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Building a Skaven Army: Clan Moulder



Building a Skaven List

Clan Moulder


Rats on rats. Moudler is the Skaven clan characterised by two things; the massive weight of monsters and numbers it can bring to the table, and the staple reliance it’s players have on Forgeworld. A cursory look at the Moulder GW line will give you an entire Online Order Only army, most of which has lacklustre rules. Fortunately, daddy Forgeworld has our back. Brood Horrors and Wolf Rats are massively underutilized Skaven units but are both absolutely fantastic units, and very strong in the current meta.


Building a Better Rat

Moulder have no battalions since the gutting of the clawpacks, and no allegiance abilities either. This means we’re going high drop counts, and we’re going in with one artefact. A Moulder list hinges on it’s Packmasters, a specialized hero who provides a swathe of buffs to nearby Moulder monsters. He can whip a nearby unit to make it charge further and hit harder, and Moulder units near him double their bravery during the battleshock phase. Their battleline options are the cheap swarms of Giant Rats that get better the more there are, and the hard hitting Rat Ogors.


Go Big or Go Home

You have 4 behemoth slots at 2k games, and we need to fill all 4. The best unit for the job is the Brood Horror, a Forgeworld warscroll who boasts an impressive combat profile and the ability to heal itself for d3 wounds every turn. The Hellpit Abomination is also a contender for this slot, but their higher points cost, lack of durability and random modifiers tend to make them subpar compared to the Brood Horror. You’ll need speedy units for objectives, and again Forgeworld provides with the Wolf Rats. These fast moving units hit hard on the charge and are great targets for Packmaster buffs. The final piece of the puzzle is something that can tie the enemy up and keep them from counter-charging your Horrors and Wolves, and what better for this than massive units of Giant Rats. Their stats decline horrifically as they lose models, but at their best these things will slam hard into enemy infantry.


Imperfect Monsters

The army’s weaknesses lie in it’s vulnerability to battleshock and bravery shenanigans, it’s lack of wizards and absence of reliable shooting. Strong units to ally can be the Verminlord Corruptor, who’s command ability will aid your army while also providing a valuable wizard, and the Gutter Runners of Eshin who flank behind your horde and harass support heroes. Pestilens Plague Priests can buff the army’s wound rolls and allow rerolls to wound, making Giant Rats and Wolf Rats even more lethal on impact.


The Horde Unleashed

Here I’ve constructed a list designed to capitalize on the impact of the army. Given the enemy will be deciding who goes first more than likely, the best case scenario is going second and setting up a double turn. Praying for Wither on the enemy and then hitting them with the Giant Rats, as well as flashing the same enemy with the Plague Tome, will ensure the Giant Rats annihilate the front row. This leaves the Brood Horrors free to advance and take hit buffs from the Packmasters.


Allegiance: Moulder

Packmaster (60)
- Herding Whip & Blade
- Trait: Malicious Conqueror
- Artefact: Crown of Conquest
Packmaster (60)
Herding Whip & Blade
Packmaster (60)
Herding Whip & Blade
Verminlord Corruptor (220)
Plague Priest with Plague Censer (80)
Plague Priest with Plague Censer (80)

40 x Giant Rats (200)
40 x Giant Rats (200)
10 x Giant Rats (60)
10 x Giant Rats (60)

10 x Wolf Rats (200)
10 x Wolf Rats (200)

Brood Horror (160)
Brood Horror (160)
Brood Horror (160)

Total: 1960 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 0
Allies: 380 / 400
Wounds: 195

This is one hell of a lot of bodies. Hit up your local Pestilens player for their spare decorative rats to get a lot of Giant Rats quickly. Purchase a can of Mournfang Brown and a small bucket of Agrax Earthshade. And finally, develop both an intimate understanding of the British Pound exchange rate and the virtue of patience as you deal with our Forgeworld Overlords.

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Loving this series, spent a lot of time theoryhammering latelt and you're opening my eyes to new units

Those Wolf Rats look sneaky good, and you could probably do some nice Dire Wolves conversions to save money and avoid resin. Seems like Plague Priests are a core of a lot of comp Skaven lists for those Wound buffs

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7 hours ago, Lord_Skrolk said:

Loving this series, spent a lot of time theoryhammering latelt and you're opening my eyes to new units

Those Wolf Rats look sneaky good, and you could probably do some nice Dire Wolves conversions to save money and avoid resin. Seems like Plague Priests are a core of a lot of comp Skaven lists for those Wound buffs

agreed, the forgeworld models are gorgeous but resin is a pain. Yeah Plague Priests are just super flexible, the way their buff works means any army can make use of it.

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Very Intresting read you have given me some food for thought as moulder might be the next 2000pts chunk I paint of my skaven (I have over 20000pts of skaven ) only thing I can see wrong is the verminlord has to be the general to use his command ability 

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1 hour ago, Oldmanlee said:

Very Intresting read you have given me some food for thought as moulder might be the next 2000pts chunk I paint of my skaven (I have over 20000pts of skaven ) only thing I can see wrong is the verminlord has to be the general to use his command ability 

good eyes my friend, I have trouble remembering these things as they never used to be relevant. In that case I would drop 60 points of giant rats and sub in the Verminlord Warpseer 

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