnians as the army book of the 5th edition was admittedly very strong.

That went up to the appearance of the 6th Edition, with which the game was turned around completely, which did not please me. Above all, there was initially no valid army book for the Bretonnians and the list from the booklet "Ravening Hordes" was anything but edifying. Since most of my friends had already lost interest in Warhammer, other private interests came to the fore and I laid the game temporarily back on the shelf.

It was not until 2007, when already the 7th Edition was current, I took my army once again emerged from obscurity. In no time the interest came back and I tried as soon as possible to make up for missed connections. All my Bretonnian miniatures dated from the 5th edition, but the new miniatures from the 6th Edition I really liked. Since then I started collecting Bretonnians and now I own all the Bretonnian miniatures that were ever released. Even the oldest Bretonnian models that appeared in 3rd edition I own all (Note: During the 4th edition (ie 1992-1996) no Bretonnian models were released). Before the 3rd edition there were no models explicitly labeled as Bretonnians, but only miniatures representing Humans (Fighter) which could be used more or less for Empire, Bretonnian or Dogs of War armies.

Since the whole collection has been getting bigger and bigger, I had the idea to launch a Bretonnian miniature archive as it didn't exist in this form. I posted the miniature archive on the Roundtable of Bretonnia but as the forum is discontinued after Dec 31st 2018, I decided to post it here.

Entries in this blog

Prince Rodrik's Band of Questing Knights

I am proud to present you one of my greatest treasures:  Prince Rodrik's Band of Questing Knights Yes, you can trust your eyes. These are the original miniatures (well at least 6 of 8 ) from the Battle Report "The Folly of Prince Rodrik" from White Dwarf No. 305 (pages 34-47). I bought them directly from GW employee Andrew Hoare, who built and painted 4 of them. He put the knights on eBay in August 2011, but just listed them as "Unique painted and converted Bretonnian foot knights". I

Duke of Gisoreux

Duke of Gisoreux

Comparison between different editions

I made some pictures that show similar miniatures from different editions for comparison.   The following picture is a comparison between Knights Errant and their former equivalents. On the left is a Feudal Knight from 1987 (2nd edition) from the "F7 Feudal Cavalry" series. The whole model including the horse is made from metal. The model is in 25 mm scale and even for that the horse looks very small. The second from the left is a Chevalier Rampant from 1989 (3rd edition). He

Duke of Gisoreux

Duke of Gisoreux

Miniatures from 3rd Edition (released 1987-1991)

As far as I know no Bretonnian miniatures were released during 4th edition (1992-1996). Many 3rd edition models, but not all, are found in the 1991 Citadel Catalogue (also called Red Catalogue). There are also many 2nd edition models shown in this catalogue so it is intended not to show them together with 3rd edition models here. I found many models that are not shown or named in any publication (catalogue, White Dwarf). So I can't be completely sure if there are more unlisted models. It wo

Duke of Gisoreux

Duke of Gisoreux

Miniatures from 5th Edition (released 1996-1999)

King of Bretonnia   The Brigands of Bergerac: Bertrand le Brigand, Hugo le Petit and Gui le Gros   The Fey Enchantress and the Green Knight   Baron Odo d'Outremer and Suliman le Saracen   Jules le Jongleur and Tristan le Troubadour   Repanse de Lyonesse and the limited Bretonnian General (I put him on the same horse as Repanse as I think it suits him better).   Bretonnian Hero on Pegasus   Mo

Duke of Gisoreux

Duke of Gisoreux

Miniatures from 6th Edition (released 2004)

The Fey Entchantress and the King of Bretonnia   Bretonnian Lords   Battle Standard Bearers   Damsel / Prophetess   Knights Errant   Knights of the Realm   Questing Knights   Grail Knights   Pegasus Knights     Men-At-Arms   Peasant Bowmen   Grail Reliquae   Battle Pilgrims

Duke of Gisoreux

Duke of Gisoreux

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